Activity Description. Goods receipt and Stock Raw Material Pharmacy employee receives drugs in original packaging from the wholesaler/vendor. All drug packages intended for unit dose production are to be stored in an automated pack dispensing system which registers the drugs into the Contracting Authority’s ERP system (SAP). The offered solution must be integrated with the Contracting Authority’s ERP system for information about stock level of drugs intended for unit dose production. Drug Preparation Pharmacy employee prepares the drugs for unit dose production in conformance with national and internal guidelines, and according to the offered solutions requirements for drug preparation. Find the Contracting Authority’s requirements regarding the drug preparation process in K Appendix 1, Chapter 2 “Drug preparation”.
Activity Description. Purchase and demolish foreclosed houses that are blighted and are located in areas of low-to-moderate income as defined by the 2000 census. Once the houses are demolished, land bank, the land for future use to be defined within the 10-year timeframe provided by NSP program regulations/guidelines.
Activity Description. The Hirer warrants and agrees that the Activity is accurately described in the Agreement and has been accurately described to the Council during any pre-contractual correspondence and negotiations. Should the Hirer wish to change any details about the Activity, this will be subject to the Council’s prior consent and the Council may impose further charges, terms, and/or conditions before accepting any proposed changes.
Activity Description. Where the Council makes a decision in relation to actions that may affect the Grey-headed Flying-fox and its habitat and the Council decides to apply the FFMP, it must: act in accordance with the FFMP; and impose the relevant mitigation standards described in the EPBC Act Flying-fox Guidelines. The Council and the Department will also pursue a range of actions at Batemans Bay, NSW, to support the conservation and recovery of the Grey‑headed Flying-fox, either independently or in collaboration. The Council must: deliver the following benefits by implementing the conservation management actions (however described) in the FFMP: enhanced habitat for biodiversity reduced impacts to flying-foxes regional conservation of flying-foxes and their ecosystem services reduced impacts to people living near a flying-fox camp improved public perception of flying-foxes consult with the Department on any proposed amendments to the Class of Actions identified in the FFMP and obtain the approval of the Minister before incorporating those amendments into the FFMP; undertake monitoring of the Grey-headed Flying-fox camp as set out in the FFMP; support quarterly surveys by NSW OEH of the Grey-headed Flying-fox for the National flying-fox monitoring program; and participate in research to improve knowledge of Grey-headed Flying-fox ecology. The Department will: finalise and publish the National Recovery Plan for the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Both Council and the Department must: develop and publish information to improve community understanding of, and capacity to manage the Grey-headed Flying-fox and its habitat. Council and the Department will pursue options for: supporting research into the ecology and management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox; and identifying and promoting the protection of key foraging and roosting habitats used by the Grey-headed Flying-fox. The Class of Actions is any action in relation to the management of Grey-headed Flying-fox and its Habitat: that is identified in the FFMP; and that is carried out in accordance with the mitigation standards described in Part 3 of the EPBC Act Flying-fox Guidelines. Note: If Council wishes to undertake actions that fall outside the Class of Actions described above, Council should consider the need to refer the actions to the Department for a decision under the EPBC Act. Pursuant to section 306A of the EPBC Act and subject to clause 4(a), the Minister declares that actions in the Class of Actions do not require approval und...
Activity Description. Normal tutorial one hour of delivery and two hours of associated non-contact duties. Normal tutorial (performs subject coordination or possesses PhD qualification) one hour of delivery and two hours of associated non-contact duties where the Staff Member holds a relevant doctoral qualification or where full subject coordination duties are included as part of normal duties. Repeat tutorial one hour of delivery and one hour of associated non-contact duties. The hourly rate for a repeat tutorial applies to a second or subsequent delivery of substantially the same tutorial in the same subject matter within a period of seven days. Repeat tutorial (performs subject coordination or possesses PhD qualification) one hour of delivery and one hour of associated non-contact duties where the Staff Member holds a relevant doctoral qualification or where full subject coordination duties are included as part of normal duties. The hourly rate for a repeat tutorial applies to a second or subsequent delivery of substantially the same lecture in the same subject matter within a period of seven days.
Activity Description. Basic lecture one hour of delivery and two hours of associated non-contact duties. Repeat lecture one hour of delivery and one hour of associated non-contact duties. The hourly rate for a repeat lecture applies to a second or subsequent delivery of substantially the same lecture in the same subject matter within a period of seven days. Developed lecture * one hour of delivery and three hours of associated non-contact duties. Specialised lecture * one hour of delivery and four hours of associated non-contact duties *Appointment at Developed or Specialised Lecture rate requires approval by the Executive Xxxx or Delegate
Activity Description. (a) Where the Council makes a decision in relation to actions that may affect the Grey-headed Flying-fox and its habitat and Council decides to apply the RFFMP, it must:
(i) act in accordance with the RFFMP; and
(i) impose the relevant mitigation standards described in the EPBC Act Flying-fox Guidelines.
(b) Council and the Department will also pursue a range of actions in the Sunshine Coast LGA to support the conservation and recovery of the Grey-headed Flying-fox, either independently or in collaboration.
(i) Council will:
(A) implement conservation strategies detailed in the RFFMP, including: o identification, protection and enhancement of additional foraging habitat; o provision of additional, low conflict roost opportunities; and o undertaking works to enhance key existing roost habitats.
(B) identify and where possible prevent future residential/flying fox land use conflict issues through the use of planning instruments such as development buffers;
(C) undertake monthly monitoring of the Grey-headed Flying-fox population and publish relevant information from those assessments for the purposes of supporting research and greater understanding of Grey-headed Flying-fox ecology;
(D) conduct quarterly surveys of the Grey-headed Flying-fox and its habitat and provide the findings to the National flying-fox monitoring program; and
(E) participate in research to improve knowledge of Grey-headed Flying-fox ecology.
(ii) The Department will:
(A) develop, finalise and publish the National recovery plan for the Grey-headed Flying-fox.
(iii) Both Council and the Department will:
(A) develop and publish information to improve community understanding of, and capacity to manage the Grey-headed Flying-fox and its habitat.
(iv) Council and the Department will pursue options for:
(A) supporting research into the ecology and management of the Grey-headed Flying-fox; and
(B) identifying and promoting the protection of key foraging and roosting habitats used by the Grey-headed Flying-fox.
Activity Description. (not to exceed fifteen working days);
Activity Description. As more fully described in Exhibit B, “Project Description and Budget,” attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Agreement, Subrecipient agrees to provide <DESCRIPTION>
Activity Description. CPLC will develop, implement and deliver a Pandemic Small Business Assistance Program, with a goal to minimize the closure of previously successful microenterprise businesses in Glendale and will xxxxxx the development, support, and expansion of these businesses during the pandemic times in a manner satisfactory to the City and consistent with the funding conditions including CDBG, CARES Acts, OMB and