Advance Notice of. The employer shall notify an employee, as per Labour Standards, prior to the effective date of layoff. If the employee has not had the opportunity to work the days as provided in this Article, shall be paid for the days for which work was not made available.
Advance Notice of. The Board shall notify, by double registered letter, or by hand delivery regular employees who are to be laid off by thirty (30) calendar days prior to their effective date of layoff. Copies of layoff notices to employees shall be forwarded to the president of the Union at the same time the notice is sent to the employee who is to be laid off, If the employee has not had an opportunity to work the days as provided in this Article shall be paid for the days for which work was not made available.
Advance Notice of. The Employer shall notify employees who are to be laid off ten (10) days before the lay-off is to become effective. If the employee laid off has not had the opportunity to work ten (10) full days after notice of lay-off, then he shall be paid in lieu of work for that portion of the ten (10) days during which work was not made available to him. New permanent employees shall not be hired until those permanent employees laid off have been given an opportunity of recall.
Advance Notice of. The Employer shall notify full-time employees and regularly scheduled part-time employees who are to be laid off fourteen
Advance Notice of. The shall notify the employees who are to be laid off one (1) month in advance of such layoff with a copy to the Union.
Advance Notice of. Unless legislation is more favourable to the employees, the Employer shall notify employees who are to be laid off ten (10) working days for full time employees or ten calendar days for part time employees, prior to the effective date of lay-off. If the employee has not had the opportunity to work the days as provided in this article, shall be paid for the days for which work was not made available. The Employer agrees that it will discuss with the Union and the employees a scheduled lay-off prior to its implementation and that it will use every reasonable effort to assist employees affected by a lay-off to find alternative employment. An employee on lay-off shall not lose recall rights if, when recalled for a period of eight (8) weeks or less, refuses to return to work.