Examples of Alternative Employment in a sentence
Alternative Employment While on an unpaid leave of absence, you may not work or be gainfully employed either for yourself or others unless express, written permission to perform such outside work has been granted by the Company.
During the Redeployment Period, the University is entitled to offer by written notice to the Redeployee, Suitable Alternative Employment.
Alternative Employment: No employee, while on leave of absence, shall work or be gainfully employed either for himself, herself, or others unless express, written permission to perform such outside work has been granted by the Company.
If no Suitable Alternative Employment is immediately available, the Redeployee will undertake, for the duration of the Redeployment Period, the work required of any appointment to suitable non-continuing position or any work commensurate with their skills and abilities as directed by their Line Manager.
BLS, “Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements, February 2005,” July 27, 2005, at http://www.bls.gov/news.release/conemp.nr0.htm.