Monitoring Services IDT staff shall, using methods that include face-to-face and other contacts with the member, monitor the services a member receives. This monitoring shall ensure that: a. The member receives the services and supports authorized, arranged for and coordinated by the IDT staff; b. The services and supports identified in the MCP as being provided by natural and community supports are being provided; and c. The quality of the services and supports received is adequate and still necessary to continue to meet the needs and preferences of the member and support the member’s outcomes identified in the MCP.
Collection Services General 5-1 5.02 Solid Waste Collection 5-1 5.03 Targeted Recyclable Materials Collection 5-3
Engineering Services Definition: Engineering Services includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning and designing, engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Xxxxxx Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Engineering Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials 3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering 4. Configuration Management 5. Concept Development
Contract Monitoring The criminal background checks required by this rule shall be national in scope, and must be conducted at least once every three (3) years. Contractor shall make the criminal background checks required by Paragraph IV.G.1 available for inspection and copying by DRS personnel upon request of DRS.
Program Monitoring The Contractor will make all records and documents required under this Agreement as outlined here, in OEC Policies and NHECC Policies available to the SRO or its designee, the SR Fiscal Officer or their designee and the OEC. Scheduled monitoring visits will take place twice a year. The SRO and OEC reserve the right to make unannounced visits.
Professional Services Fees You agree to pay us the professional services fees in the amounts set forth in the Investment Summary. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicing and Payment Policy. You acknowledge that the fees stated in the Investment Summary are good-faith estimates of the amount of time and materials required for your implementation. We will bill you the actual fees incurred based on the in-scope services provided to you. Any discrepancies in the total values set forth in the Investment Summary will be resolved by multiplying the applicable hourly rate by the quoted hours.
Financing Services The Manager shall: (i) identify and evaluate potential financing and refinancing sources, engaging a third party broker if necessary; (ii) negotiate terms of, arrange and execute financing agreements; (iii) manage relationships between the Company and its lenders, if any; and (iv) monitor and oversee the service of the Company’s debt facilities and other financings, if any.
Billing Services 6 SECTION 3.01.
Ongoing Services It is important to review every investment you hold and at regular intervals. At the time of, or prior to, our recommendation to you we will discuss our on-going service proposition. This is confirmed in our ‘service proposition and engagement’ document which will be sent to you separately from this agreement.
Administration Services When a medical prescription drug is administered by infusion, the administration of the prescription drug may be covered separately from the prescription drug. See Infusion Therapy - Administration Services in the Summary of Medical Benefits for benefit limits and the amount you pay. Prescription drugs that are self-administered are not covered as a medical benefit but may be covered as a pharmacy benefit. Please see Pharmacy Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies – Pharmacy Benefits section above for additional information. For some medical prescription drugs, after the first administration, coverage may be limited to certain locations (for example, a designated outpatient or ambulatory service facility, physician’s office, or your home), provided the location is appropriate based on your medical status. For a list of medical prescription drugs that are subject to this Site of Care Program, visit our website. Preauthorization may be required to determine medical necessity as well as appropriate site of care. If we deny your request for preauthorization, or you disagree with our determination for the appropriate site of care, you can submit a medical appeal. See Appeals in Section 5 for information on how to file a medical appeal.