Travel No expenses for travel will be reimbursed unless specifically authorized by this Contract. Permitted expenses will be reimbursed at the rate paid by the State and in accordance with the Budget Agency’s Financial Management Circular – Travel Policies and Procedures in effect at the time the expenditure is made. Out-of-state travel requests must be reviewed by the State for availability of funds and for conformance with Circular guidelines.
Lodging Board members should request conference rate or mid-fare room accommodations. A single room rate will be reimbursed. Board members should pay personal expenses at checkout. If that is impossible, deductions for the charges should be made on the expense form.
Meals Meals charged to the School District should represent mid-fare selections for the hotel/meeting facility or general area, consistent with the maximum allowable reimbursement amount set by the Board. Tips are included with meal charges. Expense forms must explain the meal charges incurred. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.