Reemployment Rights Sample Clauses
Reemployment Rights. Subject to the availability of a vacant position for which he/she is qualified, the laid off employee has the right to reemployment over outside candidates. Any employee who is laid off or retired in lieu of layoff, and is subsequently eligible for reemployment, shall be notified through certified mail by the District as to the date of the opening at his/her last address known to the District. The employee must respond in writing within seven (7) working days of issuance of the letter to be deemed to have declined the offer. Laid off employees are eligible for reemployment in the classification from which laid off for thirty-nine (39) months from the effective date of layoff and shall be employed in the reverse order of seniority. Their reemployment shall have preference over any other method of filling vacancies in classifications incurring layoff. An employee on a reemployment list shall be notified of promotional opportunities and shall be entitled to apply through the regular selection process. Regular employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time in lieu of layoff shall be reemployed in their former classification or to positions in the former classification with increased assigned time as vacancies become available, for a period of thirty-nine (39) months plus twenty-four (24) months. Employees who are demoted in lieu of layoff shall remain on the reemployment list until their rights are exhausted, or until they have regained the assignment from which they were laid off. Regular employees who are eligible and elect to retire under Section 21.4.4 shall then be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month reemployment list in accordance with this regulation. The District agrees that when an offer of employment is made to an eligible person retired under this regulation, and the District receives within ten (10) workdays a written acceptance of this offer, the retired person shall be allowed sufficient time to terminate his or her retired status with Public Employees Retirement System.
Reemployment Rights. Laid off persons are eligible for reemployment in the class from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff.
Reemployment Rights. Employees returning from military leave are entitled to reemployment rights if the following criteria are met:
a. Advance written notice of such military service is provided to the City;
b. The cumulative length of all absences from the City for reasons of military service does not exceed 5 years, unless otherwise provided for by law; and
c. The returning employee on active military duty for less than 31 consecutive days submits a written request for reemployment no later than the beginning of the first full regularly scheduled work period on the first full calendar day following the completion of military service; and no less than 14 days after the completion of service for an employee on active duty for more than 30 days but less than 181 days.
Reemployment Rights. 9.5.1 Laid off employees are eligible for reemployment in the classification from which laid off and have preferential reemployment rights to any available position for which they are qualified, for a thirty-nine (39) month period from the effective date of layoff and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff, as vacancies become available.
9.5.2 Laid off employees who, at the time of layoff, took voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time shall be, at the employee's option, returned to a position in their former classification or to a position with increased assigned time as vacancies become available and for a period of sixty-three (63) months from the effective date of layoff. Such employees shall be ranked in accordance with their seniority on the reemployment list(s).
9.5.3 An employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the District of opening(s) for which he or she is eligible. The notice shall be by certified mail to the last address of the employee on record with the District.
9.5.4 In addition to certified mail notice, the District may give notice by telephone or in person. If the position is refused, the District will confirm such refusal by letter to the employee. CSEA shall be given notice of all employees offered reemployment.
9.5.5 An employee who has received and declined three (3) offers of employment in the classification from which laid off with the same or more hours than held at the time of layoff, shall be removed from the reemployment list. However, the person shall be reinstated on the list by providing the District a written request within thirty-nine (39) months of layoff.
9.5.6 Within seven (7) calendar days of mailing the notice specified in Article 9.5.3 above, the employee must accept the position or the right to it is deemed waived.
9.5.7 The District may simultaneously send out notices of vacancy to more than one person on a reemployment list, provided that a more junior person may be given the vacancy only when those with more seniority have declined or waived it.
9.5.8 Any acceptance by such employee of an assignment to a classification with a salary range lower than the classification from which he or she was laid off or to the same classification but with fewer hours shall not affect his/her original thirty-nine (39) month rights to reemployment in his/her former classification with the same number of hours.
9.5.9 If the employee accepts...
Reemployment Rights. Permanent laid-off employees are eligible for reemployment in the classification from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff. Their reemployment shall take precedence over other employment in the Classifications affected by said layoffs.
Reemployment Rights. Laid off persons are eligible for reemployment in the class from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff. Such employees shall be reemployed in preference to new applicants. In addition, such laid off employees have the right to participate in promotional examinations within the District during the period of thirty-nine (39) months following layoff. An employee on a reemployment list shall be notified of promotional opportunities in accord with Article 9.1.
Reemployment Rights. A permanent worker who has been laid off or has taken a voluntary demotion or reduction in hours in lieu of layoff shall have reemployment rights for a period of 39 months from the date of layoff, voluntary demotion, or reduction in hours. A worker who takes a voluntary demotion in lieu of layoff shall be granted the same rights for reemployment in his/her former class as persons laid off but shall retain eligibility for reemployment in the former class for an additional twenty-four (24) months. The District shall offer such a worker any available position in a class or classes in which the worker had formally achieved permanency. The order of such offers shall be according to the seniority of all workers laid off in the class. A worker re-employed after layoff shall be fully restored to his/her class as a permanent worker (with all appropriate service credit and level of benefits) and to his/her former placement on the salary schedule, including earned awards. A probationary worker shall be required to serve the remaining months of probation in the new position.
Reemployment Rights. The President shall enter the names of the laid-off permanent employees on a reemployment list by class in order of seniority. An employee's name shall remain on the reemployment list until he/she returns to a position in the same class held at the time of layoff and at the same timebase as previously held. In no case shall a name remain on the reemployment list for more than five (5) years.
Reemployment Rights. Laid off Unit Members are eligible for reemployment in the classification from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff. Reemployment within the classification shall take precedence over any other type of employment, defined or undefined in this Agreement. In addition, such Unit Members shall have the right to apply for other employment opportunities within the filing period specified in Article 16 of this Agreement. A Unit Member on a reemployment list shall be notified of all employment opportunities. (See Education Code.)
Reemployment Rights. 11.6.1 The names of employees laid off shall be placed on a reemployment list in the reverse order of layoff. All employees laid off shall be placed on the reemployment list for not less than thirty-nine (39) months. Employees accepting demotion or voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of layoff shall be placed on the reemployment list for a total of sixty-three (63) months. Employees who take voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of layoff shall be, at the employee’s option, returned to a position in his/her former class or to positions with increased assigned time as vacancies become available, and without limitation of time. All such employees shall be ranked on the reemployment list in accordance with their seniority.
11.6.2 Reemployment shall be in reverse order of layoff.
11.6.3 An employee on a reemployment list may decline three (3) offers of reemployment in his/her former classification. After the third refusal, no additional offers need be made, except that an employee may, during the period of entitlement, notify the District in writing of availability and shall thereafter be entitled to offers of reemployment for the entire period his/her name is on the reemployment list. No employee shall be removed from the reemployment list prior to the times established in Article 11.6.1 above.
11.6.4 Previous employment with the District of employees on the reemployment list shall be considered as one of the factors for promotion over outside candidates if they have notified the Superintendent or his designee of an interest in the position.
11.6.5 Employees on a reemployment list shall be offered work as substitutes in that classification at the appropriate substitute rate, as established by the District. Such offers shall be made prior to considering all non-District persons.