ANTI-HARASSMENT (POLICY 5517) Sample Clauses

ANTI-HARASSMENT (POLICY 5517). It is the policy of the School Board to maintain an educational and work environment which is free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. This commitment applies to all School Corporation operations, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school property, or at another location if such conduct occurs during an activity sponsored by the Board. The Board will vigorously enforce its prohibition against harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other unlawful basis, and encourages those within the School Corporation community as well as third parties who feel aggrieved to seek assistance to rectify the problems. The Board will investigate all allegations of harassment and in those cases where unlawful harassment is substantiated, the Board will take immediate steps to end the harassment. Individuals who are found to have engaged in unlawful harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


  • Harassment Policy The Employer agrees to provide and promote a harassment free working environment. It is understood and agreed, that the exercising of normal Management rights shall not be considered as job harassment.

  • Sexual Harassment Policy The Contractor and all Subcontractors must have a written sexual harassment prevention policy addressing sexual harassment in the workplace and must provide annual sexual harassment training to all employees.

  • SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails.

  • Safety Policy The City agrees to maintain in safe working condition all facilities and equipment furnished by the City to carry out the duties of each bargaining unit position, but reserves the right to determine what those facilities and equipment shall be. The Association agrees to work cooperatively in maintaining safety in the Xenia/Xxxxxx Central Communications Center.

  • Workplace Harassment The Hospital and the Union are committed to ensuring a work environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as a “course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”, that denies individual dignity and respect on the basis of the grounds such as gender, disability, race, colour, sexual orientation or other prohibited grounds, as stated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. All employees are expected to treat others with courtesy and consideration and to discourage harassment. ref. Ontario Human Rights Code, Sec. 10(1). Harassment may take many forms including verbal, physical or visual. It may involve a threat, an implied threat or be perceived as a condition of employment. The Parties agree that harassment is in no way to be construed as properly discharged supervisory responsibilities, including the delegation of work assignments and/or the assessment of discipline. If an employee believes that she/he has been harassed and/or discriminated against on the basis of any prohibited ground of discrimination, there are specific actions that may be undertaken. The employee should request the harasser to stop the unwanted behaviour by informing the harassing individual(s) that the behaviour is unwanted and unwelcome. Should the employee not feel comfortable addressing the harasser directly, she/he may request the assistance of the manager or a Union representative. If the unwelcome behaviour was to continue, the employee will consult the Hospital policy on harassment and will be free to pursue all avenues including the complaint investigation and resolution. The Parties agree that an employee may have a representative of the Union with her/him throughout the process, if requested.

  • Harassment The Employer and the Union recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from harassment, including sexual harassment, as defined by the Employer’s harassment policy.

  • Privacy Policy The Provider must publicly disclose material information about its collection, use, and disclosure of Student Data, including, but not limited to, publishing a terms of service agreement, privacy policy, or similar document.

  • Privacy Policies Each party will make available a Privacy Policy that complies with Law. Xxxxxx’s Privacy Policy explains how and for what purposes Stripe collects, uses, retains, discloses and safeguards the Personal Data you provide to Stripe.

  • Employment Policies The employment relationship between the parties shall also be governed by the general employment policies and practices of the Company, including those relating to protection of confidential information and assignment of inventions, except that when the terms of this Agreement differ from or are in conflict with the Company’s general employment policies or practices, this Agreement shall control.

  • Alcohol Policy Where contractually bound, the employer will apply the Drug and Alcohol Management Program (DAMP) as contained at Appendix M.