MARC Records When applicable to the Licensed Materials, at Licensee’s request, Licensor shall provide full OCLC-quality batched sets of MARC records incorporating Licensee specifications at no additional cost by the date of the execution of this License Agreement. Updates to existing records and new title records, matching the schedule of release and delivery of new publications, will be provided on a mutually agreed-upon schedule and in a format that renders them useful to the Licensee and/or the Participating Institutions.
Public Records Taxpayer acknowledges that GO-Biz is subject to the California Public Records Act (PRA) (Gov. Code, § 6250 et seq.). This Agreement and materials submitted by Taxpayer to GO-Biz may be subject to a PRA request. In such an event, GO-Biz will notify Taxpayer, as soon as practicable that a PRA request for Taxpayer’s information has been received, but not less than five (5) business days prior to the release of the requested information to allow Taxpayer to seek an injunction. GO-Biz will work in good faith with Taxpayer to protect the information to the extent an exemption is provided by law, including, but not limited to, notes, drafts, proprietary information, financial information, and trade secret information. GO-Biz will also apply the “balancing test” as provided for under Government Code section 6255, to the extent applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GO-Biz agrees that any information provided to GO-Biz by the FTB, in connection with this Agreement will be treated as confidential tax information protected by Article 2 (commencing with Section 19542) of Chapter 7 of Part 10.2 of the RTC, assuming that FTB can rely on such a section and shall not be disclosed to any party, other than personnel of GO-Biz or the Committee, without Taxpayer’s prior written consent. Taxpayer acknowledges that this Agreement in whole or in part will be made available to the public at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the Committee hearing. Pursuant to RTC sections 17059.2 and 23689, in the event of approval by the Committee of this Agreement, Taxpayer acknowledges and agrees that GO-Biz will post on its website the following information: