Automotive Sector. Chinas has agreed to remove and phase out restrictive joint ven- ture requirements. The process of market access for new energy vehicles will be sim- plified.
Automotive Sector. For trade in automotive vehicles, the Parties shall comply with the provisions of Annex 3-15.
Automotive Sector. Trade in automotive goods covered by ACE 55 and its additional protocols shall be governed exclusively by the provisions of said instruments.
Automotive Sector. The United States, Canada, and Mexico may seek to negotiate new rules of origin to address modern developments in auto and auto parts manufacturing or to encourage more production in the North American auto manufacturing industry by raising the rules of origin requirement. NAFTA phased out Mexico’s restrictive auto decree and opened the Mexican auto sector to foreign investment from the United States. It liberalized North American auto trade and was instrumental in the integration of the North American auto industry. NAFTA phased out all U.S. tariffs on automotive imports from Mexico and Mexican tariffs on U.S. and Canadian products as long as they met the rules of origin requirements of 62.5% content for autos, light trucks, engines and transmissions; and 60% for all other vehicles and automotive parts.
Automotive Sector. The evaluation of the Supplier of Products destined to the Automotive sector is based on the following indicators: 2 CUSTOMER DISRUPTION, INCLUDING YARD HOLDS AND STOP SHIPS (RETURN FROM THE FIELD) No. of non conformity reports following Customer’s returns (NCR TYPE “R”) 3 DELIVERY SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE – ON TIME DELIVERY OCCURRENCES OF PREMIUM FREIGHT On Time Delivery In Full (OTIF) 5 FIELD RETURN No. of non conformity reports following CSL1, CSL2, CSL3, NBH status (NCR TYPE “S”) The Supplier of Products destined to Automotive sector shall take suitable actions as soon as possible, and however within such time as to not delay or prejudice the Supply, in order to reach the indicators minimum level required and yearly agreed with the Purchaser.
Automotive Sector. If there is a complaint about products delivered / services provided, the supplier shall provide REHAU with an initial written response with immediate measures for addressing the complaint without delay, at the latest within 24 hours following the notification by REHAU. The supplier shall provide REHAU with a written interim report at the latest after three working days in the form of an 8D report. Unless agreed otherwise in particular cases, the supplier provides a supplemental / final 8D report to REHAU latest two weeks following receipt of the complaint. In case of deadlines for written responses not being met by the supplier, REHAU reserves the right to undertake immediate actions (e.g. sorting or return of complained goods) even without the explicit agreement of the supplier in order to minimize potential consequential losses (e.g. line stoppage / production interruption, e.g. at the OEM).
Automotive Sector. Japan gained access to an amount equivalent to 5% of the Mexican domestic automotive market. Under the prior Mexican legal and regulatory framework for the promotion of the national automotive industry, approximately 3% of the Mexican domestic market was being imported tariff- free from Japan.
Automotive Sector. Article 10. imports of products included in annexes and N N or 4 or 5 originating in the signatory countries shall be released of taxes and restrictions from 1 January 1994. the marketing of these products, in the territory of the importing country shall be made without any restriction that taxes that each country applied internally.
Article 11. motor vehicles and transport of goods and persons referred to in the annex N or (4) shall be considered as originating in the signatory countries where the destination port CIF value of materials used in the assembly or assembling, originating in non-member countries of this Agreement does not exceed 60 per cent of the FOB value of exports of the vehicle. this percentage shall be calculated on the basis of the procedures established by the IMF.
Article 12. as regards the parties and spare parts for vehicles referred to in the preceding article specified in Annex N or 5 shall be governed by the rules of origin contained in this Agreement, and shall benefit from the provisions of article 10 of this chapter. The administrative commission established in article 33 of this Agreement is empowered to incorporate new products to annex N or 5.
Article 13. trade between signatory countries of the products covered by this chapter does not grant direct incentive or for export.
Automotive Sector. If products and/or services are used in the automotive sector, a certified quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 latest version is required for the supply chain. The requirements of IATF 16949 latest version also need to be considered in the supply chain. The supplier informs the responsible commercial specialist without delay in case of non-compliance or loss of the ISO 9001 certificate in the supply chain. Other automotive requirements will be stated in this quality assurance agreement below.
Automotive Sector. The mini-pilots from Bosch is about different types of switches and buttons which are typical sub-systems of the sector. Details about the mini-pilots are in Chapter 2 of our deliverable JD1 [ABB+09]. The following related material are available. • The model of the mini-pilot by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. [But09] They have been documented in the same chapter of the deliverable.