Award Administration Information Sample Clauses
Award Administration Information.
1. Award Notices Recipients will receive an electronic copy of the Notice of Award (NOA)
Award Administration Information.
1. Award Notices Recipients will receive an electronic copy of the Notice of Award (NOA) from CDC OGS. The NOA shall be the only binding, authorizing document between the recipient and CDC. The NOA will be signed by an authorized GMO and emailed to the Recipient Business Officer listed in application and the Program Director. Any applicant awarded funds in response to this Notice of Funding Opportunity will be subject to the DUNS, XXX Registration, and Federal Funding Accountability And Transparency Act Of 2006 (FFATA) requirements. Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification of these results by e-mail with delivery receipt or by U.S. mail.
Award Administration Information. Award recipients are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the grant/cooperative agreements and sub-award supported activities to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and that performance goals are being achieved. Recipient monitoring must cover each program, function, or activity.
Award Administration Information. A. Award Notices Applications recommended for funding by the selecting official will be forwarded to the NOAA Grants Management Division (GMD) by the Program Office. The applicant will be notified by the program office by email that their application was recommended for funding and remains under consideration. The applicant should be aware that the notification by the program office is not the official award notice and funding is not assured. Official notification happens only when the applicant receives an award notice from the Grants Officer electronically. The official notice of award is the Standard Form CD-450, Financial Assistance Award, issued by the NOAA Grants Officer Electronically through NOAA’s electronic grants management system, Grants Online. The CD-450 award cover page is available at xxxx:// The Internet Explorer browser should be used with Grants Online. The Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions will apply to awards in this program. A current version of this document is available at xxxx:// Commerce%20Standard%20Terms%20&%20Conditions%2031%20March%202017.pdf. These terms will be provided in the award package in Grants Online at xxxxx:// In addition, award documents provided by NOAA may contain Special Award Conditions limiting the use of funds for activities that have outstanding environmental compliance requirements and may lead to modification of the project’s scope of work. These special award conditions may also include other compliance requirements for the award and will be applied on a case-by-case basis. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review award documents carefully before accepting a Federal award to ensure they are fully aware of the relevant terms that have been placed on the award.
B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
1. Pre-Award Notice
2. Uniform Administrative Requirements The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) at 2 CFR Part 200, adopted by the Department of Commerce through 2 CFR 1327.101, applies to awards in this program. Refer to xxxx:// and xxxx://
3. Limitation of Liability
4. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Please review the NEPA information in Section IV.B.7. of this announcement.
5. Felony and Tax Certifications When applicabl...
Award Administration Information. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
Award Administration Information. A. Award Notices. B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements.
Award Administration Information. A. Award Notices Applications recommended for funding by the Selecting Official will be forwarded to the NOAA Grants Management Division by the Program Office. The applicant will be notified by the program office by email that their application was recommended for funding and remains under consideration. The applicant should be aware that the notification by the program office is not the official award notice and funding is not assured. Official notification happens only when the applicant receives an award notice from the Grants Officer electronically. The official notice of award is the Commerce Form 450 (CD-450), Financial Assistance Award, issued by the NOAA Grants Officer Electronically through NOAA’s electronic grants management system, Grants Online. Award documents provided by NOAA may contain special award conditions limiting the use of funds for activities that have outstanding environmental compliance requirements and may lead to modification of the project’s scope of work. These special award conditions may also include other compliance requirements for the award and will be applied on a case-by- case basis. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review award documents carefully before accepting a Federal award to ensure they are fully aware of the relevant terms that have been placed on the award.
Award Administration Information. 1. Award Notices Written notice of award will be given in conjunction with issuance of a cooperative agreement signed by a Grants Officer. The cooperative agreement will contain the effective date of the agreement, the period of performance, funding information, and all terms and conditions. The recipient is required to sign and return the document before work under the agreement commences. Work described in this announcement SHALL NOT begin without prior authorization from a Grants Officer.
2. Administrative Requirements The cooperative agreement issued as a result of this announcement is pursuant to the administrative requirements in 32 CFR 215 (A-110) (Universities, Hospital, Non-profit, or For -Profit)/OMB A-102 (Government Entity).
Award Administration Information. The successful awardee will coordinate project activities with the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area Wildlife Disease Coordinator. Award recipients are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the grant/cooperative agreements and sub-award supported activities to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements, and that performance goals are being achieved. Recipient monitoring must cover each program, function or activity. Award recipients are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the grant/cooperative agreements and sub-award supported activities to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements, and that performance goals are being achieved. Recipient monitoring must cover each program, function or activity.
Award Administration Information. Award Notices Successful recipients will receive a Notice of Award (NoA) from the CDC Office of Grants Services. The NoA shall be the only binding, authorizing document between the recipient and CDC. The NoA will be signed by an authorized Grants Management Officer and e-mailed to the program director. A hard copy of the NoA will be mailed to the recipient fiscal officer identified in the application. Unsuccessful recipients will receive notification of the results of the application review by mail. Administrative and National Policy Requirements Administrative and National Policy Requirements, Additional Requirements (ARs) outline the administrative requirements found in 45 CFR Part 75 and the HHS Grants Policy Statement and other requirements as mandated by statute or CDC policy. CDC programs must indicate which ARs are relevant to the NOFO. All NOFOs from the Center for Global Health must include AR-