Award Provisions Sample Clauses

Award Provisions. Clauses 8.2.2, 13.2 and 20.2.1 of the parent award shall not apply to employees working under this agreement.
Award Provisions. Signatories
Award Provisions. The Award may only be exercised in accordance with the terms of the Plan and the administrative procedures established by the Company and/or the Committee from time to time, and may be exercised at such times permitted by the Company in its sole discretion. The exercise of the Award is subject to the Grantee making appropriate tax withholding arrangements with the Company in accordance with the terms of the Plan and the administrative procedures established by the Company and/or the Committee from time to time. The Award is subject to adjustment in the event of certain changes in the capitalization of the Company, to the extent set forth in the Plan.
Award Provisions. The Option Award may only be exercised in accordance with the terms of the Plan and the administrative procedures established by the Company and/or the Committee from time to time and may be exercised at such times permitted by the Company in its sole discretion. The Option Award is subject to adjustment in the event of certain changes in the capitalization of the Company, to the extent set forth in the Plan.
Award Provisions. Each recipient and subrecipient agreement shall: (1) Clearly specify deliverables and the basis for payment; and (2) In the case of awards to subrecipi- ents, contain clauses that provide for: (i) Compliance with the JTPA regula- tions; (ii) Assurance of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity as found in 29 CFR 34.20, Assurance required; dura- tion of obligation; covenants. (3) In the case of awards to vendors, contain clauses that provide for: (i) Access by the recipient, the sub- recipient, the Department of Labor, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives to any books, docu- ments, papers, and records (including computer records) of the contractor or subcontractor which are directly perti- nent to charges to the program, in order to conduct audits and examina- tions and to make excerpts, xxxx- scripts, and photocopies; this right also includes timely and reasonable access to contractor’s and subcontractor’s personnel for the purpose of interviews and discussions related to such docu- ments; (4) In the case of awards to both sub- recipients and vendors, contain clauses that provide for: (i) Administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where con- tractors/subgrantees violate or breach agreement terms, which shall provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate; (ii) Notice of 29 CFR 97.34 require- ments pertaining to copyrights (agree- ments which involve the use of copy- righted materials or the development of copyrightable materials); (iii) Notice of requirements per- taining to rights to data. Specifically, the awarding agency and the Depart- ment of Labor shall have unlimited rights to any data first produced or de- livered under the agreement (agree- ments which involve the use/develop- ment of computer programs/ applica- tions, or the maintenance of databases or other computer data processing pro- gram, including the inputing of data); (iv) Termination for cause and for convenience by the awarding agency, including the manner by which the ter- mination will be effected and the basis for settlement; (v) Notice of awarding agency re- quirements and regulations pertaining to reporting; (vi) Audit rights and requirements; (vii) Payment conditions and deliv- ery terms; (viii) Process and authority for agreement changes; and (ix) Provision against assignment; (5) The Governor may establish addi- tional clauses, as deemed appropriate, for State and subrecipient procure- ment...
Award Provisions. The Administrator will determine the terms of all Awards, subject to the limitations provided herein, and shall furnish to each Participant an Award Agreement setting forth the terms applicable to the Participant’s Award. By entering into an Award Agreement, the Participant agrees to the terms of the Award and of the Plan, to the extent not inconsistent with the express terms of the Award Agreement. Notwithstanding any provision of this Plan to the contrary, awards of an acquired company that are converted, replaced or adjusted in connection with the acquisition may contain terms and conditions that are inconsistent with the terms and conditions specified herein, as determined by the Administrator.
Award Provisions. Introduction
Award Provisions. The Administrator will determine the terms and conditions of all Awards, subject to the limitations provided herein. No term of an Award shall provide for automatic “reload” grants of additional Awards upon the exercise of an Option or SAR. By accepting (or, under such rules as the Administrator may prescribe, being deemed to have accepted) an Award, the Participant will be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Award and the Plan. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, Substitute Awards may contain terms and conditions that are inconsistent with the terms and conditions specified herein, as determined by the Administrator.
Award Provisions. The provisions of this clause over-ride all of the provisions in the Award contained in clauses 18, 19 and 22.
Award Provisions. The Awards granted hereunder are subject to terms and conditions of the applicable Award Agreement and the terms and limitations provided herein. By accepting (or, under such rules as the Administrator may prescribe, being deemed to have accepted) an Award, the Participant agrees to the terms of the Award and the Plan.