Financial Services Article 116
Special Services Should the Trust have occasion to request the Adviser to perform services not herein contemplated or to request the Adviser to arrange for the services of others, the Adviser will act for the Trust on behalf of the Fund upon request to the best of its ability, with compensation for the Adviser's services to be agreed upon with respect to each such occasion as it arises.
Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service Any Telecommunications Service that Verizon provides at retail to subscribers that are not Telecommunications Carriers. The term “Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service” does not include any Exchange Access service (as defined in Section 3(16) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(16)) provided by Verizon.
Electric Service 1. The Authority shall make available Electric Service to enable the Customer to receive the Allocation in accordance with this Agreement, Service Tariff No. WNY-2 and the Rules. 2. The Customer shall not be entitled to receive Electric Service under this Agreement for any EP and/or RP allocation unless such EP and/or RP allocation is identified in Schedule A. 3. The Authority will provide, and the Customer shall accept and pay for, Electric Service with respect to the Allocation specified in Schedule A. If Schedule C specifies a Takedown Schedule for the Allocation, the Authority will provide, and the Customer shall accept and pay for, Electric Service with respect to the Allocation in accordance with such Takedown Schedule. 4. The Authority shall provide UCAP in amounts necessary to meet the Customer’s NYISO UCAP requirements associated with the Allocation in accordance with the NYISO Tariffs. The Customer shall be responsible to pay the Authority for such UCAP in accordance with Service Tariff No. WNY-2. 5. The provision of Electric Service associated with the Allocation is an unbundled service separate from the transmission and delivery of power and energy to the Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer’s local electric utility, not the Authority, shall be responsible for delivering the Allocation to the Facility specified in Schedule A in accordance with the applicable Utility Tariff(s). 6. The Contract Demand for the Customer’s Allocation may be modified by the Authority if the amount of Firm Power and Firm Energy available for sale as EP or RP from the Project is modified as required to comply with any ruling, order, or decision of any regulatory or judicial body having jurisdiction, including but not limited to FERC. Any such modification will be made on a pro rata basis to all EP and RP customers, as applicable, based on the terms of such ruling, order, or decision. 7. The Contract Demand may not exceed the Allocation. 8. The Customer’s Facility must be metered by the Customer’s local electric utility in a manner satisfactory to the Authority, or another metering arrangement satisfactory to the Authority must be provided (collectively, “Metering Arrangement”). A Metering Arrangement that is not satisfactory to the Authority shall be grounds, after notice to the Customer, for the Authority to modify, withhold, suspend, or terminate Electric Service to the Customer. If a Metering Arrangement is not made to conform to the Authority’s requirements within thirty
Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.
Public Service We contribute to the public health, safety and welfare of our customers and the state.
Data Services In lieu of any other rates or discounts, the Customer will receive a discount equal to 20% for the following Data Services: Access: Standard VBS3Guide local loop charges for DS-0, DS-1 and DS-3 Access Service.
Beta Services From time to time, We may invite You to try Beta Services at no charge. You may accept or decline any such trial in Your sole discretion. Beta Services will be clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, developer preview, non-production, evaluation or by a description of similar import. Beta Services are for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not considered “Services” under this Agreement, are not supported, and may be subject to additional terms. Unless otherwise stated, any Beta Services trial period will expire upon the earlier of one year from the trial start date or the date that a version of the Beta Services becomes generally available. We may discontinue Beta Services at any time in Our sole discretion and may never make them generally available. We will have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with a Beta Service.
CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Information Services The Custodian may rely upon information received from issuers of Securities or agents of such issuers, information received from Subcustodians or depositories, information from data reporting services that provide detail on corporate actions and other securities information, and other commercially reasonable industry sources; and, provided the Custodian has acted in accordance with the standard of care set forth in Section 6 (a), the Custodian shall have no liability as a result of relying upon such information sources, including but not limited to errors in any such information.