BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY FOR LAID OFF EMPLOYEES. Employees subject to layoff are eligible for benefits as specified under the terms and conditions of this Agreement (See Article 16, Vacation and Article 20, Insurance) and may be eligible for other benefits that may be offered to bargaining unit employees through special University programs to aid workers dislocated or in career transition due to layoff. (See MOU on Alternatives to Layoff.)


  • Maintaining Eligibility for Employer Contribution The employer's contribution continues as long as the employee remains on the payroll in an insurance eligible position. Employees who complete their regular school year assignment shall receive coverage through August 31.

  • Eligibility for Employer Contribution This section describes eligibility for an Employer Contribution toward the cost of coverage.

  • Benefit Eligibility For purposes of the Benefit Plan entitlement, common-law and same sex relationships will apply as defined.

  • Rehired Employees Amounts forfeited upon termination of employment because of the failure to meet the applicable vesting requirements shall not be reinstated or re-credited if an individual is subsequently rehired or re-employed by the School Corporation. However, if the board shall have approved a leave of absence of not more than one (1) fiscal year for an employee, such period of leave shall not result in forfeiture provided the employee shall promptly return to employment following the expiration of the period of leave.

  • Disabled Employees If an employee becomes disabled with the result that he is unable to carry out the regular functions of his position, the Hospital may establish a special classification and salary with the hope of providing an opportunity of continued employment.

  • Eligibility for Benefits 1. Sick Leave Bank benefits are available only when the member personally has a severe medical hardship (catastrophic illness or serious accident). 2. Benefits can be received only after all accumulated sick leave and vacation days have been exhausted. 3. Any member receiving Worker's Compensation or disability benefits shall not be eligible to receive benefits from the Sick Leave Bank. 4. A member who is on leave of absence, suspended, or terminated from the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education shall not be eligible for Sick Leave Bank benefits. 5. The form, entitled "Request For Sick Leave Benefits" and physician's statement are required before the SLB Review Committee will consider a request for benefits. The physician's statement shall include a history of the illness, date the illness began, a diagnosis and prognosis, and any other related information. 6. Approval by the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee is required prior to the receiving of benefits. 7. Normal pregnancies, childbirth, childcare, or child adoption shall not be considered as eligible reasons for Sick Leave Bank benefits. 8. A four (4)-member Sick Leave Bank Review Committee, consisting of two (2) members appointed by the President of the Association and two (2) appointed by the Superintendent, shall have the responsibility of receiving requests, verifying the validity of requests and approval or denial of requests. Any approval of a request must have the support of at least three (3) members of the committee Sick Leave Bank Review Committee. The Sick Leave Bank Review Committee shall develop its rules of procedure and shall give wide distribution to said rules upon approval of the President of the Association and the Superintendent.

  • Salaried Employees Employees who qualify for exemption from the Fair Labor Standards Act overtime provisions based upon duties and who are assigned to a class or pay grade, if the class has multiple pay grades, with a top step regular biweekly rate, without bonuses, above the top step regular biweekly rate for the class of Rehabilitation Project Coordinator II in Council-controlled departments, shall be treated as salaried employees, in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Salaried employees may be assigned 5/40, 4/10, 9/80 or other schedules at the discretion of Management. Notwithstanding any LAAC and MOU provisions, or other City department rules and regulations to the contrary, these employees shall not be required to record specific hours of work for compensation purposes, although hours may be recorded for other purposes. These employees will be paid the predetermined salary for each biweekly pay period, as indicated in the Appendices, and shall not receive overtime compensation. Salaried employees shall not be subject to deductions from salary or any leave banks for absence from work for less than a full workday. This provision applies to occasional partial day absences from work which are authorized by the appropriate supervisor designated by Management. This provision does not apply to long-term or recurring partial day absences (e.g., intermittent leave/reduced work schedule for purposes of Family/Medical Leave). Salaried employees shall not be subject to disciplinary suspension for a period of less than a workweek (seven days; half of the biweekly pay period) unless based on violations of a safety rule of major significance. This requirement shall be superseded by the revised Department of Labor FLSA regulations pertaining to disciplinary suspensions of FLSA- exempt employees on the operative date of the FLSA regulations. The appointing authority of each City department may grant time off for hours worked due to unusual situations.

  • Employee Eligibility For purposes of this section, “eligible employee” shall be defined by the Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act.

  • Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2

  • Newly Hired Employees All employees hired to an insurance eligible position must make their benefit elections by their initial effective date of coverage as defined in this Article, Section 5C. Insurance eligible employees will automatically be enrolled in basic life coverage. If employees eligible for a full Employer Contribution do not choose a health plan administrator and a primary care clinic by their initial effective date, and do not waive medical coverage, they will be enrolled in a Benefit Level Two clinic (or Level One, if available) that meets established access standards in the health plan with the largest number of Benefit Level One and Two clinics in the county of the employee’s residence at the beginning of the insurance year. If an employee does not choose a health plan administrator and primary care clinic by their initial effective date, but was previously covered as a dependent immediately prior to their initial effective date, they will be defaulted to the plan administrator and primary care clinic in which they were previously enrolled.