Board-Superintendent Relations. 4.1 The Superintendent will work with the Board in developing and maintaining a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in which the Board will accept responsibility for formulating and adopting policy and for taking action on matters which, by law, require Board action. Administrative responsibility and commensurate authority for administering the school system will be delegated by the Board to the Superintendent.
4.2 The Board recognizes that it is a collective body and each Board member recognizes that a Board member’s authority is derived from the collective deliberation and actions of the Board as a whole in a duly-constituted meeting. Except as permitted by Board bylaw, policies, protocols or other authority, individual Board members will not give direction to the Superintendent or any staff member regarding the management of the District or the solution of specific problems.
4.3 The Board, individually and collectively, will refer promptly to the Superintendent any criticism, complaint or suggestion brought to the attention of the Board or any member thereof, pursuant to Board bylaws and protocols. The Superintendent will keep the Board informed on actions taken by the Superintendent in connection with matters referred by the Board to the Superintendent for action. In addition to directing all complaints/criticisms/suggestions concerning the District or any of its personnel directly to Superintendent as set forth above, the Board agrees that it shall work with Superintendent in a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.
4.4 The Board shall provide the Superintendent with periodic opportunities to discuss Board-Superintendent relationships as they relate to the Board's governance and the effectiveness of the Superintendent's leadership. As a part of this process, when it is deemed necessary by either the Board or the Superintendent, the District will retain an outside advisor to facilitate this process.
4.5 The Board shall hold the Superintendent accountable to manage the District consistent with the approved policies and goals, which establish what the Board expects the District and the schools within the District to accomplish.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The Superintendent will work with the Board in developing and maintaining a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. The Board will accept responsibility for formulating and adopting policy and for taking action on matters which, by law, require Board action. Administrative responsibility and commensurate authority for administering the school system will be delegated by the Board to the Superintendent. Because the Board is a collective body and its power is derived from the collective deliberation and action of the Board as a whole in a duly constituted meeting, the Superintendent understands that she should not take directions regarding the management of the District or the solution of specific problems from any individual Board Member. The Superintendent shall be provided with periodic opportunities to discuss Board-Superintendent relationships as they relate to the Board’s productivity and the effectiveness of the Superintendent’s leadership. Any Board member approached directly by a person with a complaint should refer the complainant to the Superintendent or designee so that the problem may receive proper consideration and be handled through the appropriate district process. The Board shall hold the Superintendent accountable to manage the District consistent with the approved policies which establish the Board’s expectancies, with regard to what the Board expects the schools to accomplish. The Superintendent will be held responsible for establishing programs and services for managing the District to meet the Board’s expected outcomes in providing data from which the Board can evaluate the District’s achievements.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The parties acknowledge the importance of creating and projecting to students, staff, parents, and the community a positive and professional image of the Board, the Superintendent, and the District. Thus, to avoid damage to the Board’s and the Superintendent’s image and credibility, and as not to lessen each other’s ability to perform effectively, the parties agree to conduct the business of the District by communicating and interacting in a manner that is professional and respectful. Board concerns, criticisms and dissatisfaction with the Superintendent’s performance shall therefore be addressed through closed session discussions or via the evaluation process. Superintendent’s concerns, criticisms, and dissatisfaction with the Board shall likewise be addressed with professionalism and respect.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The members of the Board, individually and collectively, shall promptly refer all criticisms, complaints and suggestions called to their attention to the Superintendent for study and recommendation. The Superintendent shall investigate and respond to the Board concerning all such matters referred to him in a reasonable and timely manner. The Superintendent shall have the right to attend all Board meetings, public and closed, with the exception of closed meetings devoted to consideration of any action or inaction on the Superintendent's contract, salary, benefits, evaluation, interpersonal relationships between or among individual Board members or for any other reason as agreed upon between the parties.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The Superintendent will work with the Board to develop and maintain a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in which the Board will accept responsibility for formulating and adopting policy and for taking action on matters which, by law, require Board action. Administrative responsibility and commensurate authority for administering the school system will be delegated by the Board to the Superintendent. The parties agree to cooperate fully and to assist each other in satisfying these responsibilities. The Board recognizes it is a collective body and each Board member recognizes that his/her power as a Board Member is derived from the collective deliberation and acts of the Board as a whole in duly-constituted meetings. The Board shall promptly refer to the Superintendent all criticisms, complaints and suggestions brought to the attention of the Boards or any individual Board member.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The Superintendent will work with the Board in developing and maintaining a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in which the Board will accept responsibility for formulating and adopting policy and for taking action on matters which by law require Board action. Administrative responsibility and commensurate authority for administering the school system will be delegated by the Board to the Superintendent. The Board shall provide the Superintendent with periodic opportunities to discuss Board-Superintendent relationships. As a part of this provision, if deemed necessary by either the Board or Superintendent, an outside advisor may be retained to facilitate candid discussion and evaluation of Board- Superintendent relationships as they relate to the Board's productivity and the effectiveness of the Superintendent's leadership. It is agreed that the Board, individually and collectively, will refer promptly to the Superintendent, for study and recommendation, criticism, complaints, and suggestions brought to their attention.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The Superintendent shall work with the Board in developing and maintaining a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. The Board shall be responsible for formulating and adopting policy and for taking action on matters which, by law, require Board action. Administrative responsibility and commensurate authority for administering the school system will be delegated by the Board, as the Board deems appropriate, to the Superintendent.
Board-Superintendent Relations. 6.01. The Board/ Superintendent relations shall be governed by B/SR-1 through B/SR-4 of the District’s Coherent Governance policy, attached as Exhibit 1. The Board and the Superintendent shall meet annually to discuss and develop or review specific procedures for communications between the Board and the Superintendent. In addition, no later than September 1, 2020 the Board and the Superintendent shall meet to discuss and review the Annual Work Plan required by GC-6 of the District Coherent Governance policy to determine whether monitoring dates for the Annual Work Plan should be modified and to discuss and clarify expectations with regarding to the District’s Coherent Governance policy.
Board-Superintendent Relations. In order to enhance effective District governance through positive and productive Board-Superintendent relations, the Board and Superintendent shall address Board relations during the quarterly meetings described above, The Superintendent shall participate in the Board’s annual self -evaluation with the IASB, as directed by the Board. The Superintendent shall engage in other activities in this area that are deemed to mutually beneficial by the Board and the Superintendent.
Board-Superintendent Relations. The members of the Board, individually and collectively, shall promptly refer all criticisms, complaints and suggestions called to their attention to the Superintendent for study and recommendation. The Superintendent shall investigate and respond to the Board concerning all such matters referred to him in a reasonable and timely manner.