Superintendent or Designee. Any annual or probationary contract teacher whose position is eliminated, who would have been recommended for reappointment by his/her immediate supervisor, if an opening existed, shall be placed on a “Permitted Re-hire” list.
Superintendent or Designee. If the grievance is unsettled at Step 1, the aggrieved person’s Union Representative(s), may submit the grievance to the Superintendent or his/her Designee within seven (7) calendar days of the Step 1 answer or the date the answer was due. Within seven (7) calendar days of the grievance submission to Step 2, the Superintendent or his/her Designee shall schedule a meeting with the aggrieved person (optional) and Union Representative(s). The Superintendent or his/her Designee shall make a decision on the grievance and communicate it in writing to the aggrieved person’s Union Representative(s) within fourteen (14) calendar days of the Step 2 meeting date.
Superintendent or Designee. 1. Unit employees shall have the right to call upon any representative(s) to aid and assist in any level(s) of the grievance procedure. The grievant, his representative, and the Association shall have the right to be present at any and all levels.
2. Unit employees shall have the right to have all documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of the grievance kept separately from the personnel file of the grievant.
3. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken against any participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
4. The number of days of each level shall be considered a maximum except when extended in writing by mutual consent.
5. If the grievant does not file a grievance within fifteen (15) days after the act or condition on which the grievance is based, is known or should have known, the right to grieve such act or condition shall be considered waived.
6. Failure of the grievant to appeal a decision to the next level of the grievance procedure within five (5) days of receipt of the decision shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that level.
7. Failure at any step in this grievance procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time period shall permit the grievant to appeal to the next level in this procedure.
8. All meetings or conferences at Level I of the grievance procedure may be held during the regular bargaining unit employee workday at a time mutually agreed upon by the parties. All meetings at and after Level II of the grievance procedure shall be held after the regular employee workday, unless by mutual agreement of the parties, the meetings can be scheduled during the employee workday.
9. Nothing in this grievance procedure shall be interpreted as to limit or waive any rights or privileges granted to employees or the Association by Florida Statutes.
10. Association representatives will be entitled to inspect non-confidential data relevant to a grievance, and may request and receive copies thereof without charge up to a maximum of a total of ten (10) copies per grievance. Additional copies will be provided at cost.
Superintendent or Designee. If the grievance has not been resolved at Level 1 to the satisfaction of the grievant, he/she may appeal the decision to the Superintendent within twenty (20) days from receipt of such decision. The Superintendent shall meet with the grievant to discuss the grievance within ten (10) days from receipt of the written appeal and render a written decision within ten (10) days next following the meeting.
Superintendent or Designee. If the grievance remains unresolved at STEP 3, the Union may file the grievance in writing with the Superintendent or designee within fifteen (15) calendar days following date the response at STEP 3 was due or received, whichever is sooner. The Superintendent or designee shall respond within fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the appeal.
Superintendent or Designee. If efforts to resolve the complaint do not lead to understanding or resolution, the complainant may take his/her complaint to the Superintendent or Designee.
1. Starting with Step 2, a teacher shall be invited to any meeting held to discuss a complaint if the complainant is present.
2. The complainant and/or the teacher may be accompanied by no more than two (2) representatives of their choosing. Conferences regarding such complaints shall be private. A teacher may have up to ten (10) days to obtain a representative.
Superintendent or Designee. The purpose of this form is to appeal the grievance to Level II, Superintendent or Designee. The purpose of this form is to appeal the grievance to Step III, Arbitration. Does Not Meet: Performance fails to meet the stated criteria Needs Improvement: Demonstrates an inconsistency in meeting the stated criteria Meets Standard: Effectively meets the stated criteria Comments: Needs Improvement or Does Not Meet (Standard)
Superintendent or Designee. If no settlement has been reached in 26 Step 2, within the specified time limits, the Union representative may within 27 fifteen (15) working days, submit the written grievance to the Superintendent or
Superintendent or Designee. At the end of the school day, students without a way home shall be supervised by:
Superintendent or Designee. 13 5.3.3 If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Level I, he/she may, within ten (10) days, 14 appeal the decision on the appropriate form to the Superintendent or designee.
15 5.3.4 This statement shall be a copy of the original grievance, the decisions rendered, and a clear, 16 concise statement of the reasons for the appeal. Either the grievant or the Superintendent or 17 designee may request a conference with the other party within the above time limits.
18 5.3.5 The Superintendent or designee shall communicate his/her decision to the grievant within ten 19 (10) days. 20 Level III: Mediation
21 5.3.6 If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level II, the 22 Association may within ten (10) days request, in writing, to submit the grievance to mediation to