Budget and Staffing. Develop an annual operating budget and staffing recommendations, and monitor the expenditures at the direction of the Executive Board.
Budget and Staffing. Indicate below the requested information based on the subrecipient’s current fiscal year. Report the total budget available to the victim services program, by source of funding. Do not report the entire agency budget, unless the entire budget is devoted to victim services programs. For example, if VOCA funds are awarded to support a victim advocate unit in a prosecutor’s office, only report the budget for the victim advocate unit.
A. Total budget for all victimization programs and services $ The amount reported is for the current fiscal year. Include the subaward amount for this contract/grant.
B. Annual funding amounts allocated to all victimization programs and/or services for the current fiscal year State funds: $ Local funds: $ Other federal funds: $ Other non-federal: $ Identify by source the amount of funds allocated to the victimization programs/services budget of the subgrantee agency. DO NOT COUNT FUNDS IN MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY OTHER FEDERAL includes all federal funding except the subaward amount reported in Question 2.
C. Total number of paid staff for all subgrantee victimization program and/or services Total Paid Staff: Enter Whole Number Count each staff member once. Both full and part time staff should be counted as one staff member. DO NOT prorate based on FTE.
D. Number of staff hours funded through this VOCA award (plus match) for subgrantee’s victimization programs and/or services Number of Hours: Total COUNT of hours to work by all staff supporting the work of this VOCA subaward plus match.
E. Number of volunteer staff supporting the work of this VOCA award (plus match) for subgrantee’s victimization programs and/or services Volunteer Staff: Enter Whole Number COUNT each volunteer staff once. DO NOT prorate based on FTE.
F. Number of volunteer hours supporting the work of this VOCA award (plus match) for subgrantee’s victimization programs Number of Hours: Total count of hours to work xxxxx volunteers supporting the work of this VOCA subaward plus match.
Budget and Staffing. These services are provided by the special education coordinator/intervention specialist in the school’s early years. As enrollment increases, an additional intervention specialist will be added in the 2025–26 school year. As the school gets to full scale, additional intervention specialists will be added. ReGeneration’s Chicago campuses have two to four intervention specialists (special education teachers) for each middle school, depending on population size. ReGeneration typically provides some related services, such as social work and nursing, with full- time staff. Related services, such as speech, occupational, and physical therapies and school psychology are provided via contracted agencies. Budgeting for services is based on IEP minutes. Direct-service minutes, consultation minutes, evaluation time, and meeting time are taken into account when allocating service provider resources.