Question 2 definition

Question 2. We would greatly appreciate an two week extension until 27 August 2019 for the due date of this RFP to allow sufficient time to submit a compliant proposal. RESPONSE: The proposal due date has been extended. QUESTION #3: After requesting the TDP and looking through the files, it seems the following drawings are missing:
Question 2. What is your last name?
Question 2. Is it the intention of NSWC PHD to receive the production units (40 Wks) after the completion of First Article? Or to receive the required production units at the same time the First Article Unit is completed? In the event of the latter, shall the Offeror assume a waived First Article requirement or will the FAR 52.209-3 First Article Approval-Contractor Testing Alternate II (Sept 1989) be added to the solicitation to allow the contract to meet this requirement? RESPONSE: The contractor is required to deliver the first six production units under SLIN 0003AA at the same time the First Article Unit is delivered (i.e., 40 weeks ADC). The contractor shall deliver subsequent production units under SLIN 0003AA at a rate of six units per month (four weeks) until all of the quantities ordered under SLIN 0003AA have been delivered. For example, if the Government orders the maximum quantity of 54 production units under SLIN 0003AA, the contractor will be required to deliver the first six units within 40 weeks ADC, the second six units 44 weeks ADC, the next six units 48 weeks ADC, and so forth until all 54 units have been delivered. FAR 52.209-3 (Alternate I) has been removed and replaced with FAR 52.209- 3 (Alternate II). The contract awardee is authorized to commence production to the extent essential to meet the delivery schedules in accordance with FAR 52.209-3 (Alternate II). QUESTION #3: In regard to the base CLIN 0003AA, will the current delivery date (40 Wks. ADC) be adjusted to accommodate the required First Article Test Period and to allow adequate production time for the remaining units under the CLIN? RESPONSE: The contractor is required to deliver the first six production units under SLIN 0003AA at the same time the First Article Unit is delivered (i.e., 40 weeks ADC). The contractor shall deliver subsequent production units under SLIN 0003AA at a rate of six units per month (four weeks) until all of the quantities ordered under SLIN 0003AA have been delivered. For example, if the Government orders the maximum quantity of 54 production units under SLIN 0003AA, the contractor will be required to deliver the first six units within 40 weeks ADC, the second six units 44 weeks ADC, the next six units 48 weeks ADC, and so forth until all 54 units have been delivered. FAR 52.209-3 (Alternate I) has been removed and replaced with FAR 52.209- 3 (Alternate II). The contract awardee is authorized to commence production to the extent essential to meet the delivery ...

Examples of Question 2 in a sentence

  • Do not include grants submitted prior to the start date of the grant as shown in Question 2.

  • GUIDELINES: Question 2 addresses the presentation of expenditure by functional classification.

  • To make changes to this information, navigate to the Submission without Changes screen, select "Make Changes" in response to Question 2, and then check the box next each screen that requires a change to match the current grant agreement, as amended, or to account for a reallocation of funds.

  • For additional information on the 500 employee threshold, see Question 2.

  • Funding Plan – Question 2 – Response Begins Funding Plan – Question 2 – Response Ends 3.

More Definitions of Question 2

Question 2. With the new quantities in the Stepladder pricing schemes, we are respectfully requesting a three week extension from August 27th to September 17th. The reason for this request is that we will have to re-quote all sub parts with subs requited to ensure the best price to the Government. RESPONSE: The proposal due date has been extended to 10 September 2019 at 12:00 PM (Pacific). AMENDMENT 0007 Q&A Question #1: There are two missing/corrupt files we need for N6339419R0017. We respectfully request these drawings be added/re-published.
Question 2. Xxxx is working on a contract between the University and Samford (which is in Alabama). Samford has added the following provisions to the agreementThe University will hold Samford harmless for any financial harm arising from the agreement. ❑ The University agrees that all claims arising out of or related to the agreement will be governed and enforced by the laws of Alabama. How do you advise Xxxx?
Question 2. Does this mean that an employee is guaranteed a schedule change if less than the minimum interval between tours exists? Answer 2: No. The Company may change a schedule to allow for minimum increments consistent with the needs of the business and the seniority rights of other employees in the group.
Question 2. What is the proper pay treatment for an employee working a tour that is affected by the change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time? Answer 2: The change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time results in the affected tour having one additional hour of time (the employee works the time from 1:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M. twice). An employee who works in excess of the length of a normal tour in such a case is entitled to pay at the overtime or double time rate, as appropriate, for the excess time worked. An employee who works an affected tour during the change to Standard Time should report one (1) hour to “EXTA” for the additional hour of worktime. For additional information on how to report the time in eLink, the Time Reporting Manual can be accessed by visiting the eLink On-Line Documentation Website at xxxx:// BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT INTERPRETATION #04-01-02 Agreement Reference: Article 4 Sections 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04 PAY FOR WORK ON A WEEK DAY Condition A: An employee's work period extends from one calendar day to another. Question: 1 Give some examples of reporting of time and evening or night differentials. Answer: 1 The reporting of time and evening or night differentials under the provisions of Article 4 is segregated by days as provided in Paragraph
Question 2. Was Brunswick’s use of a hypothetical receptor in its dose assessment of SDSP releases in compliance with regulatory requirements and were the dose calculations adequately described in the ODCM? In order to answer this question it is necessary to verify (1) the proper receptor location was chosen and (2) the correct method of calculation was used to comply with the regulations.
Question 2. Regarding the wheel loader for Solid Waste (Section 3.0 on page 25 of RFP), what type of tread design do they want on the solid tires? Do they want smooth or tread? Answer 2: The Solid Waste Department requests the tires be smooth with notches cut in the outer edges of the tire.
Question 2. Is there currently any knowledge and awareness of racism as it pertains to public health among MPH students? An overwhelming majority of students – as seen in Figure 4.1 – responded that they either “Strongly Agreed” (n=71, 44%) or “Somewhat Agreed” (n=77, 48%) that they are “comfortable discussing issues of racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice with others.” Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In general, I am comfortable discussing issues of racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice with others.* **Adapted from Anti-Defamation League. (2007). Personal self-assessment of a 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 48% Figure 4.1 – Comfort Discussing Issues of Racism 44% 4% 4% 0.62% Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree In another question, respondents were presented with various anti-racism related topics and asked to rate their knowledge of the topic. The majority of students – for each topic provided – indicated being “knowledgeable” as opposed to being “comfortable teaching” the topic or only knowing “a little” or not being “familiar” with the topic. Nonetheless, a significant number of students did indicate feeling comfortable enough to teach each of these topics to others. Table