Total Budget Sample Clauses
Total Budget. The total amount of this Grant Agreement will not exceed $289,995.00. All expenditures under the Grant Agreement will be in accordance with the following cost categories: Number of clients to be served 552 Cost per Client $425.00 Number of clients to be served 184 Cost per Client $300.00
1. HHSC, in its sole discretion, may approve fund transfers between budget categories itten approval prior to making any fund transfer.
2. HHSC reserves the right to reduce the Contract award to the amount expended per fiscal year.
Total Budget. Required: Governance Agreement, Work Plan, and Communication/Outreach Plan Approved by OWRD: Approved by OWRD: 27,000 Step 1 Estimated Match : 7,000 Estimated OWRD : 27,000 Total Cost : 32,000 Planning Step 2 - Characterize Water Resources, Water Quality, and Basin Conditions Task 2A: Meetings, Collaboration, and Technical Review ▪ Public outreach and communication ▪ Meetings (materials, agendas, and minutes) Ongoing 10,000 Task 2B: Data Collection ▪ List of water supply data available ▪ Technical staff assignments ▪ Data compilation (Google drive or other location) 02/08/2017 10,000 Task 2C: Water Availability Analysis ▪ Spreadsheet and/or visual imagery to identify availability each week of the year 03/08/2017 10,000 Task 2D: State of Water Resources Report ▪ State of Water Resources Report 05/10/2017 10,000 Task 2E: Project Management and Reporting ▪ Project updates ▪ Semi-Annual Report Ongoing (06/14/2017) 5,000 Task 2F: Project Administration ▪ 10% of direct costs Ongoing In-Kind
Total Budget. Required: Integrated Water Resources Needs and Vulnerabilities Report Approved by OWRD: Approved by OWRD: 45,000 Step 3 Estimated Match : 11,000 Estimated OWRD : 45,000 Total Cost : 56,000 Planning Step 4 - Develop Integrated Solutions for Meeting Long-Term Water Needs Task 4A: Meetings, Collaboration, and Technical Review ▪ Public outreach and communication ▪ Meetings (materials, agendas, and minutes) Ongoing 10,000 Task 4B: Data Interpretation and Solutions Analysis ▪ Benefits Matrix 02/07/2018 10,000 Task 4C: Solutions Analysis ▪ Develop, Evaluate, Select Alternatives using Benefits Matrix 03/07/2018 20,000 Task 4D: Integrated Water Solutions Report ▪ Integrated Water Solutions Report describing findings 05/09/2018 10,000 Task 4E: Project Management and Reporting ▪ Project updates ▪ Semi-Annual Report Ongoing (06/15/2017) 5,000 Task 4F: Project Administration ▪ 10% of direct costs Ongoing In-Kind
Total Budget. Required: Integrated Water Solutions Report Approved by OWRD: Approved by OWRD: 55,000 Step 4 Estimated Match : 14,000 Estimated OWRD : 55,000 Total Cost : 69,000 Planning Step 5 - Plan Adoption and Implementation Task 5A: Meetings, Collaboration, and Technical Review ▪ Public outreach and communication ▪ Meetings (materials, agendas, and minutes) Ongoing 10,000 Task 5B: Approved Integrated Water Resources Plan ▪ Approved Integrated Water Resources Plan 11/08/2017 10,000 Task 5C: Project Management and Reporting ▪ Project updates ▪ Semi-Annual Report Ongoing (12/15/2018) 5,000 Task 5D: Project Administration 10% of direct costs Ongoing In-Kind
Total Budget. Required: Approved Integrated Water Resources Plan Approved by OWRD: Approved by OWRD: 25,000 Steps 1 through 5 Budget: 12/31/2018 197,000 Step 5 Estimated Match Estimated OWRD Total Cost : 7,000 : 25,000 : 32,000 Steps 1 through 5 Estimated Match : 50,000 Estimated OWRD : 197,000 Total Cost : 247,000 Planning Step 1 - Build a Collaborative and Integrated Process Planning Step 1 Required Deliverables: Governance Agreement, Work Plan, and Communication/ Outreach Plan 1A Activities: • Personal outreach to partners • Steering Committee kick-off meeting • Stakeholder Committee kick-off meeting • Document drafting, review, editing, printing, distribution • Describe “consensus” decision making process • Role identification 1A Deliverables/Outcomes: • Memorandum of Agreement with OWRD • Draft and Final Memorandum of Agreement and Governance Agreement signed with Partnership Group (operating plan) • Steering Committee and Stakeholder Committee meeting(s) (materials, agendas, and minutes)
Total Budget. The ERDF co-financing rate of the project rises at 85% of the eligible expenditure for all project beneficiaries. Payments to beneficiaries will be made according to the availability of funding from initial and annual pre-financing and interim payments from the European Commission. If funds from the European Commission are not transferred, the Managing Authority of the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Italy” (EL-IT) 2014-2020 shall be entitled to terminate the contract at any time without the Lead Beneficiary being entitled to claim any rights. In any case the decision of the Monitoring Committee will be requested.
Total Budget. The total amount of this Contract for all BCCS and FPP services will not exceed the following funding sources and amounts: Breast and Cervical Cancer Services: CDC and General Revenue Funding $266,666.67 Breast and Cervical Cancer Services: Cervical Dysplasia Funding N/A Family Planning Program: Fee-for-Service Funding $300,000.00 Family Planning Program: Cost Reimbursement Funding N/A
Total Budget. County: Humboldt
Total Budget. Project Financial Details (Table 1)
Total Budget. The total amount of this Grant Agreement will not exceed Total contract amount All expenditures under the Grant Agreement will be in accordance with the following cost categories: Number of clients to be served 123 Cost per Client $290.00 Total Award Amount for Health 35,709.00
1. HHSC, in its sole discretion, may approve fund transfers between budget categories upon Xxxxxxx’s written request that must include a detailed explanation that supports the need for the fund transfer. Grantee must seek HHSC’s written approval prior to making any fund transfer.
2. HHSC reserves the right to reduce the Contract award to the amount expended per fiscal year.