Burundi. Burundi’s Grey Crowned Cranes are found largely outside of protected areas. However, small populations are found in the following National Parks: Kibira National Park, Rusizi National Park, Ruvubu National Park. In addition, cranes are found in Bururi Forest Nature Reserve and Malagarazi Nature Reserve. The level of protection and management of these sites is intermediate.
Burundi. Régie de Production et de Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité du Burundi (REGIDESCO)
Burundi. The project is working with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to improve the uptake of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services for mothers, their partners and their infants in four regions and improve retention of mothers and infants along the PMTCT cascade. Cote d’Ivoire: The project is supporting the Ministry of Health and HIV to address key challenges in the delivery of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and PMTCT services, build the capacity of facility providers and implementing partners to improve the quality of HIV care and treatment, and improve the strategic information system. USAID ASSIST is also supporting the WHO-CDC laboratory accreditation program.
Burundi. GATT effective July 1, 1962. Canada grants treatment. most-favoured-nation CAMBODIA Franco-Canadian Trade Agreement of Since the creation of Cambodia as an 1933 applied to Cambodia. Although not a full member, Xxxxx dia takes part in the work of GATT under a special arrangement. independent state in 1955, Canada has continued to grant most-favoured- nation treatment.
Burundi. (a) Harmonization, Quality, Dissemination and Use
(i) Improved Harmonization and Quality of Statistics
(A) Harmonized Consumer Price Index with East African Community. Support the establishment of a consumer price index (CPI) harmonized with the criteria of the East African Community (EAC), including support to INSBU to produce high-quality CPI data, training of data collection agents on the new consumer baskets, and establishment of a system for monitoring quality statistics and calculating the consumer price index.
Burundi. 1998 Annual report of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, 1999.
Burundi. Burundi is clearly a case of a low capacity state. Burundi has been devastated by armed conflict since its independence in 1962. These conflicts are structural in nature, owing to the unequal distribution of political power in the country. Since independence, the government of Burundi has been dominated by the minority Tutsi tribe. Repeated reprisals by the Tutsis against Hutu civilians have instigated further ethnic violence and instability. As seen in Table I, multiple peace agreements were signed between 1989 and 2006 (Harbom, Ho¨gbladh & Xxxxxxxxxxx, 2006). The first agreement, the Arusha Accord, mediated by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, was signed by the government, political par- ties, and most armed groups without the (CNDD-FDD and FNL). The provisions included power-sharing arrangements, political reforms, rebel integration into the army, and new elections. Further attempts were made between the govern- ment and the CNSS-FDD, mediated by South African Dep- uty President Zuma, resulting in the reaffirmation of the Arusha Accord provisions through the Global Ceasefire Agree- ment in December 2002 (Bentley & Southall, 2005). The FNL later agreed to the Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement, though the agreement was not fully implemented and violence continued.13 By mid- 2008, the government and rebels, with UN intervention, agreed to end hostilities and to integrate the FNL into national political institutions as well as security and defense forces.
Burundi. Burundi’s Grey Crowned Cranes are found largely outside of protected areas. However, small populations are found in the following National Parks: Kibira National Park, Rusizi National Park, Ruvubu National Park. In addition, cranes are found in Bururi Forest Nature Reserve and Malagarazi Nature Reserve. The level of protection and management of these sites is intermediate. Most Grey Crowned Cranes in the DRC are found outside of protected areas. The Virunga National Park and Parc National d’Upembe in Katanga Province both hold populations of Grey Crowned Cranes. However, although protected, they are severely threatened by unrest and guerrilla activities, resulting in poor management of these Parks and very little protection. Parc National d’Upembe is managed by Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and currently receives technical, management and financial support from the Frankfurt Zoological Society. However, activities are severely disrupted by recurring security issues, and park staff and members of their families have been killed. Management is not easy in such situations, and activities such as mining, poaching and encroachment still impact this diverse park.
Burundi. Code Pénal du Burundi, Loi N°1 / 05 Du 22 Avril 2009 Portant Revision Du Code Penal. xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/ihl-‐ nat.nsf/0/cb9d300d8db9fc37c125707300338af2/$FILE/Code%20Pénal%20du%20Burundi%20. pdf. (accessed 1 January 2016).