Canal. Circle the appropriate canal(s). B – Buccal, MB – mesial Buccal, L/P – lingual or palatal, ML – mesial lingual, D – distal, DB – distal Buccal, 4th - forth canal, DL – distal lingual. If only one canal leave this section blank. This configuration should allow for any normal combination of nerve canals.
Canal. Swimming not permitted in the canal, watch out for alligators! (And snakes too!) Are not permitted due to the old oak trees and the density of the trees.
Canal. + has the right, upon giving thirty (30) days written notice, to terminate this Agreement at any time. If CANAL+ elects to terminate this Agreement, payment to ISES for work performed up to the date of receipt of notice, shall be for time actually worked through the date of receipt of any termination notice. ISES shall supply any partially completed work and/or completed work at that time and return all materials furnished by CANAL+ under this Agreement, including all Confidential Information. Following return of any such materials CANAL+ will make any outstanding payments due to ISES under the provisions of this Agreement.
Canal. Each package shall include hydraulically driven, axial flow propeller, completely submersible type with propeller bowl assembly, hydraulic motor assembly, suction bell assembly, discharge tube, cooling system, head assembly and all required hydraulic pipe, oil and hose as required whether or not specified herein. One spare complete skid mounted pump/engine drive unit shall be supplied for each location. The pump manufacturer shall furnish with the bid, guaranteed pump performance curves based on shop tests of pumps in accordance with procedures as specified by Standards of Hydraulic Institute. Curves shall be certified by a professional engineer, registered in the state where the tests are conducted and employed full time by the pump manufacturer. Gearboxes shall not be permitted. Any bid not including such curves shall be considered non-responsive and shall not be accepted. No pump/engine packages shall be shipped prior to Government approval of testing. See paragraph 2.5 Pump Testing for additional requirements. Before shipping the pumping equipment, the pump manufacturer shall furnish for the approval of the Government, five (5) complete copies of detailed specifications and dimensions of all equipment including catalog characteristic curves for the equipment which he proposes to supply. Pump and diesel drive unit dimension prints shall be submitted for approval before shipment. Prior to delivery of pumping equipment, the pump manufacturer shall submit for the approval of the Government certified performance curves of the pumps, showing gallons pumped per minute, horsepower requirements and pump efficiency over the entire head range of the pumps. The pump manufacturer shall be responsible for the delivery of all supplied equipment and materials. All delivered equipment and materials shall be packaged in weatherproof materials able to withstand sun, wind, humidity, temperature variations, rain, dirt and dust or other contaminants which are normally experienced in the New Orleans area during the summer months, excluding flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes. Packaging shall provide protection for a minimum of 90 days after delivery..
Canal. RIVER TRUST acting by Antony Xxxx Xxxxx as a director ..................................................
Canal. The entire canal right-of-way area including the channel and the dry ground areas adjacent to both sides of the channel.