CANCELLED ORDERS. When a Tug is ordered and then cancelled, a charge calculated at the applicable Hourly Rate will be made for all time elapsed from the time each Tug leaves its Tug Station until it returns to its Tug Station. The charge per Tug will be computed in increments of one-half hour for each Tug with a minimum charge of three (3) hours per Tug. There will be no charge if the orders are cancelled at least four (4) hours before the Tugs were ordered to report. If orders are cancelled less than four (4) hours before the Tugs were ordered to report, but before the Tugs leave their Tug Station, a charge of two (2) hours per Tug will be applied.
CANCELLED ORDERS. The charge for orders cancelled prior to arrival of the Tug at the location ordered will be two-thirds of the applicable rate. If orders are cancelled at least four hours prior to the ordered time, there will be no charge.
CANCELLED ORDERS. Where a sale is cancelled after some work in aid of the sale involving the use of Government-funded tooling has been undertaken, a levy shall be due in respect of such use calculated on a fair and reasonable basis. Where the Contractor has received any payments, whether from his customer or otherwise which he is entitled to retain, in respect of work done or in hand, or in respect of any claim arising out of the cancellation, levy shall also be due on a fair and reasonable basis having regard to the reasonable costs and claims which the Contractor may have to meet therefrom. The Contractor shall notify any such cancellation to the Ministry acquisition team named in the Contract and shall provide such information as may reasonably be required for the determination of the levies payable under this Clause. Should any Contract Article (or article falling under Clause 8) manufactured or in course of manufacture prior to cancellation subsequently be re-sold levy will again be due on the normal basis.
CANCELLED ORDERS. When a Tug is ordered and then cancelled, a charge of two-thirds (2/3) of the applicable rate will be made. When an order is cancelled after any Tug reports to the location ordered, the charge will be three-quarters (3/4) of the applicable rate, plus any detention incurred. There will be no charge if the orders are cancelled at least four (4) hours prior to the ordered time. DETENTION: For detention of a Tug caused by the Vessel not being ready or other conditions beyond our control, the time of detention will be charged at the rate of $1,225.00 per hour per Tug prorated to the nearest half (1/2) hour after. Detention shall also be charged for any delay after movement of a Vessel has commenced, in proceeding toward berth or in berthing when such delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Tugs.
CANCELLED ORDERS. 9.1 If after confirmation of an Order placed by You, You notify Spark & Xxxxxx that You wish to cancel such Order You must pay to Spark & Xxxxxx reasonable fees and charges for the Services provided to that point in time including but not limited to all work completed up to and including the cancellation time including time and materials used or specially acquired to complete the Order.
9.2 Any cancellation of an Order must be in writing.
CANCELLED ORDERS. If a Tug is ordered and is then cancelled, a charge equal to three quarters of the applicable Rate, plus any applicable additional charges will be made. If orders are cancelled prior to the minimum notification time as per paragraph 7, there will be no charge.
CANCELLED ORDERS. If orders are cancelled after the Tug’s arrival at the location ordered, the full applicable Rate is due. The charge for orders cancelled prior to arrival of the Tug at the location ordered will be two-thirds of the applicable Rate. If orders are cancelled at least four (4) hours prior to the ordered time, there will be no charge. The Rates set forth herein include waiting time of up to one-half hour measured, for docking, from the time that the Tug reports at the meeting location for docking or the dock for undocking, from the time that the Tug reports at the scheduled sailing time. Waiting time in excess of one-half hour shall be charged at the applicable hourly Rate for each Tug. In addition, if the Vessel is delayed for any reason not attributable to XXXXX after commencement of the work, all such delay shall be charged at the applicable hourly Rate for each Tug. The applicable hourly Rate shall be as set forth in paragraph 3, pro-rated to the next half hour.
CANCELLED ORDERS. 21.1. A Cancellation Fee shall be charged on any Cancelled Order as follows:
21.1.1. No Cancellation Fee shall be applicable if the Order is cancelled 21 days prior to commencement of Hire Period.
21.1.2. A 25% Cancellation Fee will be applicable if the Order is cancelled 14-20 days prior to commencement of Hire Period.
21.1.3. A 50% Cancellation Fee will be applicable if the Order is cancelled 7 - 13 days prior to commencement of Hire Period.
21.1.4. A 75% Cancellation Fee will be applicable if the Order is cancelled 3 - 7 days prior to commencement of Hire Period.
21.1.5. A 100% Cancellation Fee will be applicable if the Order is cancelled less than 72 hours prior to commencement of Hire Period.
21.2. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 21.1 above, where Equipment is manufactured or purchased by the Owner specifically for the Order, the Hirer will be charged a Cancellation Fee of 100% regardless of the period.
21.3. The Hirer hereby acknowledges that should the Hirer cancel an Order, the Owner will suffer a financial loss and accordingly agrees that the Cancellation Fee set out above is fair and reasonable.
CANCELLED ORDERS. KCOM may cancel a suspended Order when the Order has been suspended for a period of more than 90 cumulative calendar days. If KCOM cancels the request for work at an End User Site in accordance with this paragraph, the CP must pay the cancellation fees specified in the Price List. Should the CP wish to cancel an Order they must send an email to the KCOM Wholesale Desk, to the email address specified within the Customer Service Plan and ensure that such email specifies the Order number and Exchange Line ID of the Order to be cancelled. The KCOM Wholesale Desk will then send an email to the CP Order Correspondence Contact, confirming the Order has been cancelled and advising of any cancellation fee that is payable.
CANCELLED ORDERS. When a Tug is ordered and then cancelled, a charge of two-thirds (2/3) of the applicable rate will be made. When an order is cancelled after any Tug reports to the location ordered, the charge will be three-quarters (3/4) of the applicable rate, plus any detention incurred. There will be no charge if the orders are cancelled at least four (4) hours prior to the ordered time. DETENTION: For detention of a Tug caused by the Vessel not being ready or other conditions beyond our control, the time of the detention will be charged at three-quarters (3/4) of the applicable rate, prorated to the next quarter-hour. Detention shall also he charged for any undue delay after movement of a Vessel has commenced, in proceeding toward berth or in berthing when such delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Tugs.