Meeting Location. All meetings of the Board must be held within the Service Area at a location determined by the Chair, except that the Board may hold a special meeting outside the Service Area upon an affirmative vote in accordance with Section 10.8 of this Agreement.
Meeting Location. It is agreed that negotiation meetings will be held at such places as may mutually be agreed upon.
Meeting Location. Meetings will be held at a location that is mutually satisfactory.
Meeting Location. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, boards that have an agreement may hold a valid joint meeting at any location that would be permissible for one of the boards participating
Meeting Location. (adopted at Annual 1995) • The Annual Meeting of the Union shall be centralized in a location that can be arranged by the Board of Directors (i.e. Halifax/Dartmouth/Truro).
Meeting Location. The District will provide suitable space to conduct such meetings.
Meeting Location a) The Employer shall provide facilities for formal grievance meetings with the Employee or the grievance may be heard via teleconference.
b) The grievor and Xxxxxxx, if working out of head office, shall not lose wages for attendance at formal grievance meeting held in the head office. If Grievor’s or Xxxxxxx’x home base is other than head office, Step 1 and Step 2 grievance meetings may be by teleconference call. For all grievances, the Employer will reimburse the Employee for long distance charges relating to the grievance meeting.
c) The grievor may choose to attend the Arbitration stage in person.
Meeting Location. Upon at least 24 hours notice to and with approval of the building principal, except in the case of emergency, the Association shall have the right to use school buildings for meetings and to transact official Association business on school property provided that such business does not interfere with or interrupt school operations or previously scheduled events. When special custodial service is required, the Board may charge the community use rate for this service.
Meeting Location. Any meetings which the parties wish to hold will be held at the office of the Manager unless a majority of the Owners select to an alternate location. Any Owner may attend a meeting by telephone, video conference or by proxy.
Meeting Location. Meetings of stockholders may be held within or outside the State of Nevada, as the Bylaws of the Corporation may provide. The books of the Corporation may be kept outside the State of Nevada at such place or places as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors or in the Bylaws of the Corporation.