Capacity Requirements. The ISO shall establish the Locational Installed Capacity Requirements for New York State, consistent with the Reliability Rules, Local Reliability Rules, and the provisions of the ISO/NYSRC Agreement. In establishing Locational Installed Capacity Requirements, the ISO shall consider the availability of the NYS Transmission System to the extent necessary to maintain reliability. The ISO, through procedures adopted by the Operating Committee and consistent with the Reliability Rules, shall require that all LSEs entering into Service Agreements under the ISO Services Tariff maintain appropriate levels of Installed Capacity and Operating Capacity. In the case of Installed Capacity, the ISO shall determine the amount of Installed Capacity by location that is needed on an annual basis to meet all Reliability Rules, which includes Local Reliability Rules. In the event that a Party fails to meet its Installed or Operating Capacity requirement, the ISO shall impose the penalties set forth in the ISO Services Tariff.
Capacity Requirements. 5 Data storage requirements................................................ 6
Capacity Requirements. All Capacity shall include all required circuits (POP-to-POP as defined in Exhibit B) and shall be provided by network facilities inclusive of all circuits and the use of all electronics and other equipment necessary for the intended operation of the Capacity.
Capacity Requirements. Distributor will communicate to ManagedStorage any information, which could affect Subscriber access or load, including but not limited to:
Capacity Requirements. In order to better manage the capacity that Distribution Partner may need under any Orders placed pursuant to Exhibit 1A, Distribution Partner shall provide to OneWeb historical flight routes using flight city pairs and frequency (at a minimum), each quarter, for all End Users and/or Sub-Distributors, as applicable, covered by any such Orders.
Capacity Requirements. It is essential to be at least sixteen years old to access/use the Service(s). By inviting Users to your Workspace to use our Services, you acknowledge and warrant that they meet the aforementioned requirement. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you have the legal capacity to enter into contracts under the Applicable Law and that both you and the Users you invite to your Workspace are not on a list of individuals prohibited from receiving services under the US government, Spanish government, and EU legislation or other applicable jurisdictions. You and your Users not reside in Russia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or any other country subject to a US government, Spanish government, or EU embargo.
Capacity Requirements. The Department of Public Safety establishes the capacity for City Hall and the capacity, as posted, may not be exceeded. For those events involving the erection of booths and the display of merchandise and other materials, the User may be required to arrange for special inspection by the Department of public Safety to make sure that movement through aisles, doorways and other safety requirements are observed.
Capacity Requirements. The Fire Code Capacity in the Institute of Puerto Rican Art and Culture is set for each of the specific areas and may not be exceeded at any time (see Facility Information Sheet for capacity details). No marked exits shall be blocked or obstructed in any manner and no exit door shall be locked, blocked or bolted while the IPRAC Facility is in use. All designated exits shall be maintained in a manner so as to be visible at all times.
Capacity Requirements. The Native Load, plus Operating Reserves, plus the net of any long- term and short-term system, and unit power, bilateral purchases and sales. Committed Maximum Capacity: The sum of a Participant’s on-line Dispatchable Units’ Economic Dispatch Maximum Capacities and Non-Dispatchable Units’ delivered energy. Committed Minimum Capacity: The sum of a Participant’s on-line Dispatchable Units’ Economic Dispatch Minimum Capacities and Non-Dispatchable Units’ delivered energy.
Capacity Requirements. The amount of Resource Adequacy capacity required to be demonstrated in a specific location or zone. LMP – Locational Marginal Price – Each generator unit and load pocket is assigned a node in the CAISO optimization model. The model will assign a LMP to the node in both the day- ahead and real time market as it balances the system using the least cost. The LMP is comprised of three components: the marginal cost of energy, congestion and losses. The LMP is used to financially settle transactions in the CAISO. Load - An end use device or customer that receives power from an energy delivery system. Load should not be confused with Demand, which is the measure of power that a load receives or requires. See Demand.