Card statement Sample Clauses
Card statement. The Bank shall display details of purchases made entry-by-entry in the cardholder's TWD direct debit passbook or electronic statements (hereinafter called "statements" which said statements shall be sent only to designated e-mail account), and make them regularly available to the cardholder. The cardholder may inquire transaction details by updating the passbook or by accessing the Bank's electronic banking platform. Statements shall be delivered in printed or electronic form. The cardholder may inquire and request the Bank to resend the current statement if it is not received within seven days after its scheduled delivery date.
Card statement. 貴行應將持卡人簽帳消費扣款之交易明細,逐筆登錄於持卡人指定扣款帳戶之新臺幣活期性存款帳戶存摺、電子消費對帳單(以下簡稱對帳單,僅寄送予提供電子信箱者),定期提供每筆消費資料供持卡人參考,持卡人得自行補登存摺、或至貴行提供之電子平台查詢之。對帳單之方式以自動化設備或網路等電子訊息格式呈現。如持卡人於當期消費對帳單發送日起七日內,仍未收到對帳單,應即向貴行查詢並得請求補送。 The Bank shall display details of purchases made entry-by-entry in the cardholder's TWD direct debit passbook or electronic statements (hereinafter called "statements" which said statements shall be sent only to designated e-mail account), and make them regularly available to the cardholder. The cardholder may inquire transaction details by updating the passbook or by accessing the Bank's electronic banking platform. Statements shall be delivered in printed or electronic form. The cardholder may inquire and request the Bank to resend the current statement if it is not received within seven days after its scheduled delivery date. 第 10 條 帳款疑義之處理程序
Card statement. 2.1 A Statement will normally be issued monthly. However, we are not obliged to issue a Statement in situations including but not limited to the following circumstances:
(a) For all Cards (excluding BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card):
(i) there is no transaction since the last Statement date; and
(ii) the outstanding balance of the Card Account is less than HK$10 or the Card Account has a credit balance.
Card statement. (a) We will normally provide a Card statement each month with the following and other details relating to a Card (including an additional Card, where applicable):
(i) the total amount outstanding on the Card Account (“Statement Balance”);
(ii) the minimum amount of the Statement Balance (“Minimum Payment Due”) to be paid; and
(iii) such part of the Minimum Payment Due that must be paid immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be paid (“Payment Due Date”). If your Card is a HSBC Pulse UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond or UnionPay Dual Currency credit card, the Card statement will include separate sections specifying the payment details of each sub-account.
(b) We have the right to send all Card statements to the primary cardholder, including Card statements relating to an additional Card.
(c) You should notify promptly our Card Centre of any transaction shown in any Card statement that was not authorised by you. You should notify us within 60 days of the date of the statement and in such manner as we may accept from time to time. If you do not notify us within the specified period, the transactions shown on the statement will be considered as correct, conclusive and binding on you and you will be deemed to have waived any right to raise any objection or pursue any remedies against us in relation to such transactions.
Card statement. (a) We will normally provide a Card statement each month with the following and other details relating to a Card (including an additional Card, where applicable):
(i) the total amount outstanding on the Card Account (“Statement Balance”);
(ii) the minimum amount of the Statement Balance (“Minimum Payment Due”) to be paid; and
(iii) such part of the Minimum Payment Due that must be paid immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be paid(“Payment Due Date”).
(b) We have the right to send all Card statement to the primary cardholder, including Card statement relating to an additional Card.
(c) You should notify promptly us of any transaction shown in any Card statement that was not authorised by you. You should notify us within 60 days of the date of the transactions shown on the statement. These will be considered as correct, conclusive and binding on you and you will be deemed to have waived any right any objections or pursue any remedies against us in relation to such transactions.
Card statement. (a) We will normally provide a Card statement each month with the following and other details relating to a Card (including an additional Card, where applicable):
(i) the total amount outstanding on the Card Account (“Statement Balance”);
(ii) the minimum amount of the Statement Balance (“Minimum Payment Due”) to be paid; and
(iii) such part of the Minimum Payment Due that must be paid immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be paid (“Payment Due Date”). If your Card is an HSBC Pulse UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond or UnionPay Dual Currency credit card, the Card statement will include separate sections specifying the payment details of each sub-account.
(b) We have the right to send all Card statements to the primary cardholder, including Card statements relating to an additional Card.
(c) You should notify promptly our Card Centre of any transaction shown in any Card statement that was not authorised by you. You should notify us within 60 days of the date of the statement and in such manner as we may accept from time to time. If you do not notify us within the specified period, the transactions shown on the statement will be considered as correct, conclusive and binding on you and you will be deemed to have waived any
(d) We will immediately apply funds transferred or credited to your Card Account to reduce the outstanding balance then existing in your Card Account. The reduction will be made in the following order:
(i) firstly, all fees and charges billed to your Card Account;
(ii) then, 1% of the Statement Balance (excluding the billed fees and charges) at a time until the Minimum Payment Due is fully settled;
(iii) then, any amount in excess of the Minimum Payment Due will be applied to repay the remaining portion of the Statement Balance according to the applicable monthly interest rate in descending order (i.e. to repay that part of the remaining portion of the Statement Balance that incurs the highest interest rate first and so on); and
(iv) then, any amount in excess of the Statement Balance will be held to the credit of your Card Account. If your Card is an HSBC Pulse UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond or UnionPay Dual Currency credit card, we will not convert or transfer any credit balance in one sub-account to settle outstanding balance in the other sub-account.
(e) Without affecting or limiting the effect of Clause 7(d) above, we have the right to apply funds transferred or credited to your Card Account in any other order as we ...
Card statement. 2.1 We will normally send a credit card account summary statement to the Company every month. This will detail the total amount that is currently outstanding on all Cards. We will also send an individual credit card account statement to the respective Cardholder(s) every month. However, we are not obliged to issue individual credit card account statement in situations including but not limited to the following circumstances:
(a) there is no transaction since the last individual credit card account statement; and
(b) the outstanding balance of the Card Account is less than HK$10 or the Card Account has a credit balance. Cardholders can check the balance of their Card Account via the customer services hotline. Subject to Clause 2.2, records of transactions shown on the account statement shall be conclusive and binding on you and the Company for all purposes. You and/or the Company must settle the amount outstanding on the Card Account including any outstanding interest, fees and charges due to us in accordance with our payment requirements.
2.2 2.2.1 You and/or the Company agree to notify us about any unauthorised transactions shown on the Statement within 60 days from the Statement date. If you and/or the Company fail to do so, the Statement shall be regarded as conclusive.
Card statement. All Private Label Card Transactions will be shown on the card statement of your Card Account. There will not be a separate statement for your Private Label Card.
Card statement. (a) We will normally provide a Card statement each month with the following and other details relating to a Card (including an additional Card, where applicable):
(i) the total amount outstanding on the Card Account (“Statement Balance”);
(ii) the minimum amount of the Statement Balance (“Minimum Payment Due”) to be paid; and
(iii) such part of the Minimum Payment Due that must be paid immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be paid (“Payment Due
(iv) then, any amount in excess of the Statement Balance will be held to the credit of your Card Account.
Card statement. (a) We will normally provide a Card statement each month with the following and other details relating to a Card (including an additional Card, where applicable):
(i) the total amount outstanding on the Card Account (“Statement Balance”);
(ii) the minimum amount of the Statement Balance (“Minimum Payment Due”) to be paid; and
(iii) such part of the Minimum Payment Due that must be paid immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be paid (“Payment Due Date”).
(b) We have the right to send all Card statements to the primary cardholder, including Card statements relating to an additional Card.
(c) You should notify promptly us of any transaction shown in any Card statement that was not authorised by you. You should notify us within 60 days of the date of the statement and in such manner as we may accept from time to time. If you do not notify us within the specified period, the transactions shown on the statement will be considered as correct, conclusive and binding on you and you will be deemed to have waived any right to raise any objection or pursue any remedies against us in relation to such transactions.