Chile Sample Clauses
Chile. There are no country-specific provisions. There are no country-specific provisions.
Chile. Private Placement. The following provision shall replace Section 13 of the Agreement: The grant of the Units hereunder is not intended to be a public offering of securities in Chile but instead is intended to be a private placement.
Chile. The term “
Chile. Santiago
Chile. H is deleted and replaced with: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Chile. Any dispute hereunder shall be determined by the Tribunales Ordinarios de la Cuidad xx Xxxxxxxx.
Chile. Includes Chile and the islands situated in the immediate vicinity of the mainland. The Easter Island belongs to the group of ”Other countries”. Spain: Includes the mainland, Ceuta, Melilla and the islands situated in the immediate vicinity to the mainland, i.a. Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza etc. Other countries and areas belonging to Spain that are not in the list belong to the group of ”Other countries”. Georgia: Includes the areas of Georgia excluding Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which belong to the group of ”Other countries”. Guyana: Guyana (Brit.) does not include French Guyana which belongs to the group of ”Other countries”. Italia: Includes Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Vatican City and the islands situated in the immediate vicinity to these areas. Cyprus: Includes the areas of Cyprus that are part of the European Union. The Turkish areas of Cyprus fall under Turkey. Virgin Islands (Brit.): The British Virgin Islands belong to the group of ”Other countries”, not to the Virgin Islands (USA). Norway: Includes Norway, Lofoten and the countries and regions situated in the immediate vicinity to these areas. Other countries and regions belonging to Norway, incl. Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island, belong to the group of ”Other countries”.
Chile. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) inter-faculty Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration 2010.07.29 Mexico
Chile. 266 In the case of Bolivia, having been part of the Viceroyalty of Peru, once it became an independent entity it inherited the Peruvian animosity towards Chile. Finally, as mentioned in section 4.2, the lack of proper territorial demarcation during the colonial period and the poor settling of limits during the nineteenth century, help to understand the early ill feelings between Argentina and Chile.267 Gerard van der Ree points out that currently there are three Chilean identity traits that frame the relations between Chile and Bolivia, and Chile and Peru. Firstly, Chile’s neo-liberal development has fostered its economic presence in the region. This fact has been interpreted as a revival of the nineteenth century free-trade boom, its connection with the nitrate business and the War of the Pacific and, consequently, considered a new phase of Chilean expansionism.268 Also Chile’s legalism —and its legalistic approach to diplomacy—269 have had negative regional connotations. Thus, Chile has always focused on existing treaties in connection with Peru’s and Bolivia’s territorial claims, asserting that international treaties are not to be discussed.270 The refusal to negotiate on this basis has contributed to build an image of Chile as ar- rogant.271 Finally, the Concertación’s twenty years in power have shaped a progressive identity: in fact, by the Bicentennial, Chile is far more leftist than twenty years be- fore.272 Although this identity trait has fostered the sympathy and understanding of other left-wing leaders such as Lula da Silva and Tabaré Vázquez, in the progressive circles of Peru and Bolivia, it has been mocked as a naive and fake effort to mitigate the exploitative nature of capitalism.273 So far, section 4.4 has tried to explain some of the reasons why Chile’s insertion in Latin America, and more specifically among its Andean neighbours, has been difficult and ambiguous. In the following paragraphs, the section will show the attempts of the four Concertación governments to boost Chile’s participation in the world and enhance its regional contacts. Patricio Aylwin’s tenure was marked by the effort to lead a delicate transition to democracy, which explains why the first government of the Left 266 ‘V. García B.: Tan Cerca de Chile y tan Lejos de Dios’, El Comercio, 15 May 2005. 267 See R. Riesco, op, cit and P. Lacoste , op. cit. 268 G. van der Ree (2010), op. cit., pp. 213-215. 269 M. Colacrai and M. E. Lorenzini, op. cit., pp. 57 and 59. 270 H. B...
Chile. Redemption right: For the purposes of article 3 bis letter b) of the Customers Rights Protection law (law N° 19.496), Xxxx Deere expressly states that Customer will not be entitled to unilaterally terminate the Contract under the terms of such article. Authorization for the treatment of personal data: For the purposes of the Data Protection Law (law N° 19.628), Customer acknowledges that it has been duly informed of the purpose of the storing of personal data and the possible communication of such data to third parties and Customer expressly authorizes the treatment of personal data, as set forth in section 3 of the Contract.