City belonging to Bucharest residents Sample Clauses

City belonging to Bucharest residents. Increasing the quality of life and export of urban character within the metropolitan area WHAT? The specific objectives answer the question WHAT is the city going to be in 30 years?, based on the previously identified attributes. Thus, each strategic objective corresponds to a series of specific sectoral objectives that address the areas analyzed and diagnosed in the preliminary stage of strategy development. These objectives will be subsequently translated into packages of policies - programs - projects addressing the needs identified in the analysis and during the public consultations.
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City belonging to Bucharest residents. Increasing the quality of life and export of urban character within the metropolitan area SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: SO 1 Connected city Promoting sustainable urban mobility and increasing the accessibility to transport, energy and communications networks SO 2 Innovative city Supporting the transition to a smart, competitive, talent-oriented economy in a global context SO 3 Sustainable city Conserving the natural heritage, reducing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigating the effects of natural hazards SO 4 Inclusive city Promoting social inclusion and diversity, providing non-discriminatory access to infrastructure and public services SO 5 Compact city Efficient use of land and building stock, highlighting the historical heritage and urban landscape CO 6. City management: Enhancing the administrative capacity for an integrated development Table 6. Coordination of specific objectives with the objectives of the EU cohesion policy and with the Urban Agenda for the EU Specific objective Objectives of the EU cohesion policy 2021-2027 Areas related to the thematic partnerships identified within the Urban Agenda for the EU

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  • For EEA Residents For the purposes of EU data protection legislation, Xxxxx Xxxxxx is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Your Personal Information. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at For Non-EEA Residents: A R Butlin Electrical Attention: Privacy Officer Postal Address: 00 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx XXX 0000 Cookies We and Our partners may use various technologies to collect and store information when You use this Website, and this may include using cookies and similar tracking technologies, such as pixels and web beacons. These web beacons track certain behavior such as whether the email sent through the Website was delivered and opened and whether links within the email were clicked. They also allow Us to collect information such as the recipient’s: • IP address, browser, email client type and other similar details; • Tracking of Website usage and traffic; • Reports are available to Us when We send an email to You, so We may collect and review that information. These cookies do not read Your hard drive but may be stored on Your hard drive to enable Our Website to recognise You when You return to the same. Mailing Lists If at any time You are on a mailing list of Ours then You may request to be removed from the same and We will comply with Your request if there is no unsubscribe button provided then please contact Us with Your request using the “Contact Us” section of this Website.

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  • Florida Residents You (borrower) agree that, should We obtain a judgment against You, a portion of Your disposable earnings may be attached or garnished (paid to Us by Your employer), as provided by Florida and Federal law.

  • THE ACADEMY 2.1 The Company will establish and maintain, and carry on or provide for the carrying on of the Academy in accordance with the Master Agreement and this Agreement.

  • Multiple Residents ‌ Each resident of an Apartment is jointly and severally liable with the other residents of the Apartment for all lease obligations relating to Common Areas and utilities; however, only you are liable for the lease obligations relating to your bedspace and the payment of your Rental Installments. You are not liable for any of your fellow residents’ obligations as to their bedspace and their rental installments payable to us.

  • ENTERTAINERS AND SPORTSPERSONS 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsperson, from that resident’s personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other Contracting State.

  • Montana Residents A Montana resident may cancel his or her Associate Agreement within 15 days from the date on which this application is submitted and may return his or her sales kit within such time and is entitled to a full refund for the sales kit and for any other consideration he/she paid within such time period to participate in the program.

  • Washtenaw Community College Eastern Michigan University Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx College of Engineering & Technology Student Services BE 214; 734.487.8659 734.973.3398

  • California Residents A married applicant may apply for a separate Account. Applicants: 1) may, after credit approval, use the credit card Account up to its credit limit; 2) may be liable for amounts extended under the plan to any joint applicant. As required by law, You are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if You fail to fulfill the terms of Your credit obligations.

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