Classroom Management The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of knowledge and skill in organizing the physical and human elements in the educational setting.
Classrooms The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a standard of cleanliness in each teacher’s classroom.
Child Support (Applicable if the Party is a natural person, not a corporation or partnership.) Party states that, as of the date the Agreement is signed, he/she: a. is not under any obligation to pay child support; or b. is under such an obligation and is in good standing with respect to that obligation; or c. has agreed to a payment plan with the Vermont Office of Child Support Services and is in full compliance with that plan. Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in Vermont. In addition, if the Party is a resident of Vermont, Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in any other state or territory of the United States.
Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.
Customer Support If Customer is entitled to receive Customer Support as part of a separately purchased Service Plan, Sage warrants that while Customer’s Service Plan is in effect and if it has paid all required Service Plan fees, Sage will use qualified personnel to provide Customer Support in a professional manner consistent with industry standards. Customer’s sole remedy under this section 5.2 is limited to Sage’s re-performance of the Customer Support services giving rise to Customer’s claim.
Training and Support Licensor shall offer installation support to the Licensee and each of the Members, including assisting with the implementation of any Licensor software. Licensor will provide appropriate training to Licensee and Member staff relating to the use of the Licensed Materials and any Licensor software. Licensor will offer reasonable levels of continuing support to assist Licensee and Members in use of the Licensed Materials, including providing help files and other appropriate user documentation in connection with the use of and access to Licensed Materials. Licensor will, at a minimum, make its personnel available by email, telephone or via the Web, or in person during Licensor’s regular business hours, Monday through Friday, for training and user access support.
Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").
Classroom Visitation To provide patrons of the District the opportunity to visit classrooms with the least interruption to the teaching process, the following guidelines are set forth: A. All visitors to a school and/or classroom shall obtain the approval of the principal, and if the visit is to a classroom, the time will be arranged after the principal or his designee has conferred with the employee, if possible. B. Whenever possible, the employee shall be afforded the opportunity to confer with the classroom visitor before and/or after the visitation. C. This provision does not apply to administrators and Board of Directors members.
Customer Support and Training System Agency will provide support for the CMBHS, including problem tracking and problem resolution. System Agency will provide telephone numbers for Grantees to obtain access to expert assistance for CMBHS-related problem resolution. System Agency will provide initial CMBHS training. Grantee shall provide subsequent ongoing end-user training.
Service and Support 1. Brainlab shall be responsible for providing service and support for the Brainlab Technology in all Fields of Use. Brainlab shall be responsible for providing Xxxxx 0 and Level 2 service and support to customers for Products sold by Brainlab in the Therapeutic Delivery Field of Use and for Integrated Products sold by Brainlab in the MR Guided Stereotactic Placement Field of Use. Level 1 support shall include onsite training, help desk services, reseller interfacing, problem isolation and diagnosis, and Level 2 support shall include loading bug fixes, patches, and minor repair services. To the extent relating to SurgiVision Technology, SurgiVision shall provide Level 3 support, which shall include backup support services to assist Brainlab in meeting Level 1 and Level 2 support obligations by addressing certain technical support issues that are beyond the scope of Brainlab’s expertise. Brainlab will pay SurgiVision for Xxxxx 0 support services at standard rates as described in Appendix C, provided that such services were not required for Co-Development and Distribution Agreement between SurgiVision, Inc. and Brainlab Aktiengesellschaft CONFIDENTIAL warranty repair as contemplated in section X.3 below. Appendix C may be changed from time to time, as appropriate upon the mutual agreement of Brainlab and SurgiVision. SurgiVision will provide spare parts and other items for service to Brainlab at a price equal to [***]. Brainlab reserves the right to offer service packages to the end customer at its discretion. 2. SurgiVision shall be responsible for providing service and support to customers in the United States for ClearPoint Products sold in the MR Guided Stereotactic Placement Field of Use; provided, however, that SurgiVision shall be responsible for attending only the initial clinical cases using the ClearPoint Products (to the extent attendance is requested by the customer). For the avoidance of any doubt, the foregoing obligation does not apply to Integrated Products. To the extent Brainlab has a service package with the end user customer that covers ClearPoint Products (not including Integrated Products), SurgiVision shall be entitled to reasonable compensation from Brainlab under such arrangement in an amount to be agreed. 3. SurgiVision shall provide training on the ClearPoint Products, including joint attendance of SurgiVision and Brainlab personnel in initial clinical cases in the applicable region, to Brainlab personnel to enable Brainlab personnel to provide service and support to customers outside of the United States.