CLIENT’S CONSENT. This is our client agreement upon which we intend to rely. For your own benefit and protection, you should read these terms carefully before signing them. If you do not understand any section please ask for further information and clarification.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. By entering into a Client Agreement with the Company for the provision of Investment Services, the Client is consenting to an application of this Policy on him.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. 6.1. The Client confirms that the funds, which are used for trading through the Company’s services, belong to the Client, are free from taxation, and are not credit or fraudulent funds.
6.2. The Client obliges to act in his or her name and should not represent interests of any other third party. The only exception is the case when there are proper documents that entitle to act on behalf of another person and those documents must meet the Company’s requirements.
6.3. The Client understands that the Company may return all funds to the legitimate owner if there will be any incontrovertible evidences that those funds, which are used for trading, belong to a third party or obtained by criminal means. More than that, the Company has the right to cancel the Client’s transactions and terminate this Agreement. All legal measures can be taken in order to compensate for the Company losses if there are facts of the Client fraudulent activity.
6.4. The Client confirms that by the moment of signing this Agreement he or she has reached legal age and is legally capable to act.
6.5. The Client agrees that any deals, which he or she made via the Company’s services, shall be carried out through the Company’s Trading platform.
6.6. The Client is responsible to provide to the Company genuine documents and keep them up to date.
6.7. The Client is the sole responsible person for his/her trading activity and for any investment decision and shall not rely on any material provided by the Company or any of its Affiliates, employees or related parties and shall not treat such information as an investment advice or recommendation. Any material provided shall be used only for educational and informative purposes and shall not be considered as investment nor trading advice. Independent professional advice shall be sought by the client prior to any trading decision. No information provided by the Company shall be deemed as an assurance or guarantee on the expected results of any transaction.
6.8. If the Client chooses to install any third party or follows any instruction or indication from third party providers (such as trading signals, copy trading, strategies, Expert Advisors, algorithms, trailing stops etc.) the Company shall not be held responsible for any losses incurred or any malfunctions, delays, inaccuracies due to the abovementioned.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. I have read this Limited Scope Representation Agreement and understand it. I hereby indicate my consent to the terms of this agreement, i.e. that the legal Services described above are the only legal Services to be provided by the Attorney. I understand that the fee described is my payment for the Services of the Attorney (“Attorney Fee”). I agree to pay the Attorney Fee separately or \ and agree that the amount of the Attorney Fee may be taken from the purchase price I paid for the Services. I understand and agree that the Attorney may receive additional compensation from MediLiVes beyond the Attorney Fee, but that I am not responsible to pay any such additional compensation.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. This is our standard client agreement upon which we intend to rely. For your own benefit and protection you should read these terms carefully before signing them. If you do not understand any point please ask for further information.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. I/We understand and consent to the terms of this Client Agreement and I hereby authorise the transfer of information, as described above, on a confidential basis when warranted between such third parties.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. 6.1. The Client confirms that the funds, which are used for trading through the Company’s services, belong to the Client, are free from taxation, and are not credit or fraudulent funds.
6.2. The Client obliges to act in his or her name and should not represent interests of any other third party. The only exception is the case when there are proper documents that entitle to act on behalf of another person and those documents must meet the Company’s requirements.
6.3. The Client understands that the Company may return all funds to the legitimate owner if there will be any incontrovertible evidences that those funds, which are used for trading, belong to a third party or obtained by criminal means. More than that, the Company has the right to cancel the Client’s transactions and terminate this Agreement. All legal measures can be taken in order to compensate for the Company losses if there are facts of the Client fraudulent activity.
6.4. The Client confirms that by the moment of signing this Agreement he or she has reached legal age and is legally capable to act.
6.5. The Client agrees that any deals, which he or she made via the Company’s services, shall be carried out through the Company’s Trading platform.
6.6. The Client is responsible to provide to the Company genuine documents and keep them up to date.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. Client consents to and acknowledges that the following actions will take place: (a) CD will pull a credit report from the three major bureaus at the beginning of the repair process (through your credit watch service), and thereafter as often as deemed necessary by CD employees, in their sole discretion; (b) to share any information obtained from the client, the creditors, credit reporting agencies, or any third parties with any party deemed necessary to pursue the client’s remedies under the FCRA; (c) to discuss the client’s credit information and status of the repair work with any individual or company who referred the customer to CD, such as a mortgage broker or lender; (d) to sign a power of attorney which will permit CD to perform any act necessary to provide its services, including the right to draft and sign letters on your behalf to challenge credit items which client and CD believe are inaccurate, obsolete and/or unverifiable.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. I have read this Notice and Consent form and I understand it. I agree that the legal services listed above are the only legal services to be provided by the Lawyer. I understand and agree that the lawyer who is helping me with these services is not my Lawyer for any other purpose and does not have to give me more legal help. If the lawyer is giving me advice or is helping me with legal or other documents, I understand the lawyer will stop helping me when the services listed above have been completed. The address I give below is my permanent address where I can be reached. I understand that it is important that the court handling my case and other parties to the case be able to reach me at the address after the Lawyer ends the limited representation. I therefore agree that I will inform the Court and other parties of any change in my permanent address. In exchange for the lawyer's Limited representation, I agree to pay the attorney's fee and costs described above.
CLIENT’S CONSENT. Client understands that the class of Plaintiffs and Consenters in the Lawsuit may consist of many individual employees. Whenever an attorney represents a large class of participants in a lawsuit, it is possible that a conflict may develop between you as Client and other members of the Plaintiff class represented by Attorneys: if, for example, Client’s goals differ from the goals set by the other individuals making up the class; or if Attorneys pursue goals of the majority of the class which are in conflict with the individual goals of Client. By signing this Agreement, Client gives Client’s consent to the following: