MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 14.01 It is understood that the Management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Representative any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, or Stewards, and that if such complaint by Management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring Parties, it may be treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of any employee.
Group Grievances No more than five (5) grievants will be permitted to attend grievance meetings.
Processing Grievances The grievant shall be granted reasonable time off with pay from regularly scheduled duty hours to process a grievance, provided that the time off will be devoted to the prompt and efficient investigation and handling of grievances, subject to the following: Neither a grievant nor a grievant's representative who is a Court employee shall suffer any lost pay for attending any regularly scheduled grievance hearing required by the procedure herein set forth. A. A grievant and a grievant's representative shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible of scheduled grievance hearings and of any changes in the time or date of scheduled hearings in which they must participate. B. In no event shall a grievant be represented by more than one Court employee at a grievance hearing.
Policy Grievances Where either party to this agreement disputes the general application, interpretation or alleged violation of an article of this agreement, the dispute shall be discussed initially with the Administrator, his/her designate or the Union within 14 calendar days of the occurrence. Where no satisfactory agreement is reached, either party, within a further 14 calendar days, may submit the dispute to arbitration, as set out in Article 9 -Arbitration of this agreement.
Individual Grievances Subject to and as provided in section 208 of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act, an employee who feels that he or she has been treated unjustly or considers himself, herself aggrieved by any action or lack of action by the Employer in matters other than those arising from the classification process, is entitled to present a grievance, as in paragraph (b).
Settlement of Grievances The applicable procedures of this Agreement shall be followed for the settlement of all grievances. All grievances shall be considered carefully and processed promptly.
Personal Grievances A personal grievance is a particular type of employment relationship problem that normally must be raised with the employer within 90 days of the grievance arising. An employee may have a personal grievance where: • They have been dismissed without good reason, or the dismissal was not carried out properly. • They have been treated unfairly. • Their employment or a condition of their employment has been affected to their disadvantage by an unjustified action of their employer. • They have experienced sexual or racial harassment, or have been discriminated against because of their involvement in a union or other employee organisation, or have suffered duress over membership or non-membership of a union or other employee organisation. • They have been discriminated against in terms of the prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993.
Management Grievance The Employer may initiate a grievance at Step 3 of the grievance procedure by the Employer or designate presenting the grievance to the President of the Union or designate. Time limits and process are identical to a union grievance.
Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Union Grievances 4/8/1 Union officers and grievance representatives who are members of the bargaining unit shall have the right to file and process a grievance when any provision of this Agreement has been violated or when the Employer interpretation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement lead to a controversy with the Union over application of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. Such grievances must be designated as Union grievances at the initial step and must comply with the time limits previously set forth in this Article.