Stewardship Projects Sample Clauses

Stewardship Projects. Performance of stewardship projects shall be in accordance with the specifications in K-G.9.
Stewardship Projects. Performance of stew- ardship projects shall be in accordance with the specifi- cations in C6.9#.
Stewardship Projects. Performance of stew- ardship projects shall be in accordance with the specifi- cations in C6.9#.‌‌ All of the mandatory stewardship projects, as shown in A4c, shall be performed. Optional stewardship projects, as shown in A4c, shall be performed when au- thorized in writing by Contracting Officer. Such authori- zation may be for all or a portion of the quantity shown. Optional stewardship projects may be selected and au- thorized in any order by the Contracting Officer. Upon written request of Contractor, additional optional stew- ardship projects shall be authorized; however, Con- tracting Officer shall not be obligated to authorize addi- tional stewardship projects if three or more authorized optional stewardship projects or any of the mandatory stewardship projects remain uncompleted. Contracting Officer shall not be obligated to authorize additional op- tional stewardship projects at any time if Contracting Of- ficer determines that there is insufficient value of re- maining designated timber to cover the value of addi- tional stewardship projects.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ B7.0—FIRE PRECAUTIONS AND CONTROL‌
Stewardship Projects. Project Number 5: Released & Felled Trees (Continued)
Stewardship Projects. Meadow Lake Hunter Walking Trails Approach Maintenance‌ The Contractor shall provide any and all equipment, labor, materials, tools, supervision, equipment including safety and other incidentals necessary to perform all work activities located in the designated areas shown on the contract area map. Approach Maintenance – Provide, haul, place, grade and compact MnDOT Class 5 aggregate at each of the 10 approaches (Parking Areas) along FR 0000 (Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx) • Contractor shall not close FR2393 for Meadow Lake Hunter Walking Trails approach maintenance work.
Stewardship Projects. The Manager shall manage and implement stewardship projects as provided for in the Annual Budgets, or as otherwise agreed. (cc)
Stewardship Projects. Contract Name: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx IRTC 176 Contract 2400-13,(10/19)
Stewardship Projects. Project: Mechanically Prepare Fire Line (FB1) Project: Creation of Shaded Fuel Breaks (FB2) FB1-11 Mechanically Prepare Fire Line for Burning – 75 feet 11 3.0 FB1-17 Mechanically Prepare Fire Line for Burning – 75 feet 17 1.5 FB2-11 Create Shaded Fuel Breaks WUI– 200 feet 11 7.5 FB2-13 Create Shaded Fuel Breaks WUI– 200 feet 13 0.5 FB2-17 Create Shaded Fuel Breaks WUI– 200 feet 17 29.0 Total Acres 41.5 SAMPLE Project # Designated Stewardship Work Items FB1-11 FB1-17 For a distance of 75 feet from the cleared edge of the road or payment unit boundary to the interior portion of the unit as shown on the map, the following stewardship work will be performed: • Cut and remove all merchantable stems marked or designated for removal. Merchantable trees are marked in BLUE, YELLOW, or designated species outlined in CT2.352#. • Remove all activity fuels created from the harvest operations. • Remove any conifer trees from 1-inch to 6-inch xxxxx diameter. • Remove sub-merchantable hardwood stems within 25 feet of the edge of the unit. • Remove all standing dead material greater than 6-inch xxxxx diameter. • Remove all sub-merchantable fuels for the first 50 feet. Project # Designated Stewardship Work Items FB2-11 FB2-13 FB2-17 In the identified fuel breaks shown on the map, the following stewardship work items will be performed: • Cut and remove all merchantable stems marked or designated for removal. Merchantable trees are marked in BLUE, YELLOW, or designated species outlined in CT2.352#. • For the first 100 feet, starting at the payment unit boundary closest to the private boundary moving into the unit: • Remove all woody understory vegetation from 1-inch to 6-inch xxxxx diameter. • Remove all activity fuels created from the harvest operations. • Remove all standing dead material greater than 6-inch xxxxx diameter. • Remove all sub-merchantable fuels for the first 50 feet. • From 100 feet to 200 feet, starting at the payment unit boundary closest to the private boundary moving into the unit: • Cut all conifer vegetation from 1-inch to 6-inch xxxxx diameter. Removal not required in this zone. • Compact activity fuel created from harvest operations to less than 1 foot. • From 200 feet to PU boundary (FB2-17 Only), starting at the payment unit boundary closest to the private boundary moving into the unit: • Cut all conifer vegetation from 1-inch to 6-inch xxxxx diameter. Removal not required in this zone. • Compact activity fuel created from harvest operations to less...
Stewardship Projects. Project 001 - MANDATORY - Planned and Directional felling of conifers. Project Location - Subdivision: 15R & 17R (Approximately 100 Conifers) End Results/Project Description – Planned and Directional falling of conifers 5” (inch) DBH, and larger at high xxxxx height, creating areas that would inhibit, or block ungulate access to the underlying aspen suckers/sprouts. The conifers identified for this project are identified by a band of white tree marking paint and two white xxxxx marks. Aspen clumps in the 242 Fire area will have standing dead trees felled near them and left to reduce access by browsers. The aspen that sprout will have a chance to grow into larger individual trees above the browse height of 6 feet. Trees cut at approximately waist height, with the intention to fall it in a planned direction and to keep the tree on the xxxxx once the top of the tree is on the ground or resting on another tree. Contract Name: FFLR DxP IRTC Contract Page 183 C7.1 - PLANS (05/2005) The plan shall state how Contractor's representative or alternates will be contacted in a fire emergency, both during periods of operation and at other times such as evenings or weekends. Contractor shall certify compliance with specific fire precautionary measures included as Subsections under C7.2 - Specific Fire Precautions, before beginning operations during Fire Precautionary Period (closed season) and shall update such certification when operations change. If helicopter yarding is required, the plan shall include a schedule of rates mutually agreed to for computing Contractor costs incurred toward meeting Contractor's obligations under A14, or for paying for helicopters controlled by Contractor and used under Forest Service direction for suppressing Operations Fires or other fires on Contract Area, excluding Negligent Fires. C7.11 - ADDITIONAL AREA OF FIRE RESPONSIBILITY (05/2005) The area within 200 feet slope distance of the center line of any road constructed or reconstructed under this contract on National Forest lands outside of Contract Area shall be considered as a part of Contract Area in connection with responsibilities under B7.3 and B7.4 until the road has been accepted in writing by Forest Service. C7.2 - SPECIFIC FIRE PRECAUTIONS (05/2005) When the industrial fire precaution level is I or higher, unless waiver is granted under C7.22, specific required fire precautionary measures are as follows:
Stewardship Projects. Project Number 2: Released & Felled Trees (Continued) Subdivision/Unit Acres Total 94