COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. BEHÖRIG TILLSYNSMYNDIGHET Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13: Ange den eller de behöriga tillsynsmyndigheterna i enlighet med klausul 13. Controller please enter your country’s supervisory authority here:_ *Note - where the Controller acts as the data exporter and is established in an EU Member State the supervisory authority with responsibility for ensuring compliance by the data exporter with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as regards the data transfer, as indicated here, shall act as competent supervisory authority. Personuppgiftsansvarig, vänligen uppge ert lands dataskyddsmyndighet: _ _ . *Notera – då Personuppgiftsansvarig agerar som uppgiftsutförare och är etablerad i ett medlemslands skall tillsynsmyndigheten med ansvar för efterlevnad för uppgiftsutföraren under Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) 2016/670, som indikerat, agera som tillsynsmyndighet. ANNEX II – TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE DATE BILAGA II – TEKNISKA OCH ORGANISATORISKA ÅTGÄRDER, INKLUSIVE TEKNISKA OCH ORGANISATORISKA ÅTGÄRDER FÖR ATT SÄKERSTÄLLA UPPGIFTERNAS SÄKERHET The Parties shall agree the following categories of measures will be implemented. The details of each measure is available upon request. Parterna skall vara överens om att följande åtgärdskategorier skall implementeras. Detaljer kring varje åtgärdskategori finns tillgänglig på begäran.
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COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. PŘÍSLUŠNÝ DOZOROVÝ ORGÁN Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13 Identifikujte příslušný dozorový/é orgán/y v souladu s xxxxxxxx 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Česká republika ANNEX II - TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE DATA PŘÍLOHA II – TECHNICKÁ A ORGANIZAČNÍ OPATŘENÍ VČETNĚ TECHNICKÝCH A ORGANIZAČNÍCH OPATŘENÍ K ZAJIŠTĚNÍ BEZPEČNOSTI ÚDAJŮ The data importer has implemented the following technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security in line with the nature, scope, context, and purpose of the processing and the risks the processing presents for the rights and freedoms of natural persons: Dovozce údajů zavedl následující technická a organizační opatření, aby zajistil úroveň bezpečnosti odpovídající povaze, rozsahu, kontextu a účelu zpracování a riziku, které zpracování představuje pro práva a svobody fyzických osob:
COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. PŘÍSLUŠNÝ DOZOROVÝ ÚŘAD Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13 Identifikujte příslušný dozorový orgán/y v souladu s článkem 13 Office for Personal Data Protection Pplk. Sochora 27 170 00 Prague 7 Czech Republic Tel. +000 000 000 000 Email: xxxxx@xxxx.xx Website: xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/ Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů, Pplk. Sochora 00 000 00 Praha 7 Tel. +000 000 000 000 Email: xxxxx@xxxx.xx Website: xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/ _ _ XXXXX XX PŘÍLOHA II TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE DATA TECHNICKÁ A ORGANIZAČNÍ OPATŘENÍ VČETNĚ TECHNICKÝCH A ORGANIZAČNÍCH OPATŘENÍ K ZAJIŠTĚNÍ ZABEZPEČENÍ ÚDAJŮ
COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. PŘÍSLUŠNÝ DOZOROVÝ ÚŘAD Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13 V souladu s doložkou 00 xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx nebo příslušné dozorové úřady. Czech Office for Personal Data Protection (UOOU) Český Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů (ÚOOÚ) ANNEX II - TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE DATA PŘÍLOHA II – TECHNICKÁ A ORGANIZAČNÍ OPATŘENÍ VČETNĚ TECHNICKÝCH A ORGANIZAČNÍCH OPATŘENÍ K ZAJIŠTĚNÍ BEZPEČNOSTI ÚDAJŮ EXPLANATORY NOTE: VYSVĚTLIVKY: The technical and organisational measures must be described in specific (and not generic) terms. See also the general comment on the first page of the Appendix, in particular on the need to clearly indicate which measures apply to each transfer/set of transfers. Technická a organizační opatření musí být popsána konkrétně (nikoli obecně). Viz také obecnou poznámku na první stránce dodatku, týkající se zejména potřeby jasně uvést, která opatření se vztahují na každé jednorázové nebo souborné předání.
COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. AUTORITÉ DE CONTRÔLE COMPÉTENTE Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13 of the Module 2 SCC Indiquez la ou les autorités de contrôle compétentes conformément à la clause 13 […insert Supervisory Authority of the Data Exporter or as otherwise applicable... ] - II – ANNEXE II TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES INCLUDING TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE DATA MESURES TECHNIQUES ET ORGANISATIONNELLES, Y COMPRIS LES MESURES TECHNIQUES ET ORGANISATIONNELLES VISANT À GARANTIR LA SÉCURITÉ DES DONNÉES See Annex II of the Data Protection Agreement. Voir Annexe II de l’Addendum relatif au Traitement des Données à Caractère Personnel - III - ANNEXE III LIST OF SUB-PROCESSORS LISTE DES SOUS-TRAITANTS ULTÉRIEURS xxxxx:// On behalf of the data exporter: On behalf of the data importer: JAGGAER LLC Name (written out in full): Name (written out in full): Position: Position: Address: Address: 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Blvd. Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Other information necessary in order for the contract to be binding (if any): Other information necessary in order for the contract to be binding (if any): Signature Signature (stamp of organisation) (stamp of organisation) ANNEX V International Data Transfer Addendum to the EU Commission Standard Contractual Clauses VERSION B1.0, in force 21 March 2022 This Addendum has been issued by the Information Commissioner for Parties making Restricted Transfers. The Information Commissioner considers that it provides Appropriate Safeguards for Restricted Transfers when it is entered into as a legally binding contract.
COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY C. AUTORIDAD SUPERVISORA COMPETENTE Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance (e.g. in accordance with Clause 13 SCCs) Identifique las autoridades supervisoras competentes de acuerdo con, p. ej., la Cláusula 13 de las SCC: Where GDPR applies, the competent supervisory authority shall be the Luxembourg Data Protection Commissioner. Cuando se aplique el RGPD, la autoridad supervisora competente será el Comisionado de Protección de Datos de Luxemburgo. Where UK GDPR applies, the competent supervisory authority shall be the UK Information Commissioner's Office. Cuando se aplique el RGPD del Reino Unido, la autoridad supervisora competente será la Oficina del Comisionado de Información del Reino Unido. ANNEX II ANEXO II Minimum Security Measures Medidas de seguridad mínimas
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  • COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY Identify the competent supervisory authority/ies in accordance with Clause 13 Where the data exporter is established in an EU Member State: The supervisory authority with responsibility for ensuring compliance by the data exporter with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as regards the data transfer shall act as competent supervisory authority. Where the data exporter is not established in an EU Member State, but falls within the territorial scope of application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in accordance with its Article 3(2) and has appointed a representative pursuant to Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679: The supervisory authority of the Member State in which the representative within the meaning of Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 is established shall act as competent supervisory authority.

  • Supervisory Authority The parties recognize the supervisor’s authority to approve or deny paid or unpaid time off based upon the operational needs of the department. Time off will be granted in a manner that minimizes operational hardship.

  • Regulatory Authority If any regulatory authority having jurisdiction (or any successor boards or agencies), a court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Authority with the appropriate jurisdiction (collectively, the ''Regulatory Body'') issues a rule, regulation, law or order that has the effect of cancelling, changing or superseding any term or provision of this Agreement (the ''Regulatory Requirement''), then this Agreement will be deemed modified to the extent necessary to comply with the Regulatory Requirement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Regulatory Body materially modifies the terms and conditions of this Agreement and such modification(s) materially affect the benefits flowing to one or both of the Parties, as determined by either of the Parties within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the Agreement as materially modified, the Parties agree to attempt in good faith to negotiate an amendment or amendments to this Agreement or take other appropriate action(s) so as to put each Party in effectively the same position in which the Parties would have been had such modification not been made. In the event that, within sixty (60) days or some other time period mutually agreed upon by the Parties after such modification has been made, the Parties are unable to reach agreement as to what, if any, amendments are necessary and fail to take other appropriate action to put each Party in effectively the same position in which the Parties would have been had such modification not been made, then either Party shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement forthwith.

  • SIGNATORY AUTHORITY The signatories to this Annex covenant and warrant that they have authority to execute this Annex. By signing below, the undersigned agrees to the above terms and conditions. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION XXXXXX X. XXXXXXXX SPACE FLIGHT CENTER XXXX Digitally signed by XXXX XXXX ORIGIN, LLC

  • Statutory Authority 1.1. This Consent Agreement is entered into under the authority vested in the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by Section 309(g) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. § 1319(g).

  • Governing Law, Regulatory Authority, and Rules The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement and each of its provisions shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. This Agreement is subject to all Applicable Laws and Regulations. Each Party expressly reserves the right to seek changes in, appeal, or otherwise contest any laws, orders, or regulations of a Governmental Authority.

  • Competent Authorities The Parties shall inform each other about the structure, organisation and division of competences of their competent authorities during the first meeting of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Sub-Committee referred to in Article 65 of this Agreement ("SPS Sub-Committee"). The Parties shall inform each other of any change of the structure, organisation and division of competences, including of the contact points, concerning such competent authorities.

  • Regulatory Authorizations Each Party represents and warrants that it has, or applied for, all regulatory authorizations necessary for it to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

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