Competing Claims Sample Clauses

Competing Claims. The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Placement Agent will not proceed to perform hereunder until it receives assurances, in form and substance satisfactory to the Placement Agent and their counsel, that as of the first date that the Offering Documents are presented to potential purchasers of Shares, there will be no claims or payments for services in the nature of a finder’s fee with respect to the Offering or any other arrangements, agreements, payments, issuances or understandings that may affect the Placement Agent’s compensation hereunder other than any claims that may be made by the Placement Agent’s own personnel. The Placement Agent shall compensate any of its personnel who may have acted in such capacities, as it shall determine.
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Competing Claims. The Company acknowledges and agrees that no entity has any claims or is entitled to any payments for services in the nature of a finder’s fee or any other arrangements, agreements, payments or understandings pursuant to this Offering.
Competing Claims. Purchaser and Seller agree that any claims, irrespective of whatever kind and of whatever basis, that Purchaser, any Purchaser’s Affiliate (including the Sold Entities) and JV Majority Participations may have against Seller or any Seller’s Group Company with respect to or in connection with any Environmental Losses relating to Existing Environmental Conditions on the Covered Property shall be exclusively governed by this Section 13. In particular, any claims of the Purchaser or Purchaser’s Affiliates (including the Sold Entities) and JV Majority Participations pursuant to Section 24 para. 2 Federal Soil Protection Act (Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz) and any similar statutory claims shall generally be excluded. Purchaser shall ensure that no Purchaser’s Affiliate (including the Sold Entities) and JV Majority Participations will raise any respective claims against Seller and shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and any Seller’s Affiliates from and against any such claims.
Competing Claims. During the exhibition, the AP Museum was confronted with competing demands for return of the objects that had come from Crimea: Ukraine on the one hand and the Crimean Museums on the other. From March 2014 onwards, the four Crimean museums insisted that the AP Museum return all objects to the lending institutions as stipulated in the loan agreements.16 That same month, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine requested an early return of the Crimean treasures to the State of Ukraine, stating that Ukraine was working on the return of all artefacts that belonged to the State Museum Fund as they were ‘national treasures and an integral part of the cultural heritage of Ukraine protected by law’.17 By July 2014, the AP Museum suspended its obligations under the loan agreement to return the objects to the four Crimean museums, and, instead, adopted a position that it had no interest in the Crimean treasures and simply wanted to return the artefacts to the entitled party, but that it did not want to be held liable for breach of contract or damages claimed by the other party.18 This position was consistent with the AP Museum’s decision to return objects that had been borrowed from the National Museum of History of Ukraine in Kiev after the termination of the exhibition in August 2014.19 14 Law of Ukraine on Securing the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and Legal Regime on the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine (15 April 2014) No 1207-VII. See also Xxxxxxxx (2015) 1276, 1283.
Competing Claims. If the VAR and any other person make competing claims to a sale, the VAR and the other person shall resolve their claims through negotiation. Pending such outcome, ESRO may in good faith withhold payment of the disputed amount. In no event shall ESRO be liable for paying duplicate or multiple sales commissions with respect to any End-User License Agreement or associated services.
Competing Claims. In the event that the Securities Intermediary has or subsequently obtains by agreement, operation of law or otherwise a security interest in the Account or any security entitlement in respect of financial assets carried therein, the Securities Intermediary hereby agrees that such security interest shall be subordinate to the security interests of Agent under this Account Control Agreement, and agrees that the financial assets standing to the credit of the Account will not be subject to deduction, set-off, banker’s lien or any other right in favor of any Person other than the Agent (except for the face amount of any checks which have been credited to the Account but are subsequently returned unpaid because of uncollected or insufficient funds); provided, however, that the Securities Intermediary may set off all amounts due to it in respect of its reasonable customary fees and expenses for the routine maintenance and operation of the Account.
Competing Claims. Where You Have Reported an Article as Lost or Stolen. 7.3 સ્પધાાત્મક દાવા જ્ાાં તિે સાિાન ખોવાઈ ગયેલ અથવા ચોરાઇ ગયેલ છે એવો અિેવાલ આ્યો છે. You may, as the owner of an article, notify GIA that your article has been lost or stolen (the “Owner Notice”). GIA will only accept an Owner Notice from you if you are the owner of the article. You may not submit an Owner Notice on behalf of a third party, including without limitation any customer or other person. તિે, કોઈ સાિાનના િાન્લક તરીકે, જીઆઇએ ને સૂચવી શકો છો કે તિારો સાિાન ખોવાઇ ગયો છે અથવા ચોરાઇ ગયો છે ("િાન્લકની સૂચના"). જો તિે આ સાિાનના િાન્લક છો, તો જ જીઆઇએ તિારા તરફથી િળેલ નોન્ટસ િાન્લકની નોન્ટસ તરીકે સ્વીકારશે. તિે તૃતીય પક્ષ કે જિા કોઈપણ ગ્રાિક અથવા અડય વ્યન્ક્તનો સિાવેશ થાય છે તેના વતી કોઈ િાન્લકીની નોન્ટસ િોકલી શકતા નથી. In addition, GIA may, in its sole discretion, elect not to flag an article as lost or stolen. વધુિાાં, જીઆઇએ, તેની સાંપૂણા િુનસુફીથી , સાિાનને ખોવાઈ ગયેલ અથવા ચોરાઇ ગયેલ અાંન્કત ન કરવાનુાં પસાંદ કરી શકે છે. One of the following items must accompany your Owner Notice or the signed version of the Acknowledgment (as defined below): a contemporaneous (1) police or law enforcement agency report on the theft of the article, or (2) copy of a pending lawsuit or action evidencing or alleging your claim of ownership in the article, if applicable. Where applicable, certified English translations of the foregoing must also be submitted to GIA. GIA will not flag the article in GIA’s system without the foregoing and GIA may elect not to flag the article in GIA’s system if you do not provide other documentation or information required by GIA. In addition, if applicable, you must provide any insurance loss claim report for the article with your Owner Notice or the signed version of the Acknowledgment. નીચેની વસ્તુઓ િાાંની એક તિારી િાન્લકીની નોન્ટસ અથવા સિી કરલ સ્વીકૃ ન્તની (નીચે દશાાવ્યા િજ બ) સાથે િોવા જરૂરી છે : (1) સાિાનની ચોરીના ન્કસ્સાિાાં સિકાલીન પોલીસ અથવા કાયદાનુાં પાલન કરાવતી સત્તાન્ધકારીનો અિેવાલ, અથવા (2) જો લાગુ પિતુાં િોય તો ચાલુ િુકદ્દિાની કોપી અથવા , આ સાિાનિાાં િાન્લકીના તિારા દાવાના પુરાવા અથવા આક્ષેપ કરલ િોય તે કાયાવાિીની કોપી . જ્ાાં લાગુ પિતુાં િોય ત્યાાં, આગળના પ્રિાન્ણત અાંગ્રેજી અનુવાદો પણ જીઆઇએ િાાં રજૂ કરવાિાાં આવ્યક છે. જીઆઇએ ઉપરોક્ત વગર જીઆઇએ ની ન્સસ્ટિિાાં સાિાનને અાંન્કત કરશે નિીાં અને જો જીઆઇએ દ્વારા જરૂરી અડય દસ્તાવજો અથવા િાન્િતી પૂરી પિાશે નિી તો જીઆઇએ ન્સસ્ટિિાાં સાિાનને અાંન્કત ન કરવાનુાં પસાંદ કરી શકે છે. વધુિાાં, જો લાગુ પિતુાં િોય તો, તિારે તિારા િાન્લકીની નોન્ટસ...
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Competing Claims. 8.1 So long as any Obligations are owed or may become owing by the Borrower to an Interim Finance Party, the Guarantor agrees that (unless that Interim Finance Party otherwise directs) it will not exercise any rights which it may have by reason of performance by it of any of its obligations to that Interim Finance Party hereunder:
Competing Claims. If the VAR and any other person make competing claims to a sale, the VAR and the other person shall resolve their claims through negotiation. Pending such outcome, 4D may in good faith withhold payment of the disputed amount. In no event shall 4D be liable for paying duplicate or multiple sales commissions with respect to any End-User License Agreement or associated services.
Competing Claims. Other than as set forth in this Agreement and the Paramount Agreement, the Company acknowledges and agrees that, subject to Paramount’s acknowledgement set forth in the second paragraph of Section 3 hereof, it is not a party to any agreements that provide for, and, to the knowledge of the Company, no entity has any claims or entitlement to, any payments for services in the nature of a finder’s fee or any other arrangements, agreements, payments or understandings pursuant to this Offering.
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