Compliance and Data Management Services. A) Attendance Reporting
1) Prepare PENSEC 20-Day, P-1, P-2, and Annual attendance reports from Client-provided records and submit to the Chartering Authority as required.
2) Prepare and submit monthly statistical and classification attendance reports, if required to be submitted by Chartering Authority.
Compliance and Data Management Services. A) Attendance Reporting
1) Prepare PENSEC 20-Day, P-1, P-2, and Annual attendance reports from Client- provided records and submit to the Chartering Authority as required.
2) Prepare and submit monthly statistical and classification attendance reports, if required to be submitted by Chartering Authority.
B) Categorical Funding Applications
1) Prepare funding applications for funding sources identified in Client’s Budget. This includes the following (if applicable): Consolidated Application (ConApp), Title III Consortium Application English Learner, the Annual Funding Survey, the PENSEC Report for new/expanding schools, SB 740 Facility Grant Program, and the Facilities Incentive Grant, if the Client is eligible and requests that ExED complete the application.
2) Assist with budget/financial sections of Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) and other grant applications, if applicable.
C) Compliance and Fiscal Reporting
1) Prepare preliminary Budget report and submit to Chartering Authority in required format.
2) Provide Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding numbers (LCFF Base Revenue, LCFF Supplemental and Concentration, and Minimum Proportionality Percentage) required for Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
3) Assist with budget estimates related to the actions and services included in LCAP. ExED expects the development of the LCAP to be an iterative, ongoing process that is developed over multiple months. For each iteration, ExED requires 10 business days to provide budget estimates. If ExED is not provided sufficient time to develop budget estimates or if Client develops LCAP in a short time frame, ExED may not be able to provide budget estimates and Client will need to develop these estimates.
4) Prepare and disseminate fiscal reports to lenders and creditors as appropriate.
5) Prepare and submit Title I, II, III, IV and V reporting as appropriate.
6) If appropriate, complete After School Educational & Safety program reporting.
7) Prepare per pupil expenditure section of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).
8) Prepare school expenditure section of the Civil Rights Data Collection.
D) Nutrition Claims Reporting
1) Prepare monthly claim information for National School Lunch Program, as appropriate, and transfer information into Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS). Client reviews, notifies ExED of any discrepancies and submits final monthly claim information in CNIPS.
2) Prepare and submit year-end Cost an...
Compliance and Data Management Services. A) Categorical Funding Applications
1) Prepare funding applications for funding sources identified in Client’s Budget. This includes the following (if applicable): Mandated Block Grant, Consolidated Application (ConApp), SB 740 Facility Grant Program, and the Facilities Incentive Grant, if the Client is eligible and requests that ExED complete the application.
2) Assist with budget/financial sections of Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) and other grant applications, if applicable.