Conference Telephone Meetings Directors or members of any committee of the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or such committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and such participation in a meeting shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.
Meeting If during the execution of the contract the Engineer considers the progress position of any section of the work to be unsatisfactory, he will be at liberty to call such meetings, either in Irbid office, or at the contractor’s work, as he deems to be necessary. If required by the Engineer a responsible representative form the contractor’s works is to attend such meetings. Access to the contractors and sub-contractor’s works is to be granted to the engineer at all reasonable times for the purpose of ascertaining progress.
Meeting Agendas Each Party will disclose to the other proposed agenda items along with appropriate information at least three (3) business days in advance of each meeting of the applicable Committee; provided, that a Party may provide its agenda items to the other Party within a lesser period of time in advance of the meeting, or may propose that there not be a specific agenda for a particular meeting, so long as such other Party consents to such later addition of such agenda items or the absence of a specific agenda for such Committee meeting.
PRE-BID MEETING 3.1. The contracting Agency/Department will hold a pre-bid meeting at LOCATION on DAY, DATE and TIME
Conference Committee The Conference Committee shall meet at least quarterly. It shall consist of the three elected representatives of the nurses plus one clinical unit representative appointed by the nurse bargaining unit, and an Association staff member, and five representatives of the Employer to include the Chief Nursing Executive and/or designee and one member of the Employer’s contract negotiating team. The purpose of the Conference Committee is to act in an advisory capacity to xxxxxx problem solving through communications between the Employer and nurses in the bargaining unit and deal with matters of nursing practice and general concern to the parties. Major organizational or policy changes in the nursing department that have a direct bearing on nursing practice or working conditions shall be an appropriate subject for discussion by the Conference Committee. Attendance at Conference Committee will be considered work time and will be paid at the regular rate of pay. A general group “grievance” as defined in this Agreement coming before the Conference Committee which is not resolved by the parties may be submitted in accordance with Article 18 at Step Two of the Grievance Procedure.
Conference Attendance The Federation will be entitled to five (5) person days per year release time for designated Federation representatives to attend conferences. All conference expenses will be the responsibility of the Federation, unless funding is requested and approved through regular District processes for conference attendance.
Grievance Meetings Where operational requirements permit, and on reasonable notice, the Employer shall grant special leave with pay to an Employee for the purpose of attending grievance meetings with the Employer.
Open Meetings (a) All scheduled meetings of the Employer shall be open meetings, except in those cases where personnel, financial or other matters require that the meeting be considered confidential. (b) In those cases where a meeting is designated confidential, the Union shall be provided with a reason for such designation. (c) A designated member of the Union shall be provided a copy of the agenda and minutes of all open meetings. (d) Notwithstanding 18.04(b), any faculty member may request that an Union representative attend as an observer at meetings where the faculty member reasonably believes their working conditions under Article 12 will be affected. Management will be notified by the Union in advance of the meeting regarding their attendance at the meeting.
Committee Meetings All meetings of the said Committee on Labour Relations with the Union Committee and the Secretary- Business Manager, or her/his representative, shall be under the chairpersonship of a member of the Committee on Labour Relations. Meetings shall be held at the call of the Chairperson as promptly as possible on request in writing of either party. The Employer and the Union shall make every effort to exchange written agendas at least one (1) week prior to meetings called under Article 8.04.
Review Meeting i. Either the BCTF or BCPSEA may request in writing a meeting to review the issues in a provincial matters grievance that has been referred to arbitration. ii. Where the parties agree to hold such a meeting, it shall be held within ten