Half Day Sample Clauses
Half Day. Effective until June 10, 2022, the substitute teachers’ rate per one-half day will be $100.17 plus six per cent (6%) vacation pay of $6.01 for a total of $106.18. Effective June 10, 2022 (0.50% Increase), the substitute teachers per one-half day will be $100.67 plus six per cent (6%) vacation pay of $6.04 for a total of $106.71. Effective September 1, 2022 (1.25% Increase), the substitute teachers per one-half day will be $108.04 plus two per cent (2%) in lieu of benefits $2.16 for a total of $110.21. Effective September 1, 2023 (2.00% Increase), the substitute teachers per one-half day will be $110.20 plus two per cent (2%) in lieu of benefits $2.20 for a total of $112.41.
Half Day. When flight departure is after 4 P.M. or when return arrival at base is before 4 P.M. (c) FULL DAY - $50.00 .03 The per diem is primarily applicable within Canada and the Company will continue to establish an appropriate rate for outside Canada as required. In any event the amount will not be less than the Canadian per diem.
Half Day. The summer camp half day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m. between June 26-August 18
Half Day. All Students - a.m.; Teacher Duty - p.m.
Half Day. No Afternoon Classes – District Professional Development March 20 End of Third Quarter – MS/HS
Half Day a. Teacher arrival time shall be the same as on a regular school day.
b. The instruction day shall not exceed four (4) hours and fifteen (15) minutes.
c. Teachers shall have a lunch period of not less than forty (40) minutes when parent teacher conferences, workshops or other activities are scheduled which extend the teacher day to a full day.
(1) On days preceding holidays, on half day Fridays, and Back-to-School Night, teachers may depart at the close of the students’ day four (4) hours and twenty (20) minutes after arrival. There shall be no parent teacher conferences, workshops or other activities scheduled on these half days. There shall be no long session day prior to a holiday when school is closed during the two calendar days immediately preceding the holiday.
(2) During the first official school day when school is opened for students, the classroom instruction day shall not exceed four (4) hours and fifteen (15) minutes and teachers may depart after being in school six (6) hours and fifteen (15) minutes exclusive of the designated lunch hour.
(3) On workshop and other such half days teachers may depart after being in school six (6) hours and forty (40) minutes exclusive of the designated lunch hour.
Half Day. Presidents' Day (NO SCHOOL) Mar 9 Professional Dev Day Mar 12-21 HSPE Testing Window Mar 23 Snow Day (If Needed) Mar 30 Half Day (Grade Level Prep) Apr 2-6 Spring Break Apr 27-May 18 MSP Testing Window May 25 Snow Day (If Needed) May 28 Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL) Jun 14 Last Day of School Significant Dates
Half Day. All Students - a.m.; Teachers Professional Development Day - p.m.
Half Day. No Afternoon Classes – Thanksgiving Vacation; End of Elementary 1st Trimester November 28-29 No School – Thanksgiving Vacation December 2 School Resumes December 23-January 3 No School – Christmas Vacation January 6 School Resumes January 17 End of Second Quarter/First Semester – MS/HS March 6 End of Elementary 2nd Trimester
Half Day. No Afternoon Classes- Thanksgiving Vacation November 23 End of 1st Marking Period- ELEMENTARY November 24-27 No School - Thanksgiving Vacation November 28 School Reopens December 1 Half Day - Parent Teacher Conferences, (2-4:00 p.m., 5-8:00 p.m. Elem) (1-3:00 p.m., 4-7:00 p.m. MS/HS December 2 Half Day – No Afternoon Classes Dece,ber 22 End of First Trimester (MS/HS) Dec. 23-Dec. 31 No School - Christmas Vacation January 1-2 No School - Christmas Vacation January 3 School Reopens January 27 No School– Staff Professional Development February 17-20 No School – Mid Winter Break February 21 School Reopens