CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENCE AND STAFF. 18.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the Works. 18.2 The Contractor shall employ or cause to be employed in connection with the Works on the Site or off-Site at any place of manufacture or source of material and in the superintendence thereof only such technical personnel as are skilled and experienced in their respective trades and callings and such sub-agents, foremen, leading hands and labour as are competent to carry out their respective duties in connection with the Works. 18.3 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to remove or cause to be removed from the Works or the Site any person employed thereon without stating any reason if, in the Engineer's opinion, the person misconducts himself, is incompetent, is negligent in the performance of his duties, fails to conform with any provision in the Contract with regard to safety or persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety or health. Such person shall not again be employed in connection with the Works or on the Site without prior consent. 18.4 Any person removed from the Works or the Site pursuant to Clause 18.3 shall be replaced by the Contractor as soon as practicable by a competent substitute. 18.5 The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer in respect of liability under the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) to the extent that such liability arises from the presence on or off the Site of any employee, agent or representative of the Contractor or of his subcontractors of any tier. - 32/105 -


  • Superintendent of Schools The duly appointed executive officer of the Owner authorized to act by and through The School Board of Broward County, Florida. Referred to hereinafter as the Superintendent.

  • Level Two - Superintendent If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, or if no decision is reached within six (6) school days after the grievance was referred to the building principal or immediate supervisor, then within ten (10) school days a written grievance shall be referred to the Superintendent. A decision shall be rendered by the Superintendent within ten (10) school days after its presentation.

  • Contractor’s Staff 1. The Contractor shall maintain adequate staff to meet the Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement. 2. This staff shall be available to the State for training and meetings which the State may find necessary from time to time.

  • Superintendent The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during the progress of the Work. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. All Communications shall be in writing when made or shall be confirmed in writing, by the Contractor, within twenty-four (24) hours of the communication.

  • Construction Management Landlord or its Affiliate or agent shall supervise the Work, make disbursements required to be made to the contractor, and act as a liaison between the contractor and Tenant and coordinate the relationship between the Work, the Building and the Building’s Systems. In consideration for Landlord’s construction supervision services, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a construction supervision fee equal to three percent (3%) of Tenant’s Costs specified in Section 7.

  • CONTRACTOR SUPERVISION Contractor shall provide competent supervision of personnel employed on the job Site, use of equipment, and quality of workmanship.

  • B5 Contractor’s Staff The Authority may, by written notice to the Contractor, refuse to admit onto, or withdraw permission to remain on, the Authority’s Premises:

  • Contractor’s Project Manager and Key Personnel Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to direct the Contractor’s efforts in fulfilling Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. This Project Manager shall be subject to approval by the County and shall not be changed without the written consent of the County’s Project Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be assigned to this project for the duration of the Contract and shall diligently pursue all work and services to meet the project time lines. The County’s Project Manager shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Contractor’s Project Manager from providing services to the County under this Contract. The County’s Project manager shall notify the Contractor in writing of such action. The Contractor shall accomplish the removal within five (5) business days after written notice by the County’s Project Manager. The County’s Project Manager shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the Contractor’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it requires the removal of Contractor’s Project Manager from providing further services under the Contract.

  • Site Safety Supervisor 62.1 On every job site, where the Employer is the principal contractor it shall appoint a management representative responsible for safety (Site Safety Supervisor). The Employer will ensure the Site Safety Supervisor has the necessary authority to ensure that all safety laws, procedures or Codes of Practice are observed, and that the following Safety Agreement is applied. 62.2 The Employer when appointing the person appointed as the Site Safety Supervisor must ensure that person has and maintainsthe appropriate experience and knowledge of the safety requirements of the work being performed. Other duties may be assigned by the Employer to a Site Safety Supervisor, provided that such duties shall not prevent him/her from exercising their duties as a Site Safety Supervisor.

  • Construction Manager The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or any combination thereof, or its authorized representative, named as such by the District. If no Construction Manager is used on the Project that is the subject of this Contract, then all references to Construction Manager herein shall be read to refer to District.