Contributions to Individual Account Programs Sample Clauses
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003 and pursuant to Section 3 of that same chapter, the State will pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary, not to be deducted from the salary, as the employee’s contribution to the employee’s account in that program. The employee’s contributions paid by the State under this Section 2 shall not be considered to be “salary” for the purposes of determining the amount of employee contributions required to be contributed pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003.
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program ORS 238A.300 and ORS 238A.305, the Employer will pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary, not to be deducted from the salary, as the employee’s contribution to the employee’s account in that program. The employee’s contributions paid by the Employer under this Section 2(B) shall not be considered to be “salary” for the purposes of determining the amount of employee contributions required to be contributed pursuant to ORS 238A.330 and ORS 238A.335.
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003 and pursuant to Section 3 of that same chapter, the State will pay
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003, the State will pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary, not to be deducted from the salary, as the employee’s contribution to the employee’s account in that program. The employee’s contributions paid by the State under this Section 2 shall not be considered to be “salary” under Section 1(16)(c) of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003, for the purposes of computing an Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan Pension Program member’s “final average salary” under Section 10 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003, or “salary” for the purposes of determining the amount of employee contributions required to be contributed pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003.
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. Effective February 1, 2019, compensation plan salary rates for PERS participating members shall be increased by six and ninety five one hundredths percent (6.95%). At that time, bargaining unit employees will begin to make their own six percent (6%) contributions to their PERS account or the Individual Account Program as applicable. Employees’ contributions shall be treated as ‘pre tax’ contributions pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 414(h)(2).
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by section 29 of chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003, the City will pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary, not to be deducted from the salary, as the employee’s contribution to the employee’s account in the program. The employee’s contributions paid by the City under this Article 10.1(B) shall not be considered to be “salary” under section 1(16)(c) of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003, for the purposes of computing a OPSRPPP member’s “final average salary” under Section 10 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003 or “salary” for the purposes of determining the amount of employee contributions required to be contributed pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003.
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of Chapter, Oregon Laws 2003, and pursuant to Section 3 of that same chapter, the City shall pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary,
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a 34 member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 35 2003 and pursuant to Section 3 of that same chapter, the State will pay an amount equal to six 36 percent (6%) of the employee’s monthly salary, not to be deducted from the salary, as the 37 employee’s contribution to the employee’s account in that program. The employee’s contributions 38 paid by the State under this Section 2 shall not be considered to be “salary” for the purposes of 39 determining the amount of employee contributions required to be contributed pursuant to Section 32 40 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003. 41 42 Section 3. Effect of Changes in Law (Other than PERS Litigation). 43 In the event that the State’s payment of a six percent (6%) employee contribution under 44 Section 1 or under Section 2, as applicable, must be discontinued due to a change in law, valid ballot 45 measure, constitutional amendment, or a final, non-appealable judgment from a court of competent 46 jurisdiction (other than in the PERS Litigation), the State shall increase by six percent (6%) the base 47 salary rates for each classification in the salary schedules in lieu of the six percent (6%) pick-up.
1 This transition shall be done in a manner to assure continuous payment of either the six percent (6%)
2 contribution or a six percent (6%) salary increase.
3 For the reasons indicated above, or by mutual agreement, if the State ceases paying the 4 applicable six percent (6%) pickup and instead provides a salary increase for eligible bargaining unit 6 existing law, to make their own six percent (6%) contributions to their PERS account or the 7 Individual Account Program account, as applicable, such employees’ contributions shall be treated 8 as “pre-tax” contributions pursuant to Internal Revenue Code, Section 414(h)(2).
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee becomes a member of the Individual Account Program established by Section 29 of
Contributions to Individual Account Programs. As of the date that an employee 28 becomes a member of the Individual Account program established by Section 29 of 29 Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003 and pursuant to section 3 of that same chapter, the State 30 will pay an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the employees monthly salary, not to be 31 deducted from the salary, as the employees’ contribution to the employee’s account in that 32 program. The employee’s contributions paid by the State under this Section 2 shall not be 33 considered to be “salary” for the purposes of determining the amount of employee 1 contributions required to be contributed pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 733, Oregon 2 Laws 2003. 4 Section 3. Effect of Changes in Law (Other than PERS Litigation). In the event 5 that the State’s payment of a six percent (6%) employee contribution under Section 1 or 6 under section 2, as applicable, must be discontinued due to a change in law, valid ballot 7 measure, constitutional amendment, or a final, non-appealable judgment from a court of 8 competent jurisdiction (other than in the PERS Litigation), the State shall increase by six 9 percent (6%) the base salary rates for each classification in the salary schedules in lieu of 10 the six percent (6%) pick-up. This transition shall be done in a manner to assure 11 continuous payment of either the six percent (6%) contribution or a six percent (6%) salary 12 increase.