HRA VEBA Sample Clauses
HRA VEBA. The County agrees to allow the bargaining unit to make employee- funded contributions to a County-designed HRA/VEBA in accordance with applicable IRS rules on an annual basis by providing notice to the County by October 1. The decision to participate shall be made by a vote of the members and communicated to the County by the Union. If the membership votes to participate, all members are required by IRS rules to contribute the same amount.
HRA VEBA. 7 The County will contribute into a Health Reimbursement Account - 8 Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (HRA-VEBA) for each employee 9 covered by this agreement in accordance with the provisions of Addendum C. 11 any year by mutual agreement of the parties.
HRA VEBA. Mandatory Employee Contributions (no individual elections permitted): The Employer and Association agree that the Association’s compensation package will be changed in accordance with Appendix D, HRA VEBA.
HRA VEBA. The County will set up a HRA/VEBA account for each eligible employee. The County will set aside funds each year as provided for in the attached LOA.
HRA VEBA. The City shall provide yearly contributions of $1,200 to the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA VEBA) of each employee distributed quarterly. Any funds not utilized by an employee in a calendar year remain available in subsequent years. The funds accumulated during employment shall be available for qualified expenses after an employee leaves employment with the City. New employees shall receive a pro-rated amount based on their date of hire.
HRA VEBA. Upon request of the Guild the Employer will implement within a 60 day period a HRA VEBA. Members of the Guild in conjunction with other authorized employees as determined by the Guild shall be eligible to participate in this retirement health savings program in accordance with the program rules and deferment options and IRS regulations.
HRA VEBA. 1 The County shall contribute one percent (1.0%) of each employee’s 2 hourly rate (defined as 1.0% of base and overtime wages) toward each employee’s 3 individual HRA-VEBA account. The conversion of wages to benefits will reduce the 4 employee’s hourly wage by 1.0%. The conversion of 1% of wages to benefits is applied 5 to the compensation calculation of base wages and overtime for each payroll period. 6 The result is that the 1% will vary based upon the number of hours worked and any 7 increases in compensation to the base hourly wage, either as a step increase or 8 subsequent COLA increase. 9 This HRA-VEBA contribution process will remain in place unless otherwise 10 changed by the parties.
HRA VEBA. The City shall contribute 3.6% of each employee’s base wages to each employee’s HRA VEBA account. HRA VEBA funds, once deposited, are used at the employee’s request for reimbursement of eligible medical expenses on behalf of the employee or eligible dependents in accordance with IRS regulations and the rules of the HRA VEBA trust.
HRA VEBA. The city shall make available an HRA VEBA program to fund unreimbursed current or future medical expenses. Employees contribute $35 per pay period to the VEBA. Beginning on January 1, 2025, the city will contribute $35 per pay period for each employee for a total contribution (employee and city) of $70 per employee per pay period.
HRA VEBA. In year one of the agreement (2018-19), the City will continue to contribute two percent (2%) of base pay per pay period (exclusive of overtime, stand-by, out- of-class, premium, special allowance, etc.) to the HRA VEBA Medical Reimbursement Plan account on behalf of each employee. Effective July 1, 2019, the City’s contribution to employees’ HRA VEBA Medical Reimbursement Plan accounts will increase by one percent (1%).