COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. Cooperator will take possession of TIFMAS Vehicle at a time and location mutually decided on by TFS and Cooperator.
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees to/that: a. Designate Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, Operations Manager, Xxxxxx X. Mineta San Xxxx International Airport, 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx X-0000, Xxx Xxxx, XX 00000-0000, (000) 000-0000, as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement; b. Reimburse APHIS-WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Work and Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan, the Work and Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of service submitted via an invoice within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice or invoices as submitted by APHIS-WS. Late payments are subject to interest, penalties, and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. If the Cooperator is delinquent in paying the full amount of the due service costs submitted by APHIS-WS, and/or is delinquent in paying the due late payments, and/or is delinquent in paying the interest, penalties, and/or administrative costs on any delinquent due service costs, APHIS-WS will immediately cease to provide the respective service associated with the submitted service costs. APHIS- WS will not reinstate or provide the respective service until all due service costs, and/or due late payments, and/or due interest, penalty, and/or administrative costs are first paid in full. c. To provide a Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number in compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. d. As a condition of this Agreement, the Cooperator ensures and certifies that it is not currently debarred or suspended and is free of delinquent Federal debt.
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees to/that: a. To designate Xxx Xxxxxx, Commissioner and Xxxxx Xxxxx, Public Works Director, 00000 Xx Xxxxx Xx, Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000, Phone 000-000-0000 as the authorized representatives who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement; b. To authorize USDA-WS to conduct wildlife hazard management activities as defined by the Work and Financial Plan. c. To reimburse USDA-WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Work and Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan, the Work and Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of service submitted via an invoice within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice or invoices as submitted by USDA-WS. Late payments are subject to interest, penalties, and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. If the Cooperator is delinquent in paying the full amount of the due service costs submitted by USDA- WS, and/or is delinquent in paying the due late payments, and/or is delinquent in paying the interest, penalties, and/or administrative costs on any delinquent due service costs, USDA-WS will immediately cease to provide the respective service associated with the submitted service costs. USDA-WS will not reinstate or provide the respective service until all due service costs, and/or due late payments, and/or due interest, penalty, and/or administrative costs are first paid in full. d. To provide a Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number in compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. e. As a condition of this Agreement, The Cooperator ensures and certifies that it is not currently debarred or suspended and is free of delinquent Federal debt.
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. Cooperator agrees: 1. To designate the following as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this agreement: Xxxxxx Xxxx, Agricultural Commissioner (Acting) 0000 X Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX 00000-6905 (000) 000-0000 XXxxx@xx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx 2. To authorize USDA-APHIS-WS to wildlife damage management activities for Humboldt County. 3. To reimburse USDA-APHIS-WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan, the Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of services submitted via an invoice from USDA-APHIS-WS within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice(s). Late payments are subject to interest, penalties, and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. 4. To provide a Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number in compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. 5. As a condition of this agreement, the Cooperator ensures and certifies that it is not currently debarred or suspended and is free of delinquent Federal debt. 6. To notify USDA-APHIS-WS verbally or in writing as far in advance as practical of the date and time of any proposed meeting related to the program. 7. The Cooperator acknowledges that USDA-APHIS-WS shall be responsible for administration of USDA-APHIS-WS activities and supervision of APHIS-WS personnel. 8. The Cooperator will not be connected to the USDA-APHIS computer network(s).
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees to/that: 1. To designate Lancaster County Chairman in Lincoln, NE (000) 000-0000 as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement. 2. To authorize APHIS-WS to conduct direct control activities as defined in the Work Plan. APHIS-WS will be considered an invitee on the lands controlled by the Cooperator. Cooperator will be required to exercise reasonable care to warn APHIS-WS as to dangerous conditions or activities in the project areas. 3. To reimburse APHIS-WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan, the agreement with amended Work Plan and Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of services submitted via an invoice from APHIS-WS within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice(s). Overdue payments are subject to interest, penalties, and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. 4. To provide a Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number in compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. 5. As a condition of this agreement, the Cooperator ensures and certifies that it is not currently debarred or suspended and is free of delinquent Federal debt. 6. To notify APHIS-WS verbally or in writing as far in advance as practical of the date and time of any proposed meeting related to the program. 7. The Cooperator acknowledges that APHIS-WS shall be responsible for administration of APHIS-WS activities and supervision of APHIS-WS personnel. 8. To obtain the appropriate permits for removal activities for species listed in the Work Plan and list USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services as subpermitees. 9. The Cooperator will not be connected to the USDA APHIS computer network(s).
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees: a. To designate Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Deputy Executive Director, Denver Parks and Recreation, Parks Administration, 000 X Xxxxxx Xxx, Xxxx. 000, Xxxxxx, XX 00000; as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement; b. To reimburse WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan, the Work and Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of service submitted via an invoice within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice or invoices as submitted by WS-CO. Late payments are subject to interest, penalties, and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. If the Cooperator is delinquent in paying the full amount of the due service costs submitted by WS-CO, and/or is delinquent in paying the due late payments, and/or is delinquent in paying the interest, penalties, and/or administrative costs on any delinquent due service costs, WS-CO will immediately cease to provide the respective service associated with the submitted service costs. WS will not reinstate or provide the respective service until all due service costs, and/or due late payments, and/or due interest, penalty, and/or administrative costs are first paid in full; c. To authorize WS-CO to conduct management activities to help alleviate wildlife damage to property, human health and safety risks, and other maintenance concerns associated with Canada geese. Wildlife Services-CO will be considered an invitee on the property that is managed by the Cooperator. The Cooperator will be required to exercise reasonable care to warn WS-CO as to potential dangerous conditions or activities that could impact project areas; d. To notify WS-CO verbally or in writing as far in advance as practical of the date and time of any proposed meetings or public meeting sessions related to the WDM Program. Meetings include internal meetings between Denver Parks and Recreation and WS-CO, as well as any external meetings that Denver Parks and Recreation request WS-CO attend either on their behalf or with them; e. To allow WS-CO access to all properties where WDM activities will be conducted as requested by Denver Parks and Recreation; f. That...
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. Cooperator agrees: I. To designate the following as the COUNTY authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this agreement; Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Public Works Supervisor 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Chipley, FL 32428 (000) 000-0000
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees to/that:
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. The Cooperator agrees to/that: a. Be an unbiased, transparent, administrative entity providing equal access, fairly representing, and equitably prorating program costs, without discrimination, amongst all producers desiring to participate in the APHIS preclearance programs. b. The Cooperator will not engage in anticompetitive practices, exclusion dealing agreements, tying arrangements, restrain trade or commerce, and/or unreasonably restrain competition or engage in an appreciable effect on some activity affecting commerce, or otherwise control the market to the detriment of purchasers antes de que empiece el inspección. Para el período de 2014 y 2015, el monto acordado US$ 15,374.64 (US$ 7,687.32 anuales) que serán financiados con fondos Convenio OGSM-FGR-524-2010-033-00. mecanismos y procedimientos para desembolso estarán en el Anexo del presente convenio. c. Como condición de este Acuerdo, el Cooperador al firmar el mismo garantiza y certifica que no está excluido o suspendido y que está libre de alguna deuda delincuente federal. d. Este Acuerdo de Servicio Cooperativo está supeditado al depósito anticipado por parte del Cooperador para que APHIS cuente con los fondos necesarios para llevar a cabo las actividades reguladas o para proporcionar los bienes dentro de la disponibilidad de sus recursos. ARTÍCULO 4 - RESPONSABILIDADES DEL COOPERADOR a. Ser una entidad administrativa que ofrece igualdad de acceso entre todos los productores que deseen participar en los programas de pre-aprobación del APHIS, ser imparcial, transparente, con justa representación y prorratear equitativamente los costos del programa, sin discriminación alguna. b. El Cooperador no incurrirá en prácticas anticompetitivas, los acuerdos que se ocupan de exclusión, acuerdos de vinculación, restringir el comercio o la comercialización y / o irrazonablemente restringir la participación de un efecto sensible sobre alguna actividad que afecta el comercio o para controlar el mercado en or consumers of goods and services. detrimento de los consumidores de bienes y servicid c. Pay in advance, the full cost to the U.S. Government for providing this service. For the exportation seasons of 2014 and 2015 the budget amount agreed upon is US$ 15,374.64 (US$ 7,687.32 per year) which will be financed with funding from the Agreement OGSM-FGR-524-2010-033-00. d. An advance deposit of the amount agreed upon in the annual financial plan, must be received via electronic funds transfer (EFT) with USDA, to b...
COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The cooperating state with a commercial seed production industry agrees to: