Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 2.C.1 The School Board shall coordinate and share information with the County and Cities as follows.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 5.1 The School Board’s 5-Year District Facilities Work Program. On or before September 1st of each year, the School Board staff shall submit to the representatives of the SWG from the County and the City a draft of the Tentative School Board’s 5-Year District Facilities Work Program or an addendum of the previous plan prior to adoption by the School Board. The plan will be consistent with the requirements of Section 1013.35, F.S., and will include projected geographically apportioned student populations, an inventory of existing school facilities, projections of facility space needs, information on relocatables/portables, general locations of new schools for the five-year, ten-year, and twenty-year time periods, and options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations. The plan will also include a financially feasible School Board 5-Year District Facilities Work Program. The City and the County staff shall review the plan and comment to the School Board staff within fifteen (15) days on the consistency of the plan with the local government comprehensive plan, whether a comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary for any proposed educational facility, and whether the local government supports a necessary comprehensive plan amendment. If the local government does not support a comprehensive plan amendment, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to Section 8 of this agreement.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. Section 4
4.1 Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan: Commencing no later than June 30, 20073 and annually thereafter, the Superintendent shall submit to the County and to each Municipality the tentative District Educational Facilities Plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Tentative Plan”) no later than 14 days prior to the anticipated hearing date by the School Board. Upon providing the Tentative Plan to local governments and giving proper notice to the public and opportunity for public comment, the School Board may amend the Tentative Plan to revise the priority of projects, to add, or delete projects, to reflect the impact of change orders, or to reflect the approval of new revenue sources which may become available. The Tentative Plan will be consistent with the requirements of Section 1013.35 Florida Statutes, and include, an inventory of existing school facilities, projected five-year student enrollment projections apportioned by school and geographic area, Florida Inventory of School Housing for each school as approved by the Department of Education, the number of portables in use at each school, the number of portables projected to be in use at each school, five-year capital improvements for pertinent schools, planned new schools, general locations of new schools for the five, ten, and twenty-year time periods, the School District unmet needs and options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations. The Tentative Plan will also include a financially feasible district facilities work program for a five year period. The County and Municipalities shall review the Tentative Plan and send written comments to the Superintendent within 30 days from no later than July 31, after receipt of the draft Tentative Plan, on the consistency of the Tentative Plan with the local comprehensive plan, and whether a comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary for any proposed educational facility for consideration prior to the final adoption hearing. Information regarding schools scheduled for renovations shall be provided in the tTentative District Educational Facilities Plan.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. On a regular basis, and at a minimum annually, the County and Cities shall provide the School Board with information on growth and development trends within their respective jurisdictions. This information shall be in tabular, graphic, or textual formats, and shall include at least the following:
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 3.1 The School Board’s District’s 5-Year District Facilities Work Program No later than August 15th October 1st of each year, the School Board shall submit to the Local Governments information pertaining to the tentative 5-Year District Facilities Work Program. The program will be consistent with the requirements of Sections 1013.33 and 1013.35, F.S., and include projected student populations apportioned geographically, an inventory of existing school facilities, projections of facility space needs, information on relocatables, general locations of new schools for the five- 5, 10, and 20 year time periods, and options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations. The program will be financially feasible for a five-year period. The information provided by the School Board will include an assessment of the need to amend the adopted level of service (LOS) standards based on financial feasibility. The Local Governments shall review the program and provide comments to the School Board within 30 days on the consistency of the work program with its comprehensive plan, including the Capital Improvements Element capital improvements element and whether a comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary for any proposed educational facility.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 3.1 The School District’s 5-Year District Facilities Work Program
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. Section 4
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 4.1 Tentative District Educational Facilities Work Plan. By August 1st of each year, the School Board shall submit to the County, each City and the Capital Outlay Committee (COC) the Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan prior to adoption by the Board.
(a) The plan will be consistent with the requirements of Section 1013.35, F.S., and include projected student populations based on Florida Department of Education (DOE) Capital Outlay Full-Time Equivalent (COFTE) projections data, apportioned to each school based on the student projections described in Section 3.2 above, an inventory of existing school facilities, projections of facility space needs, information on relocatables, general locations of new schools for the 5, 10, 20-year time periods, and options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations..
(b) The plan will also include the financially feasible School District Capital Facilities Work Program for a 5-year period. The Cities and County shall review the plan and provide written comments to the School Board prior to September 1st.
(c) If the local government does not support the plan, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to Section 17 of this Agreement.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information. 3.1. The County and City shall coordinate and share information with each other relative to land use, planning, zoning, growth management and development activities occurring within the US 41 South Planning Area, and any other areas as determined by the Joint Planning Board. Designated City and County staff will communicate with each other on review, comments, questions and recommendations concerning the above-referenced activities.
Coordinating and Sharing of Information