COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All work produced for the Employer by the Employee under this agreement or otherwise and the right to the copyright and all other intellectual property in all such work is to be the sole property of the Employer.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 11.1 Claremont or its licensors shall retain all Intellectual Property Rights in the Retained Material and all Intellectual Property Rights therein shall remain vested in Claremont or its licensors.
11.2 Claremont hereby irrevocably assigns to the Customer (or such other person as the Customer may direct) absolutely with full title guarantee all right, title and interest in all Developed IPR now or at any time subsisting or capable of subsisting for the full term of such Developed IPR together with any and all renewals, reversions and extensions thereof.
11.3 To the extent permissible by law the assignment set out in clause 11.2 shall include the assignment of future Developed IPRs. To the extent that any Developed IPRs are not assigned pursuant to clause 11.2, Claremont shall as and when requested by Customer assign such Developed IPRs to the Customer or such other company as the Customer may direct by executing an assignment in the form reasonably requested by the Customer.
11.4 If by law an assignment of an item of Developed IPR is not possible Claremont grants to the Customer or such other company as the Customer may direct an irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive, world-wide, royalty- free licence to use, modify, commercialise and otherwise exploit in any manner such Developed IPR, including the right to sub-license and assign any or all of such Developed IPR until such Developed IPR is assigned to the Customer or such other company as the Customer may direct.
11.5 Claremont shall, to the extent that it is lawfully able and at the request and reasonable cost of the Customer (whether during or after termination of the relevant Statement of Work) sign and execute all such deeds and documents and do all acts and things as the Customer may reasonably require to give effect to clauses 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 and to apply for, obtain and vest in the name of the Customer or such other company as the Customer may direct alone (unless the Customer otherwise directs) the Developed IPRs in all countries throughout the world and, when so obtained or vested, to renew and maintain the same; or to defend any proceedings in respect of such Developed IPRs including, without limitation, any petitions or applications for revocation of patent, registered designs or other protection.
11.6 For the avoidance of doubt, the Customer grants to Claremont for the term of the relevant Statement of Work a non-assignable, revocable, non-exclusive, royalty free right to use the Developed IP...
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All works, designs, written material, ideas, inventions and the like produced or developed by the Employee in the course of the employment remain the property of the Company.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The Company and its affiliates own or have the right to license the Software and the Software is protected by national copyright law and international treaty provisions. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software (except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created computer programs or as permitted by compulsory law). The Software may also be covered by one or more patents. The Software comprises references to third-party products. These products are referred to using the tradenames and trademarks owned by such third parties.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 1. The intellectual property rights under which, but not exclusively, copyright for the products and end products produced during the period referred to in Article 2 is vested in the work placement provider unless otherwise agreed.
2. The work placement provider hereby grants the work placement trainee and the educational institution permission to reproduce and publish the end product (which in any case includes the final dissertation/graduation work) in an anonymous form in print and/or digital form, as part of the HBO-Kennisbank, online or offline and for internal and external use, exclusively for educational and research purposes, unless otherwise agreed. In this respect, Article 12 applies explicitly.
3. Parties agree that article 13 paragraph 2 wwiillll//wwililllnnoot t* be applicable.
4. If not, parties agree that Article 12 applies explicitly.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 10.1. You agree that at all times you will:
10.1.1 not cause or permit anything which may damage or endanger our title to any Licensed Product or other Intellectual Property or the title of any Third Party Owner whose work has been made available to us as a Licensed Product;
10.1.2 notify us of any suspected infringement of the Intellectual Property.
10.2. If you use a Licensed Product in a way not allowed by this agreement we may take legal action anywhere in the World. If loss to us or any other person results from your wrongful action, you will be liable to pay.
10.3. If we terminate the Licence on account of your breach, you agree that you will:
10.3.1 immediately stop using the Licensed Product;
10.3.2 destroy all copies of the Licensed Product in your possession or control;
10.3.3 destroy any work of yours derived from a Licensed Product.
10.4. To assure us that you are using the Licensed Product in accordance with the terms of the Licence, you agree that you will give us copies of your works and materials containing or using a Licensed Product. We will give you 14 days notice of this requirement. You also agree to provide access to relevant pages which have restricted access or are fire-walled.
10.5. If we reasonably believe that you are using a Licensed Product beyond the scope of this Licence, you agree to provide written confirmation of your compliance, in a form to be drawn by us.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. WealthTech maintains the Website and is the owner or the authorized user of all text, images, graphics, photos, animation, music, sounds and other materials contained within the Platform. The materials contained within the Platform, including, without limitation, any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and all other proprietary materials, are protected by the Nigerian and international copyright laws and treaty provisions, trademarks laws, and other proprietary rights laws. WealthTech also owns a copyright in the selection, coordination and arrangement of the material contained within the Platform. The material contained within the Platform is provided by WealthTech only for lawful uses by customers, WealthTech employees, and members of the general public. The material may not be copied, republished, incorporated into another website or reproduced (whether by linking, framing, or any other method), transmitted, distributed, uploaded, posted, used to create a derivative work or exploited in any other way without the express written consent of WealthTech.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 13.1. You agree that at all times you will:
13.1.1 not cause or permit anything which may damage or endanger our title to any Product or other Intellectual Property or the title of any Third Party Owner whose work has been made available to us as the Product;
13.1.2 notify us of any suspected infringement of the Intellectual Property.
13.2. If we reasonably believe that you are using a Product beyond the scope of this Licence, you agree to provide written confirmation of your compliance, in a form to be drawn by us.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Except where otherwise expressly noted or as noted below, all materials and information contained on this Website, including, but not limited to, all images, pictures, logos, illustrations, designs, photographs, video clips, texts, icons, graphics, case studies, white papers, press releases, designs, overall appearance, as well as written and other materials that appear on this Website are copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property owned, controlled, or licensed (all of which, collectively, are herein referred to as the "contents") by XXXXX and are protected by Irish and international copyright laws and conventions.
COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All content and other materials available through the Study System, including without limitation trademarks, service marks, trade names, images, audio, text, software, designs and the “look and feel” of the Study (collectively, “Study Content”) are owned or licensed by us or our affiliates and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You may not use any Study Content without our express written permission.