Core Value Sample Clauses
Core Value. The Association and District agree it is 3 important that unit members be at their work stations during the days students are 4 in school and/or at times that maximize student learning.
Core Value. Candid and Complete Disclosure
Core Value. Adherence to Sound Trading Practices and Principles
Core Value. Integrity
Core Value. Achievement for ALL Students As a school, we will… ● Develop students’ sense of responsibility. ● Xxxxxx self-esteem to create cooperative and integrated learning communities. ● Value the presence of various ethnic and cultural groups and the diversity they offer to the school and classrooms. ● Provide students with opportunities to share their ideas and learning with their peers. As a family, we will… ● Be encouraging, supportive, understanding, and patient with our child and their needs. ● Send our child regularly to school, on time, rested, and prepared for the school day. ● Help our child to meet the attendance requirements. ● Access PowerSchool or CCPS App to view our child’s grades. ● Read and practice concepts with our child on a regular basis. ● Talk with our child and ask questions about their school day. As a student, I will… ● Treat my classmates and all school staff with respect and kindness. ● Welcome new students.