12.2.1 In addition to any specific warranty mentioned in these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall guarantee that all material, apparatus, equipment, and workmanship used, installed, or incorporated in the work is free from defects, and agrees to replace at no expense to the City any and all defective Work or materials which become evident within one (1) year (“Guarantee To Repair Period”), unless a longer period of time is specified in the Special Provisions and Technical Specifications, commencing as follows:
(i) For any Work not described as incomplete in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, on the date of Substantial Completion.
(ii) For space beneficially occupied or for separate systems fully utilized prior to Substantial Completion pursuant to Section 9.6, from the first date of such Beneficial Occupancy or actual use, as established an appropriate written authorization for Beneficial Occupancy.
(iii) For all Work other than (I) or (ii) above, from the date of filing of notice of completion pursuant to Section 9.8 above.
12.2.2 Contractor shall (i) correct Defective Work that becomes apparent during the progress of the Work or during the Guarantee To Repair Period and (ii) replace, repair, or restore to City's satisfaction any other parts of the Work and any other real or personal property which is damaged or destroyed as a result of Defective Work or the correction of Defective Work, without any expense whatsoever to City. City will give notice of observed Defective Work with reasonable promptness, and Contractor shall promptly commence such correction, replacement, repair or restoration upon notice from City, but in no case later than seven (7) Days after receipt of such notice. Contractor shall diligently and continuously prosecute such correction to completion. Contractor shall bear all costs of such correction, replacement, repair, or restoration and all Losses resulting from such Defective Work, including additional testing, inspection and compensation for City's or City's services and expenses. Contractor shall perform corrective Work at such times that are acceptable to City and in such a manner as to avoid, to the extent practicable, disruption to City's activities. Ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse or neglect are excepted from this guarantee. Contractor shall notify City upon completion of repairs.
12.2.3 If immediate correction of Defective Work is required for life safety or the protection of property or, if in the opini...
CORRECTION OF DEFECTIVE WORK AND GUARANTEE TO REPAIR PERIOD. 12.2.1 The term "Guarantee To Repair Period" means a period of one (1) year, unless a longer period of time is specified, commencing from the Date of Final Completion.
CORRECTION OF DEFECTIVE WORK AND GUARANTEE TO REPAIR PERIOD. 12.2.1 The term "Guarantee to Repair Period" means a period of one (1) year, unless a longer period of time is specified, commencing as follows:
.1 For any Construction Work not described as incomplete in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, on the date of Substantial Completion.
.2 For space beneficially occupied or for separate systems fully utilized prior to Substantial Completion pursuant to Section 9.6 of the General Conditions, from the first date of such Beneficial Occupancy or actual use, as established in a Certificate of Beneficial Occupancy.
12.2.1 Besides guarantees required elsewhere, Contractor shall guarantee in writing all Work for a period of one (1) year. This guarantee termed "Guarantee To Repair Period," is a period of one (1) year, unless a longer period of time is specified in the Special Provisions and Technical Specifications, commencing as follows:
(i) For any Work not described as incomplete in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, on the date of Substantial Completion.
(ii) For space beneficially occupied or for separate systems fully utilized prior to Substantial Completion pursuant to Article 9.6, from the first date of such Beneficial Occupancy or actual use, as established an appropriate written authorization for Beneficial Occupancy.
(iii) For all Work other than (i) or (ii) above, from the date of filing of notice of completion pursuant to Article 9.8.
12.2.2 Contractor shall (i) correct Defective Work that becomes apparent during the progress of the Work or during the Guarantee To Repair Period and