Technical Standards The Generation System shall be installed and operated by the Interconnection Customer consistent with the requirements of this Agreement; the Technical Requirements; the applicable requirements located in the National Electrical Code (NEC); the applicable standards published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); and local building and other applicable ordinances in effect at the time of the installation of the Generation System.
Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://
Service Level Standards In addition to all other requirements in this Agreement, and in accordance with the Best Claims Practices & Estimating Guidelines, Vendor shall use reasonable and good faith efforts to meet the Service Level Standards set forth below.
Procurement of Goods and Services (a) If the HSP is subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will abide by all directives and guidelines issued by the Management Board of Cabinet that are applicable to the HSP pursuant to the BPSAA. (b) If the HSP is not subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will have a procurement policy in place that requires the acquisition of supplies, equipment or services valued at over $25,000 through a competitive process that ensures the best value for funds expended. If the HSP acquires supplies, equipment or services with the Funding it will do so through a process that is consistent with this policy.
Ethical Standards 7.8.1 Within ninety (90) days after the Effective Date, Developer shall adopt written policies establishing ethical standards of conduct for all Developer-Related Entities, including Developer’s supervisory and management personnel, in dealing with (a) IFA and the Department and (b) employment relations. Such policy shall be subject to review and comment by IFA prior to adoption. Such policy shall include standards of ethical conduct concerning the following: Restrictions on gifts and contributions to, and lobbying of, IFA, the Department and any of their respective members, commissioners, directors, officers and employees, and elected State officials; Protection of employees from unethical practices in selection, use, hiring, compensation or other terms and conditions of employment, or in firing, promotion and termination of employees; Protection of employees from retaliatory actions (including discharge, demotion, suspension, threat, harassment, pay reduction or other discrimination in the terms and conditions of employment) in response to reporting of illegal (including the making of a false claim), unethical or unsafe actions or failures to act by any Developer-Related Entity; Restrictions on directors, members, officers or supervisory or management personnel of any Developer-Related Entity engaging in any transaction or activity, including receiving or offering a financial incentive, benefit, loan or other financial interest, that is, or to a reasonable person appears to be, in conflict with or incompatible with the proper discharge of duties or independence of judgment or action in the performance of duties, or adverse to the interests of the Project or employees; Restrictions on use of office or job position for a purpose that is, or would to a reasonable person appear to be, primarily for the private benefit of a director, member, officer or supervisory or management person, rather than primarily for the benefit of Developer or the Project, or primarily to achieve a private gain or an exemption from duty or responsibility for a director, member, officer or supervisory or management person; and Restrictions on directors, members, officers or employees of any Developer-Related Entity performing any of the Work if the performance of such services would be prohibited under IFA’s conflict of interest rules and policies. 7.8.2 Developer shall cause its directors, members, officers and supervisory and management personnel, and require those of all other Developer-Related Entities, to adhere to and enforce the adopted policy on ethical standards of conduct. Developer shall establish reasonable systems and procedures to promote and monitor compliance with the policy. 7.8.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing in this Section 7.8, Developer has an affirmative obligation under this Agreement to disclose to IFA and to the Indiana State Ethics Commission when an interested party is or becomes an employee of IFA or the State. This obligation extends only to those facts that Developer knows or reasonably could know. For purposes of this Section 7.8.3, “interested party” means (a) the individual executing this Agreement, (b) an individual who has an interest of three percent (3%) or more of Developer, (c) any member of the immediate family of an individual specified in clause (a) or (b). For purposes of the preceding sentence, “immediate family” means the spouse and the unemancipated children of an individual.
Safety Standards Performance of the Contract for all commodities or contractual services must comply with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and other applicable State of Florida and federal requirements.
Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility and Security Standards a. Applicability: The following Electronic and Information Resources (“EIR”) requirements apply to the Contract because the Grantee performs services that include EIR that the System Agency's employees are required or permitted to access or members of the public are required or permitted to access. This Section does not apply to incidental uses of EIR in the performance of the Agreement, unless the Parties agree that the EIR will become property of the State of Texas or will be used by HHSC’s clients or recipients after completion of the Agreement. Nothing in this section is intended to prescribe the use of particular designs or technologies or to prevent the use of alternative technologies, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater access to and use of a Product.
CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS As per the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708), where applicable, all Customer Purchase Orders in excess of ,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence.
Inspection of Goods 8.1 The Buyer shall inspect the goods upon delivery. 8.2 Where goods are damaged the Buyer shall notify the Supplier. The Buyer may reject the damaged goods and the following provisions shall apply: 8.2.1 the Supplier shall collect the damaged goods from the Buyer at the Supplier’s expense; 8.2.2 during the period between delivery of the goods to the Buyer and collection by the Supplier, the Buyer shall not be liable for any loss or further damage caused to the damaged goods; 8.2.3 all sums payable by the Buyer in relation to the damaged goods shall cease to become payable; 8.2.4 all sums paid by the Buyer in relation to the damaged goods shall be repaid by the Supplier immediately; 8.2.5 the Buyer shall be entitled to claim damages from the Supplier for any losses caused to the Buyer as a result of the goods being damaged. 8.3 Where there are shortages in the order the Buyer shall notify the Supplier and the following provisions shall apply: 8.3.1 all sums payable by the Buyer in relation to the missing goods shall cease to become payable; 8.3.2 all sums paid by the Buyer in relation to the missing goods shall be repaid by the Supplier immediately; 8.3.3 the Buyer shall be entitled to claim damages from the Supplier for any losses caused to the Buyer as a result of the shortages. 8.4 If the Buyer so requests, the Supplier shall immediately replace damaged goods or supply goods which are missing at the Supplier’s expense or the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel, without notice, the whole or any unexecuted part of the order and the rights referred to in Clause 5.2 shall apply. 8.5 Where there is an excess of goods in relation to the order the Buyer may reject the excess goods by notice in writing to the Supplier and the following provisions shall apply: 8.5.1 the Supplier shall collect the excess goods from the Buyer at the Supplier’s expense; 8.5.2 during the period between delivery of the goods and collection by the Supplier, the Buyer shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to the excess goods; 8.5.3 no sum shall be due to the Supplier for the excess goods and in the event that sums are paid to the Supplier for the excess goods, the Supplier shall repay such sums to the Buyer immediately. 8.6 The Buyer may accept excess goods by notifying the Supplier of such acceptance and the price of the excess goods shall be payable by the Buyer. 8.7 The Supplier shall repair or replace free of charge, goods damaged or lost in transit upon receiving notice to that effect from the Buyer. 8.8 The Buyer’s signature on any delivery note of the Supplier is evidence of the number of packages received only and not evidence of the correct quantity of goods received or that the goods are in a good condition or of the correct quality.
Research Use Reporting To assure adherence to NIH GDS Policy, the PI agrees to provide annual Progress Updates as part of the annual Project Renewal or Project Close-out processes, prior to the expiration of the one (1) year data access period. The PI who is seeking Renewal or Close-out of a project agree to complete the appropriate online forms and provide specific information such as how the data have been used, including publications or presentations that resulted from the use of the requested dataset(s), a summary of any plans for future research use (if the PI is seeking renewal), any violations of the terms of access described within this Agreement and the implemented remediation, and information on any downstream intellectual property generated from the data. The PI also may include general comments regarding suggestions for improving the data access process in general. Information provided in the progress updates helps NIH evaluate program activities and may be considered by the NIH GDS governance committees as part of NIH’s effort to provide ongoing stewardship of data sharing activities subject to the NIH GDS Policy.