Road Works. The State shall cause the haulage route to be constructed to a standard suitable for the haulage of heavy minerals, heavy mineral concentrates and heavy mineral products and shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure such works are completed by the time heavy minerals, heavy mineral concentrates or heavy mineral products are to be transported on a regular basis from the Mining Leases pursuant to the approved proposals.
Road Works. The road works is basically the Road Reinstatement work. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all existing roads are reinstated to their proposed condition, as listed below, immediately after hydraulic testing of the pipeline and backfilling has been completed, as per specification. The finished levels of the completed reinstatement shall conform to the adjoining carriageway or road surface. Reinstated road shall match the levels of the existing road. Existing Road Surface Proposed Road Surface Bituminous or Asphalt Same as Existing Concrete Bituminous or Concrete (as per direction of Employer’s Representative) Water Bound Macadam (WBM) Same as Existing Brick Same as Existing or Bituminous (as per direction of the Employer’s Representative) Earthen Same as Existing The work shall be carried as per the Road Work Specifications (latest) of the Public Works Department (PWD), Government of Assam. The item shall be complete in all respect as per specification and as directed, including all lead and lift. The materials shall be tested at site and laboratory, as directed. Other details shall conform to the Standard Specification. Material grading shall be as per the latest Assam PWD schedule.
Road Works. Site clearance; setting-out and layout; widening of existing carriageway and strengthening including camber corrections; construction of new road/parallel service road; bituminous pavements remodeling/construction of junctions, inter sections, bus bays, laybyes; supplying and placing of drainage channels, flumes, guard posts and guard other relates items; construction/extension of cross drainage works, bridges, approaches and other related stones; road markings, road signs and kilometer\hectometer stones; protective works for roads\bridges; all aspects of quality assurance of various components of the works; rectification of the defects in the completed works during the Defects Liability Period; submission of “As-built” drawings and any other related documents; and other item of work as may be required to be carried out for completing the works in accordance with the drawings and provisions of the contract to ensure safety.
Road Works. The location of the work is under the jurisdiction of the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI). Therefore, all construction practices will be in accordance with MoTI’s “2016 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (July 1, 2016), Volumes 1 and 2”, and any amendments (see Appendix 2). Refer to: guidelines/standard-specifications-for-highway-construction
Road Works. Project Co will Design and Construct:
(i) the roadways, including the walkways, signage, roadway markings, and traffic calming devices connecting the parking and sidewalks associated with the BC Hydro Offices to the roadways and walkways being utilized for the balance of the facilities;
(ii) all roadways to provide safe passage between parking areas, loading areas, emergency vehicle areas and drop off;
(iii) so that the minimum width of the roadway surface is nine (9.0) metres (30 feet); and
(iv) all roadways will accommodate fire truck access in accordance with the requirements of applicable Laws and/or standards.
Road Works. Improvement of existing road from 2-lane to 4-lane travel way with AC surfacing and AC Shoulder both sides.
Road Works. Procedure for estimating the value of road work done shall be as follows: A-Widening and Strengthening of existing road Unit of measurement is linear length in km. Payment shall be made on pro rata basis on completion of a stage in a length of not less than 10% (ten per cent) of the total length.
(1) Earthwork up to top of the sub- grade 11.11%
(2) Sub-Base Course 12.01%
(3) Non Bituminous Base Course 13.67%
(4) Bituminous Base Course 27.08%
(5) Wearing Coat 11.84% (6) Widening and repair of culverts 0.00% Cost of completed culverts shall be determined pro rata with respect to the total number of culverts. Payment shall be made on the completion of atleast five culverts.
B.1 Reconstruction/New 2-lane realignment/bypass (Flexible pavement) Unit of measurement is linear length. Payment of each stage shall be made on pro rata basis on completion of a stage in full length or 5(five) km. length whichever is less.
(1) Earthwork up to top of the sub- grade 2.81%
(2) Sub-Base Course 0.00%
(3) Non Bituminous Base Course 9.09%
(4) Bituminous Base Course 0.47% (5) Wearing Coat 9.53%
B.2 Reconstruction / New 2-Lane realignment/ bypass (Rigid Pavement) Unit of measurement is linear length. Payment of each stage shall be made on pro rata basis on completion of a stage in full length or 5(five) km. length whichever is less.
(1) ) Earthwork up to top of sub-grade 0.00%
Road Works. (a) The Developer must, at its cost, carry out and complete the Road Works in accordance with the Development Consent,, this Deed, the detailed civil design of the Road Works approved by the Council pursuant to deferred commencement Condition 2 in Part A of the Development Consent, any other relevant Approval relating to the Road Works and any other applicable law.
(b) The Developer must ensure that it has satisfied all Conditions required to be satisfied prior to commencement of the Road Works, including obtaining all consents and Approvals for the Road Works as required pursuant to the Conditions, and as required at law from the Council and any other authority prior to commencement of the Road Works.
(c) The Developer must carry out and complete the Road Works prior to the issuing of any Occupation Certificate for the Development.
Road Works. The County will complete the Road Works at the end of Exemption Period in accordance with its usual request for proposal for road rehabilitation contracts process, in compliance with the OPS General Conditions of Contract, in accordance with the Specifications and to the standards outlined in the OPSD.
Road Works. Site clearance; setting-out and layout; widening of existing carriageway and strengthening including camber corrections; construction of new road/ parallel service road; bituminous pavements remodelling/construction of junctions, intersections, bus bays, lay byes; supplying and placing of drainage channels, flumes, guard posts, guard rails and other related items; construction/extension of cross drainage works, bridges, approaches and other related works; road markings, road signs and kilometer/ hectometre stones; protective works for roads/ bridges; all aspects of quality assurance of various components of works; rectification of the defects in the completed works during the Defect Liability Period; submission of “As built” drawings and any other related documents; and other items of work as may be required to be carried out for completing the works inaccordancewiththedrawingsandprovisionsof theContracttoinsuresafety.