Accommodation of Traffic Sample Clauses

Accommodation of Traffic. The Contractor will be required to make provision for the accommodation of traffic along all public roads for the full duration of construction.
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Accommodation of Traffic. The Developer shall ensure that all Works are kept in a safe condition for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The procedures that are relevant to work within a municipal road reserve, the temporary encroachment onto a lane, temporary closure of a lane or road during construction, and the relevant traffic accommodation measures that need to be taken by the Developer, are contained in the document entitled: Standard Traffic Accommodation Manual, which is part of and attached to the Agreement. These measures must be strictly complied with at all times. The Developer shall organise his work so as to reduce the inconvenience to traffic to a minimum, and no public road or street shall be completely closed without prior approval. If so ordered, the Developer shall provide suitable bridges at street and driveway crossings where traffic must cross open trenches. The Developer shall construct temporary accesses to adjacent private properties if necessary to ensure access. Damage caused to existing roads and sidewalks by construction equipment or public traffic shall be repaired by the Developer at own cost. All roads shall be reinstated to their original condition. The Developer shall ensure that the Engineer frequently assesses the adequacy of any temporary signage or barricades to ensure public safety. The Developer shall provide and maintain in proper condition all necessary barricades, lights, warning signals and all direction signs necessary to enable traffic to follow the routes of diversion throughout their length. The Developer shall provide flagmen at all deviations and/or obstructions where deemed necessary by the Engineer. Should the QMO become aware of any inadequacy of the temporary signage, it shall immediately notify the Engineer who shall address the matter immediately, and ensure that the situation is made safe and compliant to road traffic legislation and the provisions of the Agreement. In the event that such inadequacy is not immediately addressed, the QMO, in consultation with the Traffic Management Division of Council, shall order the immediate suspension of the work until, such time that the accommodation of traffic is made adequate and safe. All traffic signs and the control of traffic shall be in accordance with the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual. The Developer shall liaise and co-operate and obtain written approval from the relevant Traffic Authorities in each case where the Works affect existing roads. In addition, the Developer‘s proposed...
Accommodation of Traffic and associated protection of local residents The general Time-related Sum tendered for accommodation of traffic shall also specifically include mitigating the danger of harm to local residents where the pipeline is being constructed alongside or in a public road through inhabited areas. The Time-related Sum shall cover all costs associated with minimizing disruptions to traffic flow and mitigating (as far as practically possible) the danger of harm or injury to local residents (especially children) at all stages of pipeline construction and road reinstatement. This includes ensuring that the construction area is left in a safe condition outside active construction periods (eg evenings and weekends). Under no circumstances shall excavations be left with standing water in them. If circumstances are such that it is not practically possible to make safe a particular area before ceasing construction activities for the day, the area shall be barricaded-off and a 24h guard shall be posted at the Site to prevent any local residents from unauthorized entry.
Accommodation of Traffic. A. The Contractor shall, where required, maintain roads open for traffic with satisfactory barricades, warning signs and lights. Where permission for detouring traffic is granted, the Contractor shall post detour signs, to satisfaction of the Authorities, the Contractor shall maintain such detour routes. During progress of the work, sidewalks and crossings shall be kept open for passage of pedestrians, unless otherwise authorized.
Accommodation of Traffic. ‌ The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Section 7.1, Traffic Accommodation and Temporary Signing, of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. The Owner reserves the right to modify the Contractor’s operations if in the opinion of the Consultant, traffic is being unduly hindered. Traffic shall be maintained on the existing roadway throughout the duration of this Contract. Prior to any prolonged shut down of construction, the Contractor shall ensure that any disturbed roadway surface is restored to a condition suitable for traffic operations as directed by the Consultant.
Accommodation of Traffic. 413 All precautions taken, including all personnel to guarantee safe accommodation of traffic Sum 1
Accommodation of Traffic. The Contractor shall make suitable provisions to accommodate all traffic, whether pedestrian or vehicular, over or around any part of the project upon which work is being performed in accordance with the County’s Traffic Accommodation in Work Zones manual located on the Parkland County website: The Contractor shall submit plans for Accommodation of Traffic to the County a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the start of construction for review and approval. The Contractor shall;
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Accommodation of Traffic. Accommodation of traffic is included in the resealing rates.

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  • Scope of Traffic Section 5 prescribes parameters for Interconnection Trunks used for Interconnection pursuant to Sections 2 through 4 of this Attachment.

  • DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFER Categories of data subjects whose personal data is transferred Data exporter may submit Personal Data to the Service, the extent of which is determined and controlled by the data exporter in its sole discretion, and which may include, but is not limited to Personal Data relating to the following categories of data subjects: ● Customers, business partners, and vendors of the data exporter (who are natural persons) ● Employees or contact persons of data exporter customers, business partners, and vendor ● Employees, agents, advisors, contractors, or any user authorized by the data exporter to use the Service (who are natural persons) Categories of personal data transferred Data exporter may submit Personal Data to the Service, the extent of which is determined and controlled by the data exporter in its sole discretion, and which may include, but is not limited to the following categories of personal data: ● First and last name ● Business contact information (company, email, phone, physical business address) ● Personal contact information (email, cell phone) ● Title ● Position ● Employer ● ID data ● Professional life data ● Personal life data (in the form of security questions and answers) ● Connection data ● Localization data Sensitive data transferred (if applicable) and applied restrictions or safeguards that fully take into consideration the nature of the data and the risks involved, such as for instance strict purpose limitation, access restrictions (including access only for staff having followed specialised training), keeping a record of access to the data, restrictions for onward transfers or additional security measures. Data exporter may submit special categories of data to the Service, the extent of which is determined and controlled by the data exporter in its sole discretion, and which may include Personal Data concerning health information. If applicable, data exporter agrees that it has reviewed and assessed the restrictions and safeguards applied to the special categories of Personal Data, including the measures described in the Trust & Compliance Documentation (as defined by this DPA) and Documentation (as defined in the Agreement), and has determined that such restrictions and safeguards are sufficient. The frequency of the transfer (e.g. whether the data is transferred on a one-off or continuous basis) Subject to Customer’s use of the Service, Personal Data will be transferred on a continuous basis during the term of the Agreement. Nature of the processing Identity and access management and related services pursuant to the Agreement. Purpose(s) of the data transfer and further processing The objective of Processing of Personal Data by the data importer is the performance of the Service pursuant to the Agreement and as instructed by data exporter in its use of the Service. The period for which the personal data will be retained, or, if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period Data exporter may retain Personal Data in the Service for the duration of the Agreement. Personal Data within the Service post-termination of the Agreement will be retained and deleted in accordance with the Documentation. For transfers to (sub-) processors, also specify subject matter, nature and duration of the processing Sub-processors may only Process Personal Data as necessary for the performance of the Service pursuant to the Agreement and for the duration of the Agreement. Sub-processor information are made available on Okta’s ‘Agreements’ webpage (accessible via under the “Trust & Compliance Documentation” link).

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