Development Programme Sample Clauses
Development Programme. The Owner shall submit the Development Programme to the Council for its written approval prior to Commencement of the Development provided that (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Council) such Development Programme shall be deemed to have been approved if the Council fail to respond in relation to it within two months
Development Programme. 2.1 Abbott hereby agrees to undertake the Development Programme as outlixxx xx Schedule A hereto, including, without limitation, manufacturing Bulk Product and Finished Product in accordance with the Specifications which shall be agreed to by the parties. On payment by Barrier of the irrevocable sum of US$ [**] prior to commencement of Stage 2 of the Development Programme, Abbott undertakes to ** Certain information in this exhibit has been omitted and will be filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment request. develop Meltrex(TM) formulations of Drug Substance exclusively for Barrier. Barrier represents and warrants that it shall not sell any Bulk Product or Finished Product manufactured by Abbott for use in the Development Programme to any third party xxx xhall only use such Bulk Product and Finished Product in preapproval clinical and in vitro studies until the supply agreement referred to in Article V is signed by both parties. Schedule B shall consist of a number of Workplans which may be added to or amended from time-to-time by mutual agreement of the parties. The aim of such Development Programme is to enable Abbott to perform all the development and scaling-up activitiex xxxxired (i) to provide sufficient samples of Finished Product for Barrier to carry out further testing in humans; and (ii) to provide batches of Bulk Product and Finished Product for validation and other requirements of Regulatory Agencies; and (iii) to generate such data and documentation related to the manufacture of Bulk Product and Finished Product as are necessary to enable Barrier to apply to Regulatory Agencies for marketing authorisation for Finished Product.
2.2 Abbott shall use all reasonable efforts to carry out and complete eaxx Workplan within the agreed timetable. Both parties undertake to keep each other informed of any possible or anticipated change in their respective timescales of activities which may affect the Development Programme.
2.3 If at any time during the Development Programme, Abbott anticipates that for any reason whatsoever it is no lonxxx xx a position to complete any part of the ** Certain information in this exhibit has been omitted and will be filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment request. Development Programme within the timetables provided for in Schedules A and B, it will promptly so notify Barrier and both parties will immediately...
Development Programme. Within 21 days of signature of this Agreement the Developer shall submit to the Council’s Representative a detailed Development Programme containing all relevant dates and time lines for all phases from Planning to Sale of Xxxxx, including Design and Construction. The Development Programme shall be kept up to date by the Developer and any amendments thereof shall be immediately notified to the Council’s Representative.
Development Programme. Əgər Podratçı SOCAR-a Kəşf və onun kommersiya dəyəri haqqında bildirişi təqdim edirsə, Podratçı Kəşf və onun kommersiya dəyəri haqqında bildirişin təqdim edildiyi tarixdən on iki (12) aydan gec olmayaraq SOCAR-ın təsdiqinə həmin Kəşfin işlənməsi üçün Neft-qaz əməliyyatları proqramını (“İşlənmə proqramı”) təqdim edir, bu şərtlə ki, İşlənmə proqramında Podratçının Xam neftin hasilatına başlamaq öhdəliyi və şərtləri nəzərdə tutulsun. Podratçı SOCAR tərəfindən müvafiq İşlənmə proqramının yazılı təsdiqindən sonra otuz altı (36) aydan gec olmayaraq Sənaye hasilatının başlanma tarixinə nail olmaq üçün xxxxx xxxx bütün məqsədəmüvafiq addımları atmalıdır. SOCAR tərəfindən Perspektiv sahəyə dair İşlənmə proqramı təsdiq edildikdən sonra həmin Perspektiv sahə “İşlənmə sahəsi” hesab olunur. Podratçı İşlənmə (a) In the event Contractor submits to SOCAR a Notice of Discovery and its Commerciality, Contractor shall no later than twelve (12) months after the date of such Notice of Discovery and its Commerciality submit to SOCAR for its approval a programme of Petroleum Operations for the development of such Discovery (“Development Programme”), provided that the Development Programme shall include Contractor’s commitment and terms to start production of Crude Oil. Contractor undertakes to perform all reasonable steps to achieve the Commencement Date of Commercial Production no later than thirty-six (36) months from the date of SOCAR’s written approval of the relevant Development Programme. Upon SOCAR’s approval of the Development Programme in respect of a Prospective Area, such Prospective Area shall become a “Development
Development Programme. The Owner shall submit the Development Programme to the Council for its written approval prior to Commencement of the Development.
Development Programme. 34 Consideration was given to a number of programme risks, including: • The likely duration of the construction programme associated with each of the 15 sites to gauge which were more likely to meet ICOL’s overall Project programme (for example the extent of other matters which would need to be agreed with statutory undertakers and other agencies e.g. agreements for railway crossings); • Technical complexities of connecting the Onshore Export Cables to each site; • Construction of the Onshore Substation; and • Interactions with neighbouring land uses (whether existing, approved, adopted or proposed).
Development Programme. The applicant has not provided a detailed timeframe for the scheme but has indicated a total scheme length of 30 months which does not appear unreasonable. We have assumed the following programme:
Development Programme. The applicant has assumed the following development timeframe for this scheme:
Development Programme. Əgər Podratçı ARDNŞ-yə Kəşf və onun kommersiya dəyəri haqqında bildirişi təqdim edirsə, Podratçı Kəşf və onun kommersiya dəyəri haqqında bildirişin təqdim edildiyi tarixdən altı (6) aydan gec olmayaraq ARDNŞ-nin təsdiqinə həmin Kəşfin işlənməsi üçün Neft-qaz əməliyyatları proqramını (“İşlənmə proqramı”) təqdim edir, bu şərtlə ki, İşlənmə proqramında Podratçının Xam neftin hasilatına başlamaq öhdəliyi və şərtləri nəzərdə tutulsun. Podratçı ARDNŞ tərəfindən müvafiq İşlənmə və hasilat proqramının yazılı təsdiqindən sonra otuz altı (36) aydan gec olmayaraq Sənaye hasilatının başlanma tarixinə nail olmaq üçün xxxxx xxxx bütün məqsədəmüvafiq addımları atacaqdır. ARDNŞ tərəfindən Perspektiv sahəyə dair İşlənmə proqramı təsdiq edildikdən sonra həmin Perspektiv sahə “İşlənmə sahəsi” hesab olunur. Podratçı İşlənmə proqramını ARDNŞ-yə təqdim etməzdən öncə iki (2) və ya daha xxx Kəşfin işlənməsini vahid İşlənmə proqramı əsasında həyata keçirməyi təklif edə bilər, və təklif ARDNŞ tərəfindən qəbul edilərsə, müvafiq Perspektiv sahələr birləşdirilərək vahid İşlənmə sahəsi təşkil edəcəkdir. Podratçı tərəfindən texniki və iqtisadi cəhətdən məqsədəuyğun hesab edildiyi təqdirdə, İşlənmə proqramına Xam neftin erkən hasilatı üçün variant(lar) daxil edilir. ARDNŞ-nin İşlənmə proqramını təsdiq etməkdən əsassız olaraq imtina etməyə ixtiyarı yoxdur.
Development Programme. 5.1 The Development Programme to be submitted by Contractor pursuant to Article 4.6 of the EDPSA shall include proposals related to the achievement of all the matters referred to in Article 4.1 hereof and also of all the approvals referred to in Article 4.2 hereof and any commitments and terms contained in the Development Programme to start commercial production shall be conditional upon the achievement of such matters and also the approvals referred to in Article 4.2 hereof. The Development Programme shall be based on a staged development concept linked to Natural Gas Sale and Purchase Agreements.
5.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 4.6(c) and (d) of the EDPSA, SOCAR and Contractor shall use all reasonable endeavours to agree a Development Programme and achieve all the matters referred to in Article 4.1 hereof by 1st May 2001 with the intent that the Parties be in a position not later than October 2001 to seek the approval of their respective boards to proceeding with the construction phase of the development of the Non-associated Natural Gas Discovery in accordance with the Development Programme. 6 APPLICATION OF THE ADDENDUM The Parties agree that references to the “EDPSA” in the Addendum made and entered into of even date with the Agreement on the Exploration, Development and Production Sharing for the Xxxx Xxxxx Prospective Area in the Azerbaijan Sector of the Caspian Sea shall include a reference to that Agreement as previously modified and/or amended and as modified and/or amended by this Third Addendum.