Credential. One point for proper credential authorization to teach the subject.
Credential. Wallet - an application used by Holders to receive, store, share and manage their Verifiable Credentials.
Credential describes a person’s qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of their background.
Credential. Agent - a software program or process approved or provided by the Foundation to communicate with the Velocity Network’s distributed ledger and Credential Wallets.
Credential b. Recommendation of immediate supervisor c. Past performance
Credential. (s) held by the unit member.
Credential. A password, user identification code or methodology which allows access to the System.
Credential. Recognition
Credential b. Education beyond credential requirements c. Experience
Credential. Awarded Upon satisfactory completion of the program the student will be awarded a diploma for dental assisting. (Enter Diploma, Certificate, degree level- Associate, Bachelor, Masters, etc.) DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT BEFORE YOU HAVE READ IT OR IF IT CONTAINS ANY BLANK SPACES. ALL SIGNERS HAVE RECEIVED AND READ A COPY OF THE BINDING DOCUMENT AND CATALOG. Student Signature Date Parent/ Guardian Signature Date (if under 18 years of age) School Official Date