Surplus Sample Clauses
Surplus. 8.1 If a facility is excluded from a target unit, the Operator must determine how any surplus should be distributed between the facilities that have been excluded from the target unit and the facilities remaining in the target unit and must notify the Administrator of the redistribution within 20 working days of the facility being excluded from the target unit.
8.2 If an Operator fails to notify the Administrator of the redistribution in accordance with Rule 8.1 any surplus remains with the facilities remaining in the target unit.
8.3 If facilities join a target unit, any surplus attributable to those joining facilities may be used by the target unit as a whole.
Surplus. Any surplus, to the Person or Persons entitled thereto.
Surplus. All state owned property and supplies no longer needed, may be declared surplus and disposed of upon prior approval from the Cabinet. The CHFS, Office of Administration and Technology Services staff is responsible for sanitizing all computer equipment prior to disposal. Upon identification of items to be surplused or returned, the Vendor shall complete a B-217 and mail it to the CHFS Agency Property Officer with a copy to the Department within thirty (30) calendar days when any of the following occurs:
i. The equipment or furniture is no longer needed by the Vendor and is available for surplus;
ii. The contract is terminated; or
iii. The contract period ends and will not be renewed. Upon receipt of the B-217, the Agency’s property officer shall review the fixed asset information and advice if the disposal method requested is approved. If the item(s) were purchased by federal funds, any funds received from the sale of the equipment having an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, must be credited against the appropriate federal grant. As soon as possible, but no later than five (5) business days of terminating this contract for any reason, the Vendor shall deliver to CHFS a complete and current inventory, including the information referenced in Section 9.48, of any and all of the Cabinet’s equipment and furniture in its possession, custody, or control. Within thirty (30) business days of the contract expiration/termination date, the Vendor shall return or make available any equipment and/or furniture. If needed, both the CHFS 117 and 217 forms can be obtained by contacting Sole Point of Contact listed on the Title Page. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF8E297B-24F7-43A7-9300-33B5DAA4095F
Surplus. All state owned property and supplies no longer needed, may be declared surplus and disposed of upon prior approval from the Cabinet. The CHFS, Office of Administration and Technology Services staff is responsible for sanitizing all computer equipment prior to disposal. Upon identification of items to be surplused or returned, the Vendor shall complete a B-217 and mail it to the CHFS Agency Property Officer with a copy to the Department within thirty (30) calendar days when any of the following occurs:
i. The equipment or furniture is no longer needed by the Vendor and is available for surplus;
ii. The contract is terminated; or
iii. The contract period ends and will not be renewed. Upon receipt of the B-217, the Agency’s property officer shall review the fixed asset information and advice if the disposal method requested is approved. If the item(s) were purchased by federal funds, any funds received from the sale of the equipment having an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, must be credited against the appropriate federal grant. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF8E297B-24F7-43A7-9300-33B5DAA4095F As soon as possible, but no later than five (5) business days of terminating this contract for any reason, the Vendor shall deliver to CHFS a complete and current inventory, including the information referenced in Section 9.48, of any and all of the Cabinet’s equipment and furniture in its possession, custody, or control. Within thirty (30) business days of the contract expiration/termination date, the Vendor shall return or make available any equipment and/or furniture. If needed, both the CHFS 117 and 217 forms can be obtained by contacting Sole Point of Contact listed on the Title Page.
Surplus. Except as required by law, Assignee may but shall be under no obligation to do so, turn over to the Assignor any surplus moneys which the Assignee may have after paying all expenses incurred in connection with the operation of the Premises and establishing a reserve fund necessary for the payment of fixed charges due or to become due for such time as Assignee, in its sole discretion deems reasonable. The tender by Assignee to Assignor of surplus moneys on one occasion shall not obligate Assignee to tender surplus moneys thereafter.
Surplus. 8.6.1 A surplus situation exists when the number of unit members at a particular work site or in a district-based program exceeds the district- and/or department- determined unit allocation.
Surplus. A teacher who does not have a position at his/her assigned home school(s), or 4 site(s) due to a reduction in the number of teachers assigned to that school or program.
Surplus. The term refers to a condition in which the Company determines that the assigned number of individuals exceeds the needs of the activity, project, program or organization to which the individuals are assigned. A surplus may or may not result in layoffs. To the extent deemed practicable by the Company, surpluses will be resolved by placing individuals in other assignments.
Surplus a) Teachers shall be declared surplus to their school in reverse order of seniority provided that the remaining Teachers are qualified to perform the remaining assignments. Teachers surplus to their school as of December 31st shall be notified no later than November 15th and teachers surplus to their school as of June 30th shall be notified no later than May 15th.
b) Teachers declared surplus to their school shall be offered a position in another school within their region provided they are qualified to assume the assignment of a less senior Teacher. Where the surplus Teacher has the qualifications to assume the assignment of more than one less senior Teacher, he/she shall be offered the position of the least senior Teacher.
c) A Teacher displaced in accordance with Paragraph (b) above shall be declared surplus and shall be assigned, if possible, in accordance with that paragraph.
d) A Teacher who has been declared surplus to his/her school and who is not able to displace a less senior Teacher in accordance with Paragraph (b) shall be declared surplus to his/her region.
e) A Teacher who is declared surplus to his/her region shall be offered a position in a school in another region provided that he/she is qualified to assume the assignment of a less senior teacher. Where the surplus Teacher has the qualifications to assume the assignment of more than one less senior Teacher, he/she shall be offered the position of the least senior Teacher.
f) A teacher who has been displaced in accordance with Paragraph (e) or who is not able to displace a less senior teacher in accordance with that paragraph or who has refused an offered position shall be laid off. Teachers will have two (2) school days to decide whether or not to accept an offered position.
g) A teacher transferring 1.0 FTE to a different school or region in accordance with the above or an individual who elects to remain at his/her home school less than 1.0 FTE and be on recall for the remainder of his/her FTE assignment, will be given preference, in accordance with Article 15.0 (Vacancies & Transfers), for a transfer back to their original school or region for a period of thirty-six (36) months following their transfer. (Surplus teachers who transferred effective September 1, 1998 shall be given preference until June 30, 2001.)
Surplus. Any surplus in the Medical Plan shall remain available only for use by the Renton Employees’ Health Plan Board of Trustees for either improvements in the Plan, future costs, increase offsets, rebates to participants, or reduction in employee contributions.