Teaching Faculty. (i) The workload of a Member shall normally balance teaching, research and service such that the commitment of activity in each of teaching and research shall be approximately equal and each shall be greater than in the area of service. An exception is a Faculty Member in a Research Chair in which the workload can be greater in the area of research than teaching and service. In the assignment of teaching loads by the immediate supervisors, in consultation with the Members’ academic Units, the maximum average teaching load in each Division per academic year shall consist of five point zero (5.0) teaching credits. Teaching load must be allocated fairly taking into account all factors. No tenure track Member shall ever be assigned more than five point zero (5.0) teaching credits. It is understood that for tenured Faculty, over a period of four (4) years, a lesser involvement by the tenured Member in research may make more time available for teaching or service, and a greater involvement of the Member in research may result in a lesser quantum of assigned teaching, provided the unit can still cover its teaching responsibilities with the resources provided. A tenured Faculty Member shall normally be assigned no more than five point zero (5.0) teaching credits and can never be assigned more than six point five (6.5) teaching credits. Members who have had a teaching load of more than five point zero (5.0) credits shall have that teaching load reduced to no more than five point zero (5.0) credits if (a) they receive non-trivial funding for research (with the level of funding seen in the light of the standards of the Member's discipline) and/or (b) they have submitted a plan to carry out a substantial research project and that project is feasible and of good quality. If there are doubts, this shall be ascertained by at least two (2) referees in the discipline, one (1) of whom shall be chosen by the Member.
(ii) Normally the Human, Medical and Clinical Science Faculty will teach Case Based Learning (CBL) sessions, and Medical and Clinical Science Faculty will teach Topic Oriented Sessions (TOS).
(iii) As part of their teaching, Members are required to post and adhere to a reasonable number of office hours.
(iv) Teaching remissions and credits The following remissions of teaching are provided:
a) Directors with responsibilities in the area of teaching (e.g. Assessment and Evaluation): a minimum of two point five (2.5) with additional teaching credits determined and a...
Teaching Faculty. 1. An evaluation of classroom performance shall be made by the Individual Tenure Review Committee in accordance with the following:
a. one classroom observation per committee member will be conducted during the appropriate semesters as described in sections 11.5 through 11.8 below;
b. the candidate shall be given a minimum of five (5) workdays notice regarding the date and time of each specific observation; and
c. the candidate may request a pre-observation meeting with the evaluator(s) and/or provide a brief lesson plan to the evaluator(s) prior to the observation.
2. An evaluation of classroom performance by students shall be completed using a student evaluation form, Evaluation of Teacher by Students (form M), or SGID, collected by the candidate or deposited in a locked drop box, or delivered to the academic area leader, as appropriate;
3. An evaluation of professional duties and responsibilities of the candidate shall be conducted by the sitting academic area leader, regardless of that individual’s status on the Individual Tenure Review Committee, who shall evaluate the candidate’s performance on the professional duties criteria enumerated in section 11.2.2 above;
4. An evaluation of course informational documents shall be made consisting of the examination of course introduction sheets and syllabi to be submitted by the candidate; and
5. An evaluation shall be made of any other information deemed by the Individual Tenure Review Committee to be relevant to its employment recommendation.
Teaching Faculty. If a full-time Teaching Faculty member is given an additional work assignment (i.e., non-teaching assignment or teaching assignments other than non-traditional work assignments under Article XI. Workload, Section L) that, when added to other assignments, will likely result in the member exceeding the applicable annual base load by the equivalent of one clock hour per week, the Supervising Administrator will document the assignment and the amount of approved clock hours for the assignment, and provide copies of the document to the member and to the responsible Xxxx or designee. If such a non-teaching assignment cannot reasonably be completed within the approved hours, the approved hours may be modified by written agreement of the member and the responsible Xxxx or designee If the approved hours for such additional assignment(s) that are not absorbed in the member’s remaining annual base load (e.g., through schedule modifications, teaching load reductions, etc.) total the equivalent of one clock hour or more per week, the unabsorbed additional hours will be compensated as overload.
a. Teaching overload assignments will be paid at the applicable adjunct teaching rate (Appendix C-1) except for a non-traditional teaching assignment under Article XI. Workload, Section L., which will be paid at the applicable market rate.
b. Non-teaching overload assignments will be paid at the applicable non- teaching adjunct rate (Appendix C-1).
c. Overload rates for Assistant Professors will be based on the Step 2 Adjunct Instructor rate. Overload rates for Professors will be based on the Step 2 Adjunct Associate Professor rate.
Teaching Faculty. During each academic year, full-time teaching faculty shall: Teach twenty-four contact/credit hours and perform related duties as provided in Section 8.3.5. below. Perform additional responsibilities equivalent to the preparation and teaching of an additional three contact/credit course or an average of nine hours per week for each semester within the appointment year or teach an additional three contact/credit hours each semester or combine additional responsibilities with additional contact/credit hours as provided in Section 8.3.6. below. While the final decision of whether an individual faculty member shall teach an additional three (3) contact/credit hours course or perform additional responsibilities rests with management, the managerial decision shall be based on the merits of each individual faculty member’s application for additional responsibilities in accordance with the procedures in Appendix E. Laboratory hours in the sciences (including computer courses) and technologies shall be treated the same as lecture hours for teaching credit purposes – that is they shall not have a lab/lecture ratio. The ratio of lecture hours to clinical hours in allied health, art studio hours, hospitality and food service laboratory hours, and all other courses having a laboratory, studio, or clinical component shall be .826. Beginning with the academic year 2003-04, clinical hours in allied health shall be treated the same as lecture hours for teaching credit purposes; that is they shall not have a lab/lecture ratio. Beginning with academic year 2004-05, art studio hours, hospitality and food service laboratory hours and all other courses having a laboratory, studio or clinical component shall be treated the same, that is they shall not have a lab/lecture ratio. The present ratio for lecture hours to practica hours shall continue in effect. The parties agree that it is desirable to limit the number of class preparations required of a teaching faculty member to three per semester; however, it is recognized that the assignment of a fourth preparation may be required in special cases to accommodate the needs of the college. Whenever possible, the fourth preparation will be assigned on the basis of mutual agreement between the teaching faculty member and the President or his/her designee. Individuals responsible for four different class preparations in a semester shall be credited with two hours per week toward the satisfaction of a...
Teaching Faculty the minimum workload offered to unit adjunct faculty I shall be three (3) credit or contact hours per semester and shall not exceed six (6) credit or contact hours each semester without the written approval of the Vice President of teaching, Learning and student Development and the Association within 48 hours of the request from the xxxx provided such
Teaching Faculty. If a full-time Teaching Faculty member is given an additional work assignment (other than non-traditional work assignments under Article XI.L.) that, when added to other assignments, will likely result in the member exceeding the applicable annual base load by the equivalent of one clock hour per week, the Supervising Administrator will document the assignment and the amount of approved clock hours for the assignment, and provide copies of the document to the member and to the responsible Xxxx or designee. If such a non-teaching assignment cannot reasonably be completed within the approved hours, the approved hours may be modified by written agreement of the member and the responsible Xxxx or designee If the approved hours for such additional assignment(s) that are not absorbed in the member’s remaining annual base load (e.g., through schedule modifications, teaching load reductions, etc.) total the equivalent of one clock hour or more per week, the unabsorbed additional hours will be compensated as overload.
a. Teaching overload assignments will be paid at the applicable adjunct teaching rate (Appendix D-1) except for a non-traditional teaching assignment under Article XI.L., which will be paid at the applicable market rate.
b. Non-teaching overload assignments will be paid at the applicable non- teaching adjunct rate (Appendix D-1).
c. Overload rates for Assistant Professors will be based on the Step 2 Adjunct Instructor rate. Overload rates for Professors will be based on the Step 2 Adjunct Associate Professor rate.
d. The overload payment process for each academic year will be initiated prior to the end of the Fall semester, provided that Professional Activities and Duties (PAD) plans have been timely submitted and approved. Thereafter, overload pay requests, including PAD plans, may be submitted to Human Resources during the first week of the Spring semester classes.
e. Dynamic forms, intended to improve the efficiency and transparency of the overload pay process, will be designed and tested.
Teaching Faculty. The periods of annual leave for full-time teaching members of the faculty shall be from the day subsequent to Commencement or June 1, whichever comes first, until the first day of the following Fall semester orientation/registration or an equivalent period. The University may assign faculty during periods of annual leave to teaching or other duties normally fulfilled during the regular academic year if the performance of those duties during the periods of annual leave is essential to the University's instructional programs, governance or other institutional needs. The right of the University to assign work during periods of annual leave shall not be used as a subterfuge to negate annual leave.
Teaching Faculty. During each academic year, full-time teaching faculty shall: Teach twenty-four contact/credit hours and perform related duties as provided in Section 8.3.5. below. Perform additional responsibilities equivalent to the preparation and teaching of an additional three contact/credit course or an average of nine hours per week for each semester within the appointment year or teach an additional three contact/credit hours each semester or combine additional responsibilities with additional contact/credit hours as provided in Section 8.3.6. below. While the final decision of whether an individual faculty member shall teach an additional three (3) contact/credit hours course or perform additional responsibilities rests with management, the managerial decision shall be based on the merits of each individual faculty member’s application for additional responsibilities in accordance with the procedures in Appendix D. The parties agree to the following changes regarding workload for teaching faculty:
a. Full time faculty hired on or after July 1, 2017 shall be required to teach a course in lieu of Additional Responsibilities (AR);
b. Teaching faculty hired on or after July 1, 2017 shall be hired at step 3 of their respective rank on the salary schedule. Step movement shall mirror the 2017 SEBAC Agreement;
c. Faculty hired on or after July 1, 2017 shall be released as appropriate with approval from the college so that they may work on professional obligations toward the goals of attaining tenure and/or promotion;
d. All faculty employed on or before June 30, 2017 shall elect to either complete AR or teach a 3-credit course for $2,500 compensation. The parties understand that compensation shall be pro-rated based on the number of credits taught, not necessarily the number of courses. Said election shall be made by the faculty member no later than May 15th of the preceding academic year. AR approval decisions shall be made no later than June 1st of the preceding academic year. The existing practices and rules regarding AR proposals/approvals shall remain in place;
e. If a faculty member elects to perform AR and such election and proposal is approved, any additional course(s) taught by such faculty member shall be paid at the prevailing PTL rate;
f. The parties agree to continue discussions regarding limitations (policy and/or contractual) on teaching assignments. Laboratory hours in the sciences (including computer courses) and techno...
Teaching Faculty. A teaching faculty member’s “Standard Academic Year Instructional Workload” is that covered by a nine- or ten-month, full-time faculty employment contract for a given academic year, and includes 28 - 30 contact hours and/or contact hour equivalents (CH/CHE). The contact hour for non-lecture based courses will be calculated at 1.0 CH/CHE. “Faculty workload” indicates the “Standard Academic Year Instructional Workload” plus other professional duties and responsibilities appropriate for full-time faculty members. A faculty member’s normal academic year instructional workload is 30 CH/CHE. No faculty member shall be required to accept an assignment of 31 or more CH/CHE for an academic year without the faculty member's consent.
Teaching Faculty. The hourly schedule for teaching faculty, including the overload differential, can be found in Schedules B-1 and D.